
源代码在线查看: bugche~1.lst

软件大小: 63 K
上传用户: __catcher
关键词: 232 rs 控制器
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				CCS PCW C Compiler, Version 2.636, 5783
				               Filename: D:\PIC_CO~1\PICC\SRC\BUGCHE~1.LST
				               ROM used: 166 (16%)
				                         166 (16%) including unused fragments
				               RAM used: 21 (58%) at main() level
				                         32 (89%) worst case
				               Stack:    3 worst case (2 in main + 1 for interrupts)
				0000:  MOVLW  00
				0001:  MOVWF  0A
				0002:  GOTO   05A
				0003:  NOP
				....................  // Bugcheck 
				.................... // 
				.................... // This tests out certain instructions in the processor, which have been 
				.................... // reported to be BUGGY. 
				.................... // 
				.................... // Author: John Clayton 
				.................... // Date  : 08/06/03 
				.................... #device PIC16C84 
				.................... #byte stat_reg     = 0x03   // Status register 
				.................... #byte addr_lo      = 0x05   // Aux. bus address low 
				.................... #byte addr_hi      = 0x06   // Aux. bus address high 
				.................... #byte data         = 0x08   // Aux. bus data 
				.................... #byte int_reg      = 0x0b   // Interrupt control register 
				.................... // Global type variables 
				.................... int int_count; 
				.................... unsigned int w_temp; 
				.................... unsigned int stat_temp; 
				.................... unsigned int addr_lo_temp; 
				.................... unsigned int addr_hi_temp; 
				.................... unsigned int count1; 
				.................... unsigned int count2; 
				.................... // This functions plots a single pixel at coordinates (x,y) 
				.................... // color should range from 0..7. 
				.................... void plot(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color) 
				.................... { 
				.................... addr_hi = (y>>1) | 0x40; 
				001C:  MOVF   28,W
				001D:  MOVWF  0C
				001E:  BCF    03,0
				001F:  RRF    0C,F
				0020:  MOVF   0C,W
				0021:  IORLW  40
				0022:  MOVWF  06
				.................... addr_lo = x | (y				0023:  MOVF   28,W
				0024:  MOVWF  0C
				0025:  SWAPF  0C,F
				0026:  RLF    0C,F
				0027:  RLF    0C,F
				0028:  RLF    0C,F
				0029:  MOVLW  80
				002A:  ANDWF  0C,F
				002B:  MOVF   0C,W
				002C:  IORWF  27,W
				002D:  MOVWF  05
				.................... data = color; 
				002E:  MOVF   29,W
				002F:  MOVWF  08
				0030:  RETLW  00
				.................... } 
				.................... void fill_block(unsigned int x1, 
				....................                 unsigned int y1, 
				....................                 unsigned int x2, 
				....................                 unsigned int y2, 
				....................                 unsigned int color) 
				.................... { 
				.................... int i,j; 
				.................... for (i=x1;i				0031:  MOVF   20,W
				0032:  MOVWF  25
				0033:  MOVF   22,W
				0034:  SUBWF  25,W
				0035:  BTFSC  03,0
				0036:  GOTO   048
				....................   for (j=y1;j				0037:  MOVF   21,W
				0038:  MOVWF  26
				0039:  MOVF   23,W
				003A:  SUBWF  26,W
				003B:  BTFSC  03,0
				003C:  GOTO   046
				....................     plot (i,j,color); 
				003D:  MOVF   25,W
				003E:  MOVWF  27
				003F:  MOVF   26,W
				0040:  MOVWF  28
				0041:  MOVF   24,W
				0042:  MOVWF  29
				0043:  CALL   01C
				0044:  INCF   26,F
				0045:  GOTO   039
				0046:  INCF   25,F
				0047:  GOTO   033
				0048:  GOTO   064
				.................... } 
				.................... void show_leds(unsigned int value) 
				.................... { 
				.................... addr_hi = 0xff; 
				000E:  MOVLW  FF
				000F:  MOVWF  06
				.................... addr_lo = 0x07; 
				0010:  MOVLW  07
				0011:  MOVWF  05
				.................... data = value; 
				0012:  MOVF   2B,W
				0013:  MOVWF  08
				.................... } 
				.................... // This is an interrupt service routine 
				.................... // #int_default -- this directive causes the compiler to produce 
				.................... // code for saving registers and "cleanup."  It is not working 
				.................... // too well. 
				.................... #int_global 
				.................... void isr1() 
				.................... { 
				....................   // Save the 'w' register, so that the ISR will not destroy 
				....................   // any work in progress using the 'w' register at the time 
				....................   // the interrupt occurred. 
				....................   // Also, save the status register 
				....................   // Also, save the aux address bus values 
				....................   #asm 
				....................     movwf w_temp 
				0004:  MOVWF  12
				....................     movf  stat_reg,w 
				0005:  MOVF   03,W
				....................     movwf stat_temp 
				0006:  MOVWF  13
				....................     movf  addr_hi,w 
				0007:  MOVF   06,W
				....................     movwf addr_hi_temp 
				0008:  MOVWF  15
				....................     movf  addr_lo,w 
				0009:  MOVF   05,W
				....................     movwf addr_lo_temp 
				....................   #endasm 
				000A:  MOVWF  14
				....................   show_leds(++int_count); 
				000B:  INCF   11,F
				000C:  MOVF   11,W
				000D:  MOVWF  2B
				....................   // Restore the contents of the 'w' register and status register 
				....................   #asm 
				....................     movf  addr_lo_temp,w 
				0014:  MOVF   14,W
				....................     movwf addr_lo 
				0015:  MOVWF  05
				....................     movf  addr_hi_temp,w 
				0016:  MOVF   15,W
				....................     movwf addr_hi 
				0017:  MOVWF  06
				....................     movf  stat_temp,w 
				0018:  MOVF   13,W
				....................     movwf stat_reg 
				0019:  MOVWF  03
				....................     movf  w_temp,w 
				....................   #endasm 
				001A:  MOVF   12,W
				001B:  RETFIE
				.................... } 
				.................... void check1() 
				.................... { 
				.................... #asm 
				....................   movwf w_temp      // save w 
				0049:  MOVWF  12
				....................   movlw 0xff 
				004A:  MOVLW  FF
				....................   movwf count1      // initialize count1 
				004B:  MOVWF  16
				.................... load2: 
				....................   movlw 0xff 
				004C:  MOVLW  FF
				....................   movwf count2      // initialize count2 
				004D:  MOVWF  17
				.................... dec2: 
				....................   decfsz count2,1 
				004E:  DECFSZ 17,F
				....................   goto dec2 
				004F:  GOTO   04E
				....................   decfsz count1,1 
				0050:  DECFSZ 16,F
				....................   goto load2 
				0051:  GOTO   04C
				....................   movf  w_temp,w    // restore w 
				.................... #endasm 
				0052:  MOVF   12,W
				0053:  GOTO   078
				.................... } 
				.................... void check2() 
				.................... { 
				.................... #asm 
				....................   movwf w_temp      // save w 
				0054:  MOVWF  12
				....................   movlw 0xff 
				0055:  MOVLW  FF
				....................   movwf count1      // initialize count1 
				0056:  MOVWF  16
				....................   subwf count1,1    // Subtract, store in count1 
				0057:  SUBWF  16,F
				....................   movf  w_temp,w    // restore w 
				.................... #endasm 
				0058:  MOVF   12,W
				0059:  GOTO   079
				.................... } 
				.................... main() { 
				.................... int rand; 
				.................... int a,x,y,c,d; 
				.................... long b; 
				005A:  CLRF   04
				005B:  CLRF   03
				.................... // Clear the screen 
				....................   fill_block(0,0,128,96,0); 
				005C:  CLRF   20
				005D:  CLRF   21
				005E:  MOVLW  80
				005F:  MOVWF  22
				0060:  MOVLW  60
				0061:  MOVWF  23
				0062:  CLRF   24
				0063:  GOTO   031
				.................... // Enable the interrupts 
				....................   #asm 
				....................     bsf 0x0b,4        // set the interrupt flag 
				0064:  BSF    0B,4
				....................     bsf 0x0b,7        // set the GIE 
				....................   #endasm 
				0065:  BSF    0B,7
				.................... x = 10; 
				0066:  MOVLW  0A
				0067:  MOVWF  1A
				.................... y = 10; 
				0068:  MOVLW  0A
				0069:  MOVWF  1B
				.................... c = 1; 
				006A:  MOVLW  01
				006B:  MOVWF  1C
				.................... d = 0; 
				006C:  CLRF   1D
				.................... while (1) { 
				....................   plot(x,y++,c); 
				006D:  MOVF   1B,W
				006E:  INCF   1B,F
				006F:  MOVWF  20
				0070:  MOVF   1A,W
				0071:  MOVWF  27
				0072:  MOVF   20,W
				0073:  MOVWF  28
				0074:  MOVF   1C,W
				0075:  MOVWF  29
				0076:  CALL   01C
				....................   check1(); 
				0077:  GOTO   049
				....................   check2(); 
				0078:  GOTO   054
				....................   if (y>86) { 
				0079:  MOVLW  57
				007A:  SUBWF  1B,W
				007B:  BTFSS  03,0
				007C:  GOTO   080
				.................... 	  y = 10; 
				007D:  MOVLW  0A
				007E:  MOVWF  1B
				.................... 	  x++; 
				007F:  INCF   1A,F
				....................   } 
				....................   if (x>118) { 
				0080:  MOVLW  77
				0081:  SUBWF  1A,W
				0082:  BTFSS  03,0
				0083:  GOTO   089
				....................     x = 10; 
				0084:  MOVLW  0A
				0085:  MOVWF  1A
				....................     d++; 
				0086:  INCF   1D,F
				....................     c+=1; 
				0087:  MOVLW  01
				0088:  ADDWF  1C,F
				....................   } 
				....................   c += d; 
				0089:  MOVF   1D,W
				008A:  ADDWF  1C,F
				....................   // Delay 
				....................   for (a=0;a				008B:  CLRF   19
				008C:  MOVLW  02
				008D:  SUBWF  19,W
				008E:  BTFSC  03,0
				008F:  GOTO   0A4
				....................     for (b=0;b				0090:  CLRF   1F
				0091:  CLRF   1E
				0092:  MOVLW  07
				0093:  SUBWF  1F,W
				0094:  BTFSS  03,0
				0095:  GOTO   09E
				0096:  MOVLW  07
				0097:  SUBWF  1F,W
				0098:  BTFSS  03,2
				0099:  GOTO   0A2
				009A:  MOVLW  D0
				009B:  SUBWF  1E,W
				009C:  BTFSC  03,0
				009D:  GOTO   0A2
				009E:  INCF   1E,F
				009F:  BTFSC  03,2
				00A0:  INCF   1F,F
				00A1:  GOTO   092
				00A2:  INCF   19,F
				00A3:  GOTO   08C
				.................... } // End of while loop 
				00A4:  GOTO   06D
				.................... } // End of main() 
				00A5:  SLEEP
