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												Xlib Programming Manual: Function Sets																6.12.7 Function Sets								Functions to convert between device-dependent color spaces				and CIE XYZ may differ for different classes of output devices				(for example, color versus gray monitors).				Therefore, the notion of a Color Characterization Function Set				has been developed.				A function set consists of device-dependent color spaces				and the functions that convert color specifications 				between these device-dependent color spaces and the CIE XYZ color space				appropriate for a particular class of output devices.				The function set also contains a function that reads				color characterization data off root window properties.				It is this characterization data that will differ between devices within				a class of output devices.								For details about how color characterization data is				stored in root window properties,				see the section on Device Color Characterization in the				Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual.				The LINEAR_RGB function set is provided by Xlib				and will support most color monitors.				Function sets may require data that differs				from those needed for the LINEAR_RGB function set.				In that case, 				its corresponding data may be stored on different root window properties.								Next: Adding Function Sets								Christophe Tronche,															
