
源代码在线查看: data.pm

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				package Cisco::Accounting::Data;								## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------				## Cisco::Accounting::Data				##				## $Id: Data.pm 119 2007-08-18 21:36:42Z mwallraf $				## $Author: mwallraf $				## $Date: 2007-08-18 23:36:42 +0200 (Sat, 18 Aug 2007) $				##				## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or				## modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.				## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------												$VERSION = "1.00";								use strict;				use warnings;				use Carp;				#use Data::Dumper;								my $DEBUG = 0;												# $data = reference to @output of the telnet command "show ip accounting"				sub new {					my ($this) = shift;					my (%parms) = @_;										my  $class = ref($this) || $this;					my  $self = {};					bless($self, $class);									$self->{'headers'} = [ 'source', 'destination', 'lastPollBytes', 'lastPollPackets', 'totalBytes', 'totalPakcets', 'polls' ];									$self->{'data'} = {};  # "src-dest" -> [ source, destination, lastPollBytes, lastPollPackets, totalBytes, totalPakcets, polls ]									$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolls'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'totalbytes'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpackets'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolledlines'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'totalskippedlines'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'uniquehostpairs'} = 0;					$self->{'stats'}->{'starttime'} = '';		# starttime of the first poll					$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'} = '';		# time last poll has run									$self->{'keep_history'} = (defined($parms{'keep_history'}))?($parms{'keep_history'}):(1);	# keep summarized historical data for each poll									$self->{'historical'} = {};	#  {'timestamp'}	->  { 'totalBytes' -> '', 'totalPackets' -> '', 'hostPairs' -> ''}									&_init($class);					return($self);				} # end sub new												# initialization : set up logging  				sub _init  {					my $class=shift;										## enable debugging if needed					$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { carp($_[0]) }  if ($DEBUG > 0);				}																#				# parse telnet data output into $self->{'data'} output				# data should always be in format : / *source *destination *packets *bytes */				#				sub parse  {					my ($self) = shift;					my ($acct_data) = shift;	# reference to array of output lines									my ($row);					my ($src, $dst, $packets, $bytes);										## update last poll time					$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'} = time();					$self->{'stats'}->{'starttime'} = time() unless ($self->{'stats'}->{'starttime'});													foreach $row (@{$acct_data})  {						eval {							($src, $dst, $packets, $bytes) = &_parse_row($row);						};										## update historical data if needed						## in case there's no data, still update poll time to historical data						if (!defined($self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}) && $self->{'keep_history'})  {							$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'hostPairs'} = 0;							$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalBytes'} = 0;										$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalPackets'} = 0;									}										## skip row if we didn't find what we expected (src, dst, packets, bytes)						if ($@)  {							$self->{'stats'}->{'totalskippedlines'}++;							if ($DEBUG > 0)  {								carp("skipping row : " . $@);							}							next;						}										## update the statistics, if the source-destination combination already exists						## then add the new data to existing						if (exists $self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"})  {							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'lastPollBytes'} = $bytes;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'lastPollPackets'} = $packets;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'totalBytes'} += $bytes;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'totalPackets'} += $packets;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'polls'} ++;						}						## if this is the first time we see this host pair then initialize stats						else  {							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'source'} = $src;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'destination'} = $dst;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'lastPollBytes'} = $bytes;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'lastPollPackets'} = $packets;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'totalBytes'} = $bytes;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'totalPackets'} = $packets;							$self->{'data'}->{"$src-$dst"}->{'polls'} = 1;							$self->{'stats'}->{'uniquehostpairs'} ++;						}										#		## update historical data if needed						if ($self->{'keep_history'})  {				#			if (defined($self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}))  {							$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'hostPairs'}++;							$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalBytes'} += $bytes;										$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalPackets'} += $packets;							#			}				#			else {				#				$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'hostPairs'} = 1;				#				$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalBytes'} = $bytes;							#				$self->{'historical'}->{$self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'}}->{'totalPackets'} = $packets;							#			}						}												## update global statistics						$self->{'stats'}->{'totalbytes'} += $bytes;						$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpackets'} += $packets;						$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolledlines'} ++;					}									## update stats					$self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolls'} ++;									return $self->{'data'};				}								##				## parses a single row of data, returns array of (source, destination, packets, bytes)				## dies otherwise				##				sub _parse_row()  {					my ($row) = shift;										my (@cols);										## remove leading and trailing spaces, eol characters					## split row in columns delimited by spaces					$row =~ s/^ *(.*)[ \n]*$/$1/;					@cols = split(/ +/,$row);										## die unless we've got 4 columns					if ((scalar @cols) < 4)  {						croak("skip row, we need 4 columns (\"$row\")");					}										## validate each column, make sure it contains the correct data					eval {						map {  &_validate_column('column' => $_, 'ip' => 1); }  ($cols[0], $cols[1]); # these columns should contain ip addresses						map {  &_validate_column('column' => $_, 'ip' => 0); }  ($cols[2], $cols[3]); # these columns should contain positive number					};					if ($@)  {						croak("skip row, invalid column format : " . $@);					}										## everything is ok, we got (source, destination, packets, bytes)					return @cols;				}												##				## validate a single column				##  parameters =   column => $col,  ip => 0|1				##				sub _validate_column()  {					my (%parms) = @_;										my $column = $parms{'column'};					my $is_ip = $parms{'ip'} || 0;										if (!$column)  {						croak("column does not contain a value ($column)");					}										## check if it's an ip address					if ($is_ip > 0)  {						unless ($column =~ /^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/)  {							croak("expecting ip address but not found in column \"$column\"");						}					}										## check if it's a positive number					else  {						unless ($column =~ /^[0-9]+$/)  {							croak("expecting positive number but not found in column \"$column\"");						}					}				}												##				## returns reference to array with the default headers for the columns				##				sub get_headers()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'headers'};				}												##				## return reference to output hash,  hash contains reference to array of columns				##				sub get_data()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'data'};				}								##				## return reference to hash with statistics				##				sub get_stats()  {					my ($self) = shift;										return $self->{'stats'};				}								##				## return reference to hash with statistics				##				sub get_history()  {					my ($self) = shift;										return $self->{'historical'};				}								sub get_total_polls()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolls'};				}								sub get_total_polled_lines()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'totalpolledlines'};				}								sub get_total_bytes()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'totalbytes'};				}								sub get_total_packets()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'totalpackets'};				}								sub get_last_poll_time()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'lastpolltime'};				}								sub get_first_poll_time()  {					my ($self) = shift;					return $self->{'stats'}->{'starttime'};				}								1;												__END__																							
