#!/bin/bash # kill-byname.sh: Killing processes by name. # Compare this script with kill-process.sh. # For instance, #+ try "./kill-byname.sh xterm" -- #+ and watch all the xterms on your desktop disappear. # Warning: # ------- # This is a fairly dangerous script. # Running it carelessly (especially as root) #+ can cause data loss and other undesirable effects. E_BADARGS=66 if test -z "$1" # No command line arg supplied? then echo "Usage: `basename $0` Process(es)_to_kill" exit $E_BADARGS fi PROCESS_NAME="$1" ps ax | grep "$PROCESS_NAME" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -i kill {} 2&>/dev/null # ^^ ^^ # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: # -i is the "replace strings" option to xargs. # The curly brackets are the placeholder for the replacement. # 2&>/dev/null suppresses unwanted error messages. # ----------------------------------------------------------- exit $?