symbian OS中关于文本编辑功能的实现
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RichTextEditor.mmp Source File S60 5th Edition SDK for Symbian OS Example Applications Guide Main Page Classes Files RichTextEditor.mmp00001 /* 00002 * ============================================================================ 00003 * Name : RichTextEditor.mmp 00004 * Part of : RichTextEditor 00005 * Created : 05/08/2006 by Forum Nokia 00006 * Description: 00007 * This is the project specification file for RichTextEditor. 00008 * Version : 2.0 00009 * 00010 * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Nokia Corporation. 00011 * This material, including documentation and any related 00012 * computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 00013 * Nokia Corporation. 00014 * ============================================================================ 00015 */ 00016 00017 TARGET 00018 TARGETTYPE app 00019 UID 0x100039CE 0x01EF0030 00020 TARGETPATH \system\apps\RichTextEditor 00021 00022 SOURCEPATH ..\src 00023 SOURCE RichTextEditorApp.cpp 00024 SOURCE RichTextEditorAppUi.cpp 00025 SOURCE RichTextEditorDocument.cpp 00026 SOURCE RichTextEditorContainer.cpp 00027 SOURCE MyPicture.cpp 00028 00029 SOURCEPATH ..\data 00030 RESOURCE RichTextEditor.rss 00031 RESOURCE RichTextEditor_caption.rss 00032 00033 // Additional SOURCE definitions used when importing to Carbide IDE 00034 #ifdef _CARBIDE_CPP_ 00035 SOURCE picture.mbm 00036 SOURCEPATH ..\sis 00037 SOURCE RichTextEditor_S60_2nd_Ed_Carbide.pkg 00038 #endif // Carbide 00039 00040 LANG SC 00041 00042 USERINCLUDE ..\inc 00043 SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include 00044 00045 LIBRARY euser.lib 00046 LIBRARY avkon.lib 00047 LIBRARY apparc.lib 00048 LIBRARY cone.lib 00049 LIBRARY eikcore.lib 00050 LIBRARY eikcoctl.lib 00051 LIBRARY gdi.lib 00052 LIBRARY etext.lib 00053 LIBRARY fbscli.lib 00054 LIBRARY eikctl.lib 00055 LIBRARY estor.lib 00056 00057 AIF RichTextEditor.aif ..\aif RichTextEditorAif.rss c8 context_pane_icon.bmp context_pane_icon_mask.bmp list_icon.bmp list_icon_mask.bmp style="x-cell-content-align: top; width: 100%; border-spacing: 0px; border-spacing: 0px;" cellspacing=0 width=100%> valign=top> padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; border-right-style: None; border-left-style: None; border-top-style: None; border-bottom-style: None;" width=50%>