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												Xlib Programming Manual: Looking Up Resources																15.6 Looking Up Resources								To retrieve a resource from a resource database, use				XrmGetResource(),				XrmQGetResource(),				or				XrmQGetSearchResource().																The database only frees or overwrites entries on				XrmPutResource(), 				XrmQPutResource(),				or 				XrmMergeDatabases().				A client that is not storing new values into the database or				is not merging the database should be safe using the address passed 				back at any time until it exits.				If a resource was found, both				XrmGetResource()				and				XrmQGetResource()				return 				True;				otherwise, they return 				False.																Most applications and toolkits do not make random probes				into a resource database to fetch resources.				The X toolkit access pattern for a resource database is quite stylized.				A series of from 1 to 20 probes are made with only the 				last name/class differing in each probe.				The 				XrmGetResource()				function is at worst a 2n algorithm,				where n is the length of the name/class list.				This can be improved upon by the application programmer by prefetching a list				of database levels that might match the first part of a name/class list.																To obtain a list of database levels, use				XrmQGetSearchList().																To search resource database levels for a given resource, use				XrmQGetSearchResource().								Next: Storing Into a Resource Database								Christophe Tronche,															
