.\" $Id: ngram-count.1,v 1.33 2006/09/04 09:13:10 stolcke Exp $ .TH ngram-count 1 "$Date: 2006/09/04 09:13:10 $" "SRILM Tools" .SH NAME ngram-count \- count N-grams and estimate language models .SH SYNOPSIS .B ngram-count [\c .BR \-help ] .I option \&... .SH DESCRIPTION .B ngram-count generates and manipulates N-gram counts, and estimates N-gram language models from them. The program first builds an internal N-gram count set, either by reading counts from a file, or by scanning text input. Following that, the resulting counts can be output back to a file or used for building an N-gram language model in ARPA .BR ngram-format (5). Each of these actions is triggered by corresponding options, as described below. .SH OPTIONS .PP Each filename argument can be an ASCII file, or a compressed file (name ending in .Z or .gz), or ``-'' to indicate stdin/stdout. .TP .B \-help Print option summary. .TP .B \-version Print version information. .TP .BI \-order " n" Set the maximal order (length) of N-grams to count. This also determines the order of the estimated LM, if any. The default order is 3. .TP .BI \-vocab " file" Read a vocabulary from file. Subsequently, out-of-vocabulary words in both counts or text are replaced with the unknown-word token. If this option is not specified all words found are implicitly added to the vocabulary. .TP .BI \-vocab-aliases " file" Reads vocabulary alias definitions from .IR file , consisting of lines of the form .br \fIalias\fP \fIword\fP .br This causes all tokens .I alias to be mapped to .IR word . .TP .BI \-write-vocab " file" Write the vocabulary built in the counting process to .IR file . .TP .B \-tagged Interpret text and N-grams as consisting of word/tag pairs. .TP .B \-tolower Map all vocabulary to lowercase. .TP .B \-memuse Print memory usage statistics. .SS Counting Options .TP .BI \-text " textfile" Generate N-gram counts from text file. .I textfile should contain one sentence unit per line. Begin/end sentence tokens are added if not already present. Empty lines are ignored. .TP .BI \-read " countsfile" Read N-gram counts from a file. Ascii count files contain one N-gram of words per line, followed by an integer count, all separated by whitespace. Repeated counts for the same N-gram are added. Thus several count files can be merged by using .BR cat (1) and feeding the result to .BR "ngram-count \-read \-" (but see .BR ngram-merge (1) for merging counts that exceed available memory). Counts collected by .B \-text and .B \-read are additive as well. Binary count files (see below) are also recognized. .TP .BI \-read-google " dir" Read N-grams counts from an indexed directory structure rooted in .BR dir , in a format developed by Google to store very large N-gram collections. The corresponding directory structure can be created using the script .B make-google-ngrams described in .BR training-scripts (1). .TP .BI \-write " file" Write total counts to .IR file . .TP .BI \-write-binary " file" Write total counts to .I file in binary format. Binary count files cannot be compressed and are typically larger than compressed ascii count files. However, they can be loaded faster, especially when the .B \-limit-vocab option is used. .I .TP .BI \-write-order " n" Order of counts to write. The default is 0, which stands for N-grams of all lengths. .TP .BI -write "n file" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Writes only counts of the indicated order to .IR file . This is convenient to generate counts of different orders separately in a single pass. .TP .B \-sort Output counts in lexicographic order, as required for .BR ngram-merge (1). .TP .B \-recompute Regenerate lower-order counts by summing the highest-order counts for each N-gram prefix. .TP .B \-limit-vocab Discard N-gram counts on reading that do not pertain to the words specified in the vocabulary. The default is that words used in the count files are automatically added to the vocabulary. .SS LM Options .TP .BI \-lm " lmfile" Estimate a backoff N-gram model from the total counts, and write it to .I lmfile in .BR ngram-format (5). .TP .BI \-nonevents " file" Read a list of words from .I file that are to be considered non-events, i.e., that can only occur in the context of an N-gram. Such words are given zero probability mass in model estimation. .TP .B \-float-counts Enable manipulation of fractional counts. Only certain discounting methods support non-integer counts. .TP .B \-skip Estimate a ``skip'' N-gram model, which predicts a word by an interpolation of the immediate context and the context one word prior. This also triggers N-gram counts to be generated that are one word longer than the indicated order. The following four options control the EM estimation algorithm used for skip-N-grams. .TP .BI \-init-lm " lmfile" Load an LM to initialize the parameters of the skip-N-gram. .TP .BI \-skip-init " value" The initial skip probability for all words. .TP .BI \-em-iters " n" The maximum number of EM iterations. .TP .BI \-em-delta " d" The convergence criterion for EM: if the relative change in log likelihood falls below the given value, iteration stops. .TP .B \-count-lm Estimate a count-based interpolated LM using Jelinek-Mercer smoothing (Chen & Goodman, 1998). Several of the options for skip-N-gram LMs (above) apply. An initial count-LM in the format described in .BR ngram (1) needs to be specified using .BR \-init-lm . The options .B \-em-iters and .B \-em-delta control termination of the EM algorithm. Note that the N-gram counts used to estimate the maximum-likelihood estimates come from the .B \-init-lm model. The counts specified with .B \-read or .B \-text are used only to estimate the smoothing (interpolation weights). .TP .B \-unk Build an ``open vocabulary'' LM, i.e., one that contains the unknown-word token as a regular word. The default is to remove the unknown word. .TP .BI \-map-unk " word" Map out-of-vocabulary words to .IR word , rather than the default .B tag. .TP .B \-trust-totals Force the lower-order counts to be used as total counts in estimating N-gram probabilities. Usually these totals are recomputed from the higher-order counts. .TP .BI \-prune " threshold" Prune N-gram probabilities if their removal causes (training set) perplexity of the model to increase by less than .I threshold relative. .TP .BI \-minprune " n" Only prune N-grams of length at least .IR n . The default (and minimum allowed value) is 2, i.e., only unigrams are excluded from pruning. .TP .BI \-debug " level" Set debugging output from estimated LM at .IR level . Level 0 means no debugging. Debugging messages are written to stderr. .TP .BI \-gt\fIn\fPmin " count" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Set the minimal count of N-grams of order .I n that will be included in the LM. All N-grams with frequency lower than that will effectively be discounted to 0. If .I n is omitted the parameter for N-grams of order > 9 is set. .br NOTE: This option affects not only the default Good-Turing discounting but the alternative discounting methods described below as well. .TP .BI \-gt\fIn\fPmax " count" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Set the maximal count of N-grams of order .I n that are discounted under Good-Turing. All N-grams more frequent than that will receive maximum likelihood estimates. Discounting can be effectively disabled by setting this to 0. If .I n is omitted the parameter for N-grams of order > 9 is set. .PP In the following discounting parameter options, the order .I n may be omitted, in which case a default for all N-gram orders is set. The corresponding discounting method then becomes the default method for all orders, unless specifically overridden by an option with .IR n . If no discounting method is specified, Good-Turing is used. .TP .BI \-gt\fIn\fP " gtfile" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Save or retrieve Good-Turing parameters (cutoffs and discounting factors) in/from .IR gtfile . This is useful as GT parameters should always be determined from unlimited vocabulary counts, whereas the eventual LM may use a limited vocabulary. The parameter files may also be hand-edited. If an .B \-lm option is specified the GT parameters are read from .IR gtfile , otherwise they are computed from the current counts and saved in .IR gtfile . .TP .BI \-cdiscount\fIn\fP " discount" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Use Ney's absolute discounting for N-grams of order .IR n , using .I discount as the constant to subtract. .TP .B \-wbdiscount\fIn\fP where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Use Witten-Bell discounting for N-grams of order .IR n . (This is the estimator where the first occurrence of each word is taken to be a sample for the ``unseen'' event.) .TP .B \-ndiscount\fIn\fP where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Use Ristad's natural discounting law for N-grams of order .IR n . .TP .B \-kndiscount\fIn\fP where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Use Chen and Goodman's modified Kneser-Ney discounting for N-grams of order .IR n . .TP .B \-kn-counts-modified Indicates that input counts have already been modified for Kneser-Ney smoothing. If this option is not given, the KN discounting method modifies counts (except those of highest order) in order to estimate the backoff distributions. When using the .B \-write and related options the output will reflect the modified counts. .TP .B \-kn-modify-counts-at-end Modify Kneser-Ney counts after estimating discounting constants, rather than before as is the default. .TP .BI \-kn\fIn\fP " knfile" where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Save or retrieve Kneser-Ney parameters (cutoff and discounting constants) in/from .IR knfile . This is useful as smoothing parameters should always be determined from unlimited vocabulary counts, whereas the eventual LM may use a limited vocabulary. The parameter files may also be hand-edited. If an .B \-lm option is specified the KN parameters are read from .IR knfile , otherwise they are computed from the current counts and saved in .IR knfile . .TP .B \-ukndiscount\fIn\fP where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Use the original (unmodified) Kneser-Ney discounting method for N-grams of order .IR n . .PP In the above discounting options, if the parameter .I n is omitted the option sets the default discounting method for all N-grams of length greater than 9. .TP .B \-interpolate\fIn\fP where .I n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Causes the discounted N-gram probability estimates at the specified order .I n to be interpolated with lower-order estimates. (The result of the interpolation is encoded as a standard backoff model and can be evaluated as such -- the interpolation happens at estimation time.) This sometimes yields better models with some smoothing methods (see Chen & Goodman, 1998). Only Witten-Bell, absolute discounting, and modified Kneser-Ney smoothing currently support interpolation. .TP .BI \-meta-tag " string" Interpret words starting with .I string as count-of-count (meta-count) tags. For example, an N-gram .br a b \fIstring\fP3 4 .br means that there were 4 trigrams starting with "a b" that occurred 3 times each. Meta-tags are only allowed in the last position of an N-gram. .br Note: when using .B \-tolower the meta-tag .I string must not contain any uppercase characters. .TP .B \-read-with-mincounts Save memory by eliminating N-grams with counts that fall below the thresholds set by .BI \-gt N min options during .B \-read operation (this assumes the input counts contain no duplicate N-grams). Also, if .B \-meta-tag is defined, these low-count N-grams will be converted to count-of-count N-grams, so that smoothing methods that need this information still work correctly. .SH "SEE ALSO" ngram-merge(1), ngram(1), ngram-class(1), training-scripts(1), lm-scripts(1), ngram-format(5). .br S. F. Chen and J. Goodman, ``An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling,'' TR-10-98, Computer Science Group, Harvard Univ., 1998. .br S. M. Katz, ``Estimation of Probabilities from Sparse Data for the Language Model Component of a Speech Recognizer,'' \fIIEEE Trans. ASSP\fP 35(3), 400\-401, 1987. .br R. Kneser and H. Ney, ``Improved backing-off for M-gram language modeling,'' \fIProc. ICASSP\fP, 181-184, 1995. .br H. Ney and U. Essen, ``On Smoothing Techniques for Bigram-based Natural Language Modelling,'' \fIProc. ICASSP\fP, 825\-828, 1991. .br E. S. Ristad, ``A Natural Law of Succession,'' CS-TR-495-95, Comp. Sci. Dept., Princeton Univ., 1995. .br I. H. Witten and T. C. Bell, ``The Zero-Frequency Problem: Estimating the Probabilities of Novel Events in Adaptive Text Compression,'' \fIIEEE Trans. Information Theory\fP 37(4), 1085\-1094, 1991. .SH BUGS Several of the LM types supported by .BR ngram (1) don't have explicit support in .BR ngram-count . Instead, they are built by separately manipulating N-gram counts, followed by standard N-gram model estimation. .br LM support for tagged words is incomplete. .br Only absolute and Witten-Bell discounting currently support fractional counts. .br The combination of .B \-read-with-mincounts and .B \-meta-tag preserves enough count-of-count information for .I applying discounting parameters to the input counts, but it does not necessarily allow the parameters to be correctly .IR estimated . Therefore, discounting parameters should always be estimated from full counts (e.g., using the helper .BR training-scripts (1)), and then read from files. .SH AUTHOR Andreas Stolcke . .br Copyright 1995\-2006 SRI International