
源代码在线查看: make-multiword-pfsg

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上传用户: wanghaihah
关键词: 工具包
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				#!/bin/sh				#				# make-multiword-pfsg --				#	rewrite a PFSG in terms of multiwords				#				# usage: make-multiword-pfsg multiword-defs [pfsg] > new-pfsg				#				# $Header: /home/srilm/devel/utils/src/RCS/make-multiword-pfsg,v 1.2 2002/07/09 15:18:09 stolcke Exp $				#								multiword_defs=${1}				shift								name=/tmp/name.$$				vocab=/tmp/vocab.$$				old_fsm=/tmp/infsm.$$.gz				class_fsm=/tmp/classfsm.$$				class_fsmc=/tmp/classfsmc.$$				mw_symbols=/tmp/mw_symbols.$$				word_symbols=/tmp/word_symbols.$$								trap "rm -f $name $vocab $old_fsm $class_fsm $class_fsmc $mw_symbols $word_symbols; exit" 0 1 2 15								#				# extract vocab and convert PFSG to FSM				#				gawk -v name=$name -v vocab=$vocab '$1 == "name" && !have_name {					have_name = 1;					print $2 > name;				}				$1 == "nodes" {					# collect vocabulary					for (i = 3; i 						if ($i != "NULL") is_word[$i] = 1;					}				}				{	print;				}				END {					for (word in is_word) {						print word > vocab					}				}' "$@" | \				pfsg-to-fsm symbolic=1 | \				gzip > $old_fsm								new_name=`cat $name`_multiwords								#				# create multiword transducer				# Note: this is the same as reversed class-transducer				#				classes-to-fsm vocab=$vocab symbolic=1 \					isymbolfile=$mw_symbols \					osymbolfile=$word_symbols \					$multiword_defs > $class_fsm								fsmcompile -t -i $mw_symbols -o $word_symbols $class_fsm | \					fsminvert > $class_fsmc								#				# compose original FSM with multiword transducer;				# then convert back to PFSG				#				{ gunzip -c $old_fsm; rm -f $old_fsm; } | fsmcompile -i $word_symbols | \				fsmcompose - $class_fsmc | fsmproject -o | \				fsmprint -i $mw_symbols | fsm-to-pfsg pfsg_name=$new_name 															
