websSecurityHandler -- GoAhead WebServer API
GoAhead WebServer API
GoAhead EMF Synopsis URL handler for the
default security policy.Prototype #include "webs.h"
int websSecurityHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query);
wp Web server connection handle.
url Request URL. path
Request path portion of the URL. query
Query string portion of the URL.DescriptionwebsSecurityHandler
implements the default security policy. It operates as a URL handler and is installed
to run as the very first URL handler. If you require a replacement security policy,
delete the websSecurityHandler and install your own with websUrlHandlerDefine.
The websSetPassword procedure defines the security
password. The security handler will require all non-local requests (those from
a remote system) to supply this password. The user name is ignored. To use the
password feature, the Security Handler
must be installed by calling websHandlerDefine
for websSecurityHandler. This in done automatically in the GoAhead EMF. If you
are using the GoAhead WebServer, this should be done in your main program. See
main.c for examples.The security handler should return 0 if the request
is acceptable. It should return 1 to deny the request. When websSecurityHandler
denies a request, it first returns a 401 response code to cause the user's browser
to prompt for a username and password. Use websGetRequestPassword
to get the password supplied with the current request.Return Value
Returns 0 if the request is acceptable. Returns 1 if the request is denied.ExampleThe
following code will install a new security handler: websSecurityDelete();
websUrlHandlerDefine("", mySecurityHandler, WEBS_HANDLER_FIRST); Stability
ClassificationStable.See Also websGetRequestFlags,
websGetRequestIpaddr, websGetRequestPassword,