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												Xlib Programming Manual: XrmPutFileDatabase																XrmPutFileDatabase								Syntax																				void XrmPutFileDatabase(database, stored_db)				     XrmDatabase database;				     char *stored_db;																Arguments																 database				 Specifies the database that is to be used.								 stored_db				 Specifies the file name for the stored database.																Description								The				XrmPutFileDatabase()				function stores a copy of the specified database in the specified file.				Text is written to the file as a sequence of entries in valid				ResourceLine format (see "Resource File Syntax").				The file is written in the locale of the database.				Entries containing resource names that are not in the Host Portable Character				Encoding or containing values that are not in the encoding of the database				locale, are written in an implementation dependent manner.				The order in which entries are written is implementation dependent.				Entries with representation types other than ``String'' are ignored.								See also								XrmDestroyDatabase(),				XrmGetDatabase(),				XrmGetFileDatabase(),				XrmGetResource(),				XrmGetStringDatabase(),				XrmInitialize(),				XrmLocaleOfDatabase(),				XrmPutFileDatabase(),				XrmPutResource(),				XrmSetDataBase(),				"Creating and Storing Databases"								Christophe Tronche,															
