
源代码在线查看: design.txt

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关键词: fortran 并行计算
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				Goals								* Define semantics of all routines so that others can write to the interface								* Primary design is for MPICH2, but should also be useable by SMPD, etc.								* Allow implementation of passive target OSC (asynchronous progress engine)								* Allow fault tolerant implementation of dynamic process interface								--------------------								Requirements								* sock_post_close() must be able to interrupt a posted read and/or write.  What				  about a connect?  What about a listener with accepted socks in the queue?								* Error codes must be both descriptive of the problem and allow programatic				  decisions to be made.								* It would be useful if post_read/write() could handle a byte range (min/max)								* We need an interface for getting the list of IP addresses associated with a				  machine.								* Restrict connections and listeners to a range of ports (req #125)								* Must be reasonably thread-safe and thread supportive.  For example, it must				  be possible to wake up a sock_wait() blocking on a sock_set.  It should also				  be possible to post a new read or write while a thread is blocked in				  sock_wait().								* Do we need anything special for proxy communication?  Do we even want to				  support it?								--------------------								Issues								* sock_get_last_os_error()?  portability?  thread safety?								* if we use MPI error codes, we will need to link part of MPICH2 into SMPD.				  this could cause initialization problems.								* MPI error codes are not descriptive enough to allow programatic response to				  errors.  we could extend the MPI error classes to better define internal				  errors.  the top-level routine (or maybe ADI3 routine) would be responsible				  for returning a proper error class.								* MPIR_Err_init/finalize needed so the error handling code can be initialized 				  without calling MPI_Init.  Error handling code cannot depend on any MPI 				  structures like comm_world.								* We could change the error code stuff to use constants instead of strings.				  For now we can add a lookup function like MPIR_Err_check_code(mpi_errno,				  "**err class string") that returns true if the error code matches the error				  class string.												--------------------								/*				 * definitions				 */				typedef enum MPIDU_Sock_op				{				    SOCK_OP_READ,				    SOCK_OP_WRITE,				    SOCK_OP_ACCEPT,				    SOCK_OP_CONNECT,				    SOCK_OP_CLOSE				} MPIDU_Sock_op_t;												/*				 * structures				 */				typedef struct MPIDU_Sock_event				{				    MPIDU_Sock_op_t op_type;				    MPIDU_Sock_size_t num_bytes;				    void *user_ptr;				    int error;				} MPIDU_Sock_event_t;												/* Progress update callback functions				 *				 * If a function pointer is passed to one of the MPIDU_Sock_post_... functions the following applies:				 *				 * 1) The sock progress engine will call this function when partial data has been read or written for the posted operation.				 *     				 * 2) All progress_update calls must complete before completion notification is signalled.  In other words, MPIDU_Sock_wait will				 *    not return until all progress_update calls have completed.				 */				typedef int (*MPIDU_Sock_progress_update_func_t)(MPIDU_Sock_size_t num_bytes, void *user_ptr);												/*				 * function prototypes				 */				int MPIDU_Sock_init(void);				int MPIDU_Sock_finalize(void);								int MPIDU_Sock_get_host_description(int myRank, 				    char * host_description, int len);								int MPIDU_Sock_create_set(MPIDU_Sock_set_t * set);				int MPIDU_Sock_destroy_set(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set);								int MPIDU_Sock_set_user_ptr(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, void * user_ptr);								int MPIDU_Sock_listen(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set, void * user_ptr, int * port, MPIDU_Sock_t * listener);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set, void * user_ptr, char * host_description, int port, MPIDU_Sock_t * connected);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_close(MPIDU_Sock_t sock);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_read(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, void * buf, MPIDU_Sock_size_t min, MPIDU_Sock_size_t max,				                         MPIDU_Sock_progress_update_func_t fn);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_readv(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, MPID_IOV * iov, int n, MPIDU_Sock_progress_update_func_t fn);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_write(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, void * buf, MPIDU_Sock_size_t min, MPIDU_Sock_size_t max, MPIDU_Sock_progress_update_func_t fn);				int MPIDU_Sock_post_writev(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, MPID_IOV * iov, int n, MPIDU_Sock_progress_update_func_t fn);								int MPIDU_Sock_wait(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set, int millisecond_timeout, MPIDU_Sock_event_t * out);				int MPIDU_Sock_wakeup(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set);								int MPIDU_Sock_accept(MPIDU_Sock_t listener, MPIDU_Sock_set_t set, void * user_ptr, MPIDU_Sock_t * accepted);				int MPIDU_Sock_read(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, void * buf, MPIDU_Sock_size_t len, MPIDU_Sock_size_t * num_read);				int MPIDU_Sock_readv(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, MPID_IOV * iov, int n, MPIDU_Sock_size_t * num_read);				int MPIDU_Sock_write(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, void * buf, MPIDU_Sock_size_t len, MPIDU_Sock_size_t * num_written);				int MPIDU_Sock_writev(MPIDU_Sock_t sock, MPID_IOV * iov, int n, MPIDU_Sock_size_t * num_written);								int MPIDU_Sock_native_to_sock(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set, MPIDU_SOCK_NATIVE_FD fd, void *user_ptr, MPIDU_Sock_t *sock_ptr);								/* extended functions */				int MPIDU_Sock_getid(MPIDU_Sock_t sock);				int MPIDU_Sock_getsetid(MPIDU_Sock_set_t set);				int MPIDU_Sock_get_last_os_error(void);								#define MPIDU_SOCK_STATE_LIST \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_INIT, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_FINALIZE, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_GET_HOST_DESCRIPTION, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_CREATE_SET, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_DESTROY_SET, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_LISTEN, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_CONNECT, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_ACCEPT, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_CLOSE, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_WAIT, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_WAKEUP, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_SET_USER_PTR, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_READ, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_READV, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_WRITE, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_WRITEV, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_READ, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_READV, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_WRITE, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_POST_WRITEV, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_NATIVE_TO_SOCK, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_GETID, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_GETSETID, \				MPID_STATE_MPIDU_SOCK_GET_LAST_OS_ERROR, \				MPIDU_SOCKI_STATE_LIST							
