源代码在线查看: make-hiddens-lm.gawk
#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f # # make-hiddens-lm -- # Create a hidden-sentence-boundary ngram LM from a standard one # # This script edits a ARPA backoff model file as follows: # # 1 - ngrams involving and are duplicated using the # hidden segment boundary token . # 2 - ngrams starting with are eliminated. # 3 - the backoff weight of is set to 1. # this together with the previous change sets all probabilities conditioned # on to the respective marignal probabilities without . # 4 - ngrams ending in get probability 1. # this avoids an end-of-sentence penalty in rescoring. # # $Header: /home/srilm/devel/utils/src/RCS/make-hiddens-lm.gawk,v 1.7 2004/11/02 02:00:35 stolcke Exp $ # BEGIN { sent_start = ""; sent_end = ""; hiddens = ""; remove_old_ngrams = 0; } NF==0 { print; next; } /^ngram *[0-9][0-9]*=/ { print; next; } /^.[0-9]-grams:/ { currorder=substr($0,2,1); } /^\\/ { print; next; } # currorder && currorder < highorder { if (NF < currorder + 2) { print $0 "\t0"; } else { print; } next; } $0 ~ sent_start || $0 ~ sent_end { oldline = $0; # modify sentence initial/final ngrams if ($2 == sent_end && currorder == 1) { sos_uniprob = $1; if (no_s_end) { # set prob to 1 $1 = 0; } if (!remove_old_ngrams) { print; } next; } else if ($2 == sent_start && currorder == 1) { if (no_s_start) { # set backoff weight to 1 $3 = 0; } if (!remove_old_ngrams) { print; } # use unigram prob from if (sos_uniprob == "") { print "warning: could not find " sent_end " unigram" \ >> "/dev/stderr"; } else { oldline = sos_uniprob "\t" $2 "\t" $3; } } else if ($2 == sent_start) { # suppress other ngrams starting with if (!no_s_start && !remove_old_ngrams) { print; } } else if ($(currorder + 1) == sent_end) { if (no_s_end) { # set prob to 1 $1 = 0; } if (!remove_old_ngrams) { print; } } # replace and with and output result gsub(sent_start, hiddens, oldline); gsub(sent_end, hiddens, oldline); print oldline; next; } { print }