
源代码在线查看: vector.js

软件大小: 1302 K
上传用户: woainijiajia123
关键词: GIS 地图 操作 标记
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				/* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.				 * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/release-license.txt 				 * for the full text of the license. */								// TRASH THIS				OpenLayers.State = {				    /** states */				    UNKNOWN: 'Unknown',				    INSERT: 'Insert',				    UPDATE: 'Update',				    DELETE: 'Delete'				}								/**				 * @requires OpenLayers/Feature.js				 * @requires OpenLayers/Util.js				 *				 * Class: OpenLayers.Feature.Vector				 * Vector features use the OpenLayers.Geometry classes as geometry description.				 * They have an 'attributes' property, which is the data object, and a 'style'				 * property, the default values of which are defined in the 				 *  objects.				 * 				 * Inherits from:				 *  - 				 */				OpenLayers.Feature.Vector = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Feature, {								    /** 				     * Property: fid 				     * {String} 				     */				    fid: null,				    				    /** 				     * APIProperty: geometry 				     * {} 				     */				    geometry: null,								    /** 				     * APIProperty: attributes 				     * {Object} This object holds arbitrary properties that describe the				     *     feature.				     */				    attributes: null,								    /** 				     * Property: state 				     * {String} 				     */				    state: null,				    				    /** 				     * APIProperty: style 				     * {Object} 				     */				    style: null,				    				    /** 				     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Feature.Vector				     * Create a vector feature. 				     * 				     * Parameters:				     * geometry - {} The geometry that this feature				     *     represents.				     * attributes - {Object} An optional object that will be mapped to the				     *      property. 				     * style - {Object} An optional style object.				     */				    initialize: function(geometry, attributes, style) {				        OpenLayers.Feature.prototype.initialize.apply(this,				                                                      [null, null, attributes]);				        this.lonlat = null;				        this.geometry = geometry;				        this.state = null;				        this.attributes = {};				        if (attributes) {				            this.attributes = OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.attributes,				                                                     attributes);				        }				        this.style = style ? style : null; 				    },				    				    /** 				     * Method: destroy				     * nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks				     */				    destroy: function() {				        if (this.layer) {				            this.layer.removeFeatures(this);				            this.layer = null;				        }				            				        this.geometry = null;				        OpenLayers.Feature.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);				    },				    				    /**				     * Method: clone				     * Create a clone of this vector feature.  Does not set any non-standard				     *     properties.				     *				     * Returns:				     * {} An exact clone of this vector feature.				     */				    clone: function () {				        return new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(this.geometry.clone(),				                                             this.attributes,				                                             this.style);				    },								    /**				     * Method: onScreen				     * HACK - we need to rewrite this for non-point geometry				     * 				     * Returns:				     * {Boolean} For now just returns null				     */				    onScreen:function() {				        return null;				    },				    				    /**				     * Method: createMarker				     * HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to				     *     create markers				     * 				     * Returns:				     * {} For now just returns null				     */				    createMarker: function() {				        return null;				    },								    /**				     * Method: destroyMarker				     * HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to				     *     delete markers				     * 				     * If user overrides the createMarker() function, s/he should be able				     *   to also specify an alternative function for destroying it				     */				    destroyMarker: function() {				        // pass				    },								    /**				     * Method: createPopup				     * HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to				     *     create popups				     * 				     * Returns:				     * {} For now just returns null				     */				    createPopup: function() {				        return null;				    },								    /**				     * Method: atPoint				     * Determins whether the feature intersects with the specified location.				     * 				     * Parameters: 				     * lonlat - {} 				     * toleranceLon - {float} Optional tolerance in Geometric Coords				     * toleranceLat - {float} Optional tolerance in Geographic Coords				     * 				     * Returns:				     * {Boolean} Whether or not the feature is at the specified location				     */				    atPoint: function(lonlat, toleranceLon, toleranceLat) {				        var atPoint = false;				        if(this.geometry) {				            atPoint = this.geometry.atPoint(lonlat, toleranceLon, 				                                                    toleranceLat);				        }				        return atPoint;				    },								    /**				     * Method: destroyPopup				     * HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to				     * delete popups				     */				    destroyPopup: function() {				        // pass				    },				    				    /**				     * Method: toState				     * Sets the new state				     *				     * Parameters:				     * state - {String} 				     */				    toState: function(state) {				        if (state == OpenLayers.State.UPDATE) {				            switch (this.state) {				                case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:				                case OpenLayers.State.DELETE:				                    this.state = state;				                    break;				                case OpenLayers.State.UPDATE:				                case OpenLayers.State.INSERT:				                    break;				            }				        } else if (state == OpenLayers.State.INSERT) {				            switch (this.state) {				                case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:				                    break;				                default:				                    this.state = state;				                    break;				            }				        } else if (state == OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {				            switch (this.state) {				                case OpenLayers.State.INSERT:				                    // the feature should be destroyed				                    break;				                case OpenLayers.State.DELETE:				                    break;				                case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:				                case OpenLayers.State.UPDATE:				                    this.state = state;				                    break;				            }				        } else if (state == OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN) {				            this.state = state;				        }				    },				    				    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Feature.Vector"				});												/**				 * Constant: OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style				 * OpenLayers features can have a number of style attributes. The 'default' 				 *     style will typically be used if no other style is specified.				 *				 * Default style properties:				 *				 *  - fillColor: "#ee9900",				 *  - fillOpacity: 0.4, 				 *  - hoverFillColor: "white",				 *  - hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,				 *  - strokeColor: "#ee9900",				 *  - strokeOpacity: 1,				 *  - strokeWidth: 1,				 *  - strokeLinecap: "round",				 *  - hoverStrokeColor: "red",				 *  - hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,				 *  - hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,				 *  - pointRadius: 6,				 *  - hoverPointRadius: 1,				 *  - hoverPointUnit: "%",				 *  - pointerEvents: "visiblePainted"				 *				 * Other style properties that have no default values:				 *				 *  - externalGraphic,				 *  - graphicWidth,				 *  - graphicHeight,				 *  - graphicOpacity				 *  - graphicXOffset				 *  - graphicYOffset				 */ 				OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style = {				    'default': {				        fillColor: "#ee9900",				        fillOpacity: 0.4, 				        hoverFillColor: "white",				        hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,				        strokeColor: "#ee9900",				        strokeOpacity: 1,				        strokeWidth: 1,				        strokeLinecap: "round",				        hoverStrokeColor: "red",				        hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,				        hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,				        pointRadius: 6,				        hoverPointRadius: 1,				        hoverPointUnit: "%",				        pointerEvents: "visiblePainted"				    },				    'select': {				        fillColor: "blue",				        fillOpacity: 0.4, 				        hoverFillColor: "white",				        hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,				        strokeColor: "blue",				        strokeOpacity: 1,				        strokeWidth: 2,				        strokeLinecap: "round",				        hoverStrokeColor: "red",				        hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,				        hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,				        pointRadius: 6,				        hoverPointRadius: 1,				        hoverPointUnit: "%",				        pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",				        cursor: "pointer"				    },				    'temporary': {				        fillColor: "yellow",				        fillOpacity: 0.2, 				        hoverFillColor: "white",				        hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,				        strokeColor: "yellow",				        strokeOpacity: 1,				        strokeLinecap: "round",				        strokeWidth: 4,				        hoverStrokeColor: "red",				        hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,				        hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,				        pointRadius: 6,				        hoverPointRadius: 1,				        hoverPointUnit: "%",				        pointerEvents: "visiblePainted"				    }				};    							
