
源代码在线查看: classes-to-fsm.gawk

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上传用户: wanghaihah
关键词: 工具包
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				#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f				#				# usage: classes-to-fsm [symbolic=1] [isymbolfile=ISYMBOLS] [osymbolfile=OSYMBOLS] \				#			vocab=VOCAB CLASSES > class.fsm				#				# where ISYMBOLS is the input symbol table, OSYMBOLS is the output symbol table				# VOCAB is the word list 				#				# $Header: /home/srilm/devel/utils/src/RCS/classes-to-fsm,v 1.1 1999/09/27 01:10:27 stolcke Exp $				# 				BEGIN {				    empty_input = "NULL";				    empty_output = "NULL";				    input_symbols[empty_input] = 0;				    output_symbols[empty_output] = 0;				    numinputs = 1;				    numoutputs = 1;								    isymbolfile = "";				    osymbolfile = "";				    symbolic = 0;								    startstate = 0;				    numstates = 1;								    M_LN10 = 2.30258509299404568402;	# from 				    logscale = 10000.5;				    round = 0.5;				}								NR == 1 {				    # print start/end state				    print startstate;								    if (vocab) {					while ((getline vline < vocab) > 0) {					    if (split(vline, a) >= 1) {						word = a[1];						input_symbols[word] = numinputs ++;						output_symbols[word] = numoutputs ++;										# print identity transition for vocab words						print startstate, startstate, \							    (symbolic ? word : input_symbols[word]), \							    (symbolic ? word : output_symbols[word]);					    }					}					    				    }				}								function rint(x) {				    if (x < 0) {					return int(x - round);				    } else {					return int(x + round);				    }				}								function scale_prob(x) {				    return rint(log(x) * logscale);					# return log(x) / M_LN10;				}								# input format is				# 	CLASS	[PROB]	WORD1 WORD2 ... WORDN				{				    if (NF == 0) {					    next;				    }								    class = $1;								    if (!(class in input_symbols)) {					input_symbols[class] = numinputs++;				    }								    if ($2 ~ /^[-+]?[.]?[0-9][0-9.]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?$/) {					prob = $2;					first = 3;				    } else {					prob = 1;					first = 2;				    }								    # deal with empty class expansion: map class to NULL				    if (first > NF) {					print startstate, startstate, \						(symbolic ? class : input_symbols[class]), \						(symbolic ? empty_output : 0), \						-scale_prob(prob);				    }								    for (i = first; i 					if (!($i in output_symbols)) {					    output_symbols[$i] = numoutputs ++;					}									if (i == NF) {					    next_state = startstate;					} else {					    next_state = numstates ++;					}									if (i == first) {					    print startstate, next_state,						    (symbolic ? class : input_symbols[class]), \						    (symbolic ? $i : output_symbols[$i]), \						    -scale_prob(prob);					} else {					    print last_state, next_state,						    (symbolic ? empty_input : 0), \						    (symbolic ? $i : output_symbols[$i]), \						    -scale_prob(1);					}									last_state = next_state;				    }				}								END {				    if (isymbolfile) {					for (word in input_symbols) {						print word, input_symbols[word] > isymbolfile;					}					close(isymbolfile);				    }				    if (osymbolfile) {					for (word in output_symbols) {						print word, output_symbols[word] > osymbolfile;					}					close(osymbolfile);				    }				}							
