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源代码在线查看: yaodurant.drawing.printsetupdlg.cs

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				// YaoDurant.Drawing.PrintSetupDlg.cs - Generic Print setup 
				// dialog box.
				// Code from _Programming the .NET Compact Framework with C#_
				// and _Programming the .NET Compact Framework with VB_
				// (c) Copyright 2002-2004 Paul Yao and David Durant. 
				// All rights reserved.
				using System;
				using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
				using YaoDurant.Win32;
				namespace YaoDurant.Drawing
				   /// Summary description for YaoDurant.
				   public class PrintSetupDlg
				      // Declarations for native printing dialog boxes.
				      [DllImport("commdlg.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
				      public static extern 
				      int PageSetupDlgW (ref PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT lppsd);
				      [DllImport("commdlg.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
				      public static extern int CommDlgExtendedError ();
				      // Clean up memory allocated by call to PageSetupDlgW
				      public static
				      void Close (ref PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT lppsd)
				         if (lppsd.hDevMode != IntPtr.Zero)
				         if (lppsd.hDevNames != IntPtr.Zero)
				      // Allocate and initialize PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT structure
				      public static
				      void InitDlgStruct(
				         ref PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT psd, 
				         IntPtr hwndParent)
				         psd.lStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(psd);
				         psd.Flags = 0;
				         psd.hwndOwner = hwndParent;
				      // Display dialog box.
				      public static
				      int ShowDialog(ref PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT psd)
				         return PageSetupDlgW( ref psd);
				      // Fetch error string
				      public static
				      string GetErrorString()
				         // User clicked cancel [x] button -or- we have an error.
				         int ierrDlg = CommDlgExtendedError();
				         if (ierrDlg == 0)
				            return "Ok";
				         string strReason = string.Empty;
				         if (ierrDlg >= (int)PDERR.PRINTERCODES &&
				            ierrDlg 				         {
				            PDERR pderr = (PDERR)ierrDlg;
				            strReason = "PDERR_" + pderr.ToString();
				            strReason = "0x" + ierrDlg.ToString("x");
				         return strReason;
				      public static
				      string QueryOutputPort(ref PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT lppsd)
				         // Create managed structure for DEVNAMES
				         DEVNAMES dn = new DEVNAMES();
				         Marshal.PtrToStructure(lppsd.hDevNames, dn);
				         // Get base address of native structure
				         int iBase = (int)lppsd.hDevNames;
				         // Get pointer to output port.
				         IntPtr iptrOutput = (IntPtr)(iBase + dn.wOutputOffset);
				         string strOutput = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(iptrOutput);
				         return strOutput;
				   } // class
				   public struct PAGESETUPDLGSTRUCT
				      public int lStructSize;
				      public IntPtr hwndOwner;
				      public IntPtr hDevMode;  // Return value
				      public IntPtr hDevNames; // Return value
				      public int Flags;
				      public System.Drawing.Point ptPaperSize;
				      public System.Drawing.Rectangle rtMinMargin;
				      public System.Drawing.Rectangle rtMargin;
				      public IntPtr hInstance;
				      public int lCustData;
				      public IntPtr lpfnPageSetupHook;
				      public IntPtr lpfnPagePaintHook;
				      public IntPtr reserved; // string lpPageSetupTemplateName;
				      public IntPtr hPageSetupTemplate;
				   /* size of a device name string */
				   // #define CCHDEVICENAME 32
				   /* size of a form name string */
				   // #define CCHFORMNAME 32
				   public struct CHARNAME32
				      public char ch00, ch01, ch02, ch03, ch04;
				      public char ch05, ch06, ch07, ch08, ch09;
				      public char ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13, ch14;
				      public char ch15, ch16, ch17, ch18, ch19;
				      public char ch20, ch21, ch22, ch23, ch24;
				      public char ch25, ch26, ch27, ch28, ch29;
				      public char ch30, ch31;
				   public class DEVNAMES
				      public short wDriverOffset;
				      public short wDeviceOffset;
				      public short wOutputOffset;
				      public short wDefault;
				   public enum PSD
				      MINMARGINS = 0x00000001,
				      MARGINS = 0x00000002,
				      INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES = 0x00000004,
				      DISABLEMARGINS = 0x00000010,
				      DISABLEPRINTER = 0x00000020,
				      DISABLEORIENTATION = 0x00000100,
				      RETURNDEFAULT = 0x00000400,
				      DISABLEPAPER = 0x00000200,
				      ENABLEPAGESETUPHOOK = 0x00002000,
				      ENABLEPAGESETUPTEMPLATE = 0x00008000,
				   } // enum
				   public enum PDERR
				      PRINTERCODES = 0x1000,
				      SETUPFAILURE = 0x1001,
				      PARSEFAILURE = 0x1002,
				      RETDEFFAILURE = 0x1003,
				      LOADDRVFAILURE = 0x1004,
				      GETDEVMODEFAIL = 0x1005,
				      INITFAILURE = 0x1006,
				      NODEVICES = 0x1007,
				      NODEFAULTPRN = 0x1008,
				      DNDMMISMATCH = 0x1009,
				      CREATEICFAILURE = 0x100A,
				      PRINTERNOTFOUND = 0x100B,
				      DEFAULTDIFFERENT = 0x100C,
				   } // enum
				} // namespace
