// 文件名:start.c *
// 说 明: CPU启动后进行系统配置 *
#include "common.h"
#include "wdog.h"
#include "sysinit.h"
#pragma section = ".data"
#pragma section = ".data_init"
#pragma section = ".bss"
#pragma section = "CodeRelocate"
#pragma section = "CodeRelocateRam"
//函数名: common_startup *
//功 能: 复制中断向量表到RAM中 *
//参 数: 无 *
//说 明: 将ROM中的初始化数据拷贝到RAM中 *
void common_startup(void);
//函数名: start *
//功 能: 系统启动 *
//参 数: 无 *
//说 明: 无 *
void start(void)
//函数名: common_startup *
//功 能: 复制中断向量表到RAM中 *
//参 数: 无 *
//说 明: 将ROM中的初始化数据拷贝到RAM中 *
void common_startup(void)
/* Declare a counter we'll use in all of the copy loops */
uint32 n;
/* Addresses for VECTOR_TABLE and VECTOR_RAM come from the linker file */
extern uint32 __VECTOR_TABLE[];
extern uint32 __VECTOR_RAM[];
/* Copy the vector table to RAM */
for (n = 0; n < 0x410; n++)
/* Point the VTOR to the new copy of the vector table */
/* Get the addresses for the .data section (initialized data section) */
uint8* data_ram = __section_begin(".data");
uint8* data_rom = __section_begin(".data_init");
uint8* data_rom_end = __section_end(".data_init");
/* Copy initialized data from ROM to RAM */
n = data_rom_end - data_rom;
while (n--)
*data_ram++ = *data_rom++;
/* Get the addresses for the .bss section (zero-initialized data) */
uint8* bss_start = __section_begin(".bss");
uint8* bss_end = __section_end(".bss");
/* Clear the zero-initialized data section */
n = bss_end - bss_start;
*bss_start++ = 0;
/* Get addresses for any code sections that need to be copied from ROM to RAM.
* The IAR tools have a predefined keyword that can be used to mark individual
* functions for execution from RAM. Add "__ramfunc" before the return type in
* the function prototype for any routines you need to execute from RAM instead
* of ROM. ex: __ramfunc void foo(void);
uint8* code_relocate_ram = __section_begin("CodeRelocateRam");
uint8* code_relocate = __section_begin("CodeRelocate");
uint8* code_relocate_end = __section_end("CodeRelocate");
/* Copy functions from ROM to RAM */
n = code_relocate_end - code_relocate;
while (n--)
*code_relocate_ram++ = *code_relocate++;