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源代码在线查看: abstractxmlwriter.java

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				package org.kxml.io;								import java.io.*;				import java.util.*;								import org.kxml.*;												/** An abstract XmlWriter including namespace handling. */												public abstract class AbstractXmlWriter extends Writer {								    protected State current = 					new State (null, 						   PrefixMap.DEFAULT, //null, null, 						   null);				    				    				    				    /** writes an attribute. Only allowed immediately after				        startTag or attribute.  */				    				    public abstract void attribute (String name, 								    String value) throws IOException;				    				    				    				    /** writes an attribute with the given namespace. Only allowed					immediately after startTag or another attribute					call. */								    public void attribute (String namespace, 							   String name, 							   String value) throws IOException {										if (namespace == null || "".equals (namespace))					    attribute (name, value);					else {					    String prefix = current.prefixMap.getPrefix (namespace);					    if (prefix == null || prefix.equals ("")) {						int cnt = 0;						do {						    prefix = "p"+(cnt++);						}						while (current.prefixMap.getNamespace (prefix) != null);						current.prefixMap = new PrefixMap 						    (current.prefixMap, prefix, namespace);												attribute ("xmlns:"+prefix, namespace);					    }					    attribute (prefix + ":" + name, value);					}				    }				    				    public PrefixMap getPrefixMap () {					return current.prefixMap;				    }								    				    /** writes a start tag with the given name, using the given prefix				        map.  This method cares about the namespace prefixes and calls				        startTag (PrefixMap prefixMap, String tag) for concrete				        writing. */				    				    public void startTag (PrefixMap prefixMap,							  String namespace, 							  String name) throws IOException {										// check if namespace is default. 										if (prefixMap == null) prefixMap = current.prefixMap;					if (namespace == null) namespace = "";										String prefix = prefixMap.getPrefix (namespace);										if (prefix == null) { 					    //System.out.println ("namespace "+namespace +" not found in "+prefixMap);					    					    prefixMap = new PrefixMap (prefixMap, "", namespace);					    prefix = "";					}										String tag = prefix.length () == 0 					    ? name					    : prefix + ':' + name;										PrefixMap oldMap = current.prefixMap;										startTag (prefixMap, tag);										// if namespace has changed, write out changes...										if (prefixMap != oldMap) {					    PrefixMap current = prefixMap;					    do {						String p2 = current.getPrefix ();						String ns = current.getNamespace ();						if (prefixMap.getNamespace (p2).equals (ns)						    && !ns.equals (oldMap.getNamespace (p2)))						    attribute (p2.equals ("") ? "xmlns" : ("xmlns:"+p2), ns);						current = current.getPrevious ();					    }					    while (current != null && current != oldMap);					}				    }				    				    				    /** writes a start tag with the given namespace and name */				    				    public void startTag (String namespace, 							  String name) throws IOException {					startTag (null, namespace, name);				    }				    				    				    /** convenience method for startTag (Xml.NO_NAMESPACE, name) */				    				    public void startTag (String name) throws IOException {					startTag (null, Xml.NO_NAMESPACE, name);				    }												    /** abstract method that must be overwritten by					a method actually writing the resolved start tag 					without namespace checking. This implementation				        just puts the state on the stack.				        				        Attention: The actual implementation include the					following line in order to 				        put the current State on the stack!									current = new State (current, prefixMap, tag);				    */												    protected abstract void startTag (PrefixMap prefixMap, 								      String tag) throws IOException;   												    /** Abstract method for writing an end tag.  Attention:					Concrete implementations must pop the previous stack from the					stack:									current = current.prev; */									    public abstract void endTag () throws IOException;								    /** writes Xml.DOCTYPE, Xml.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION or Xml.COMMENT */								    public abstract void writeLegacy (int type, 								      String text) throws IOException;				}							
