
源代码在线查看: compute-best-sentence-mix.gawk

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				#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f				#				# compute-best-sentence-mix --				#	Compute the best sentence-level mixture weight for interpolating N				#	LMs.				#				# usage: compute-best-sentence-mix [lambda="l1 l2 ..."] [precision=p] pplout1 pplout2 ...				#j				# where pplout1, pplout2, ... is the output of ngram -debug 1 -ppl for the 				# models.  li are initial guesses at the mixture weights, and p is the				# precision with which the best lambda vector is to be found.				#				# $Header: /home/srilm/devel/utils/src/RCS/compute-best-sentence-mix.gawk,v 1.2 2004/11/02 02:00:35 stolcke Exp $				#				BEGIN {					verbose = 0;									lambda = "0.5";					precision = 0.001;					M_LN10 = 2.30258509299404568402;	# from 									logINF = -320;				}				function abs(x) {					return (x < 0) ? -x : x;				}				function log10(x) {					return log(x) / M_LN10;				}				function exp10(x) {					if (x < logINF) {						return 0;					} else {						return exp(x * M_LN10);					}				}				function addlogs(x,y) {				    if (x					temp = x; x = y; y = temp;				    }				    return x + log10(1 + exp10(y - x));				}								function print_vector(x, n) {					result = "(" x[1];					for (k = 2; k 						result = result " " x[k];					}					return result ")"				}								FNR == 1 {					nfiles ++;					num_words = 0;					num_sentences = 0;				}								# 1 sentences, 6 words, 0 OOVs				/^1 sentences, [0-9]* words, [0-9]* OOVs/ {					# exclude OOVs					num_words += $3 - $5;					expect_logprob = 1;				}								# 0 zeroprobs, logprob= -22.9257 ppl= 1884.06 ppl1= 6621.32				/^[0-9]* zeroprobs, logprob= / && expect_logprob {									# exclude zero prob words					num_words -= $1;					num_sentences += 1;									if ($4 ~ /\[ -[Ii]nf/) {					    prob = logINF;					} else {					    prob = $4;					}									sample_no = ++ nsamples[nfiles];					samples[nfiles " " sample_no] = prob;									expect_logprob = 0;				}				END {					for (i = 2; i 						if (nsamples[i] != nsamples[1]) {							printf "mismatch in number of samples (%d != %d)", \								nsamples[1], nsamples[i] >> "/dev/stderr";							exit(1);						}					}									last_prior = 0.0;									# initialize priors from lambdas					nlambdas = split(lambda, lambdas);					lambda_sum = 0.0;					for (i = 1; i 						priors[i] = lambdas[i];						lambda_sum += lambdas[i];					}					# fill in the missing lambdas					for (i = nlambdas + 1; i 						priors[i] = (1 - lambda_sum)/(nfiles - nlambdas);					}									iter = 0;					have_converged = 0;					while (!have_converged) {					    iter ++;									    delete post_totals;					    log_like = 0;									    for (j = 1; j 										all_inf = 1;						for (i = 1; i 							sample = samples[i " " j];							logpost[i] = log10(priors[i]) + sample;							all_inf = all_inf && (sample == logINF);							if (i == 1) {								logsum = logpost[i];							} else {								logsum = addlogs(logsum, logpost[i]);							}						}										# skip OOV words						if (all_inf) {							continue;						}										log_like += logsum;										for (i = 1; i 							post_totals[i] += exp10(logpost[i] - logsum);						}					    }					    printf "iteration %d, lambda = %s, ppl = %g\n", \						    iter, print_vector(priors, nfiles), \						    exp10(-log_like/(num_words + num_sentences)) \											>> "/dev/stderr";					    fflush();										    have_converged = 1;					    for (i = 1; i 						last_prior = priors[i];						priors[i] = post_totals[i]/num_sentences;										if (abs(last_prior - priors[i]) > precision) {							have_converged = 0;						}					    }					}									printf "%d sentences, %d non-oov words, best lambda %s\n", 							num_sentences, num_words, print_vector(priors, nfiles);				}							
