VS自带教程,菜单[帮助]/目录/Visual Studio .NET/Visual Basic和Visual C#/参考/C#语言规范.

源代码在线查看: 窗口在显示和隐藏(关闭)时的淡入淡出效果.txt

软件大小: 91 K
上传用户: awake2
关键词: Visual Studio Basic NET
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				using  System.Runtime.InteropServices;    
				private  void  Form2_Load(object  sender,  System.EventArgs  e)    
				Win32.AnimateWindow(this.Handle,500,  Win32.AW_BLEND);    
				public  class  Win32    
				public  const  Int32  AW_HOR_POSITIVE  =  0x00000001;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_HOR_NEGATIVE  =  0x00000002;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_VER_POSITIVE  =  0x00000004;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_VER_NEGATIVE  =  0x00000008;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_CENTER  =  0x00000010;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_HIDE  =  0x00010000;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_ACTIVATE  =  0x00020000;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_SLIDE  =  0x00040000;    
				public  const  Int32  AW_BLEND  =  0x00080000;    
				[DllImport("user32.dll",  CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]    
				public  static  extern  bool  AnimateWindow(    
				IntPtr  hwnd,  //  handle  to  window    
				int  dwTime,  //  duration  of  animation    
				int  dwFlags  //  animation  type    
