
源代码在线查看: impltie.jav

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				package #package;								#imports				import java.rmi.Remote;				import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;				import javax.rmi.CORBA.Tie;								import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;				import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;				import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;				import org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream;				import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ResponseHandler;				import org.omg.CORBA.portable.UnknownException;				import org.omg.PortableServer.Servant;								import org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.ObjectImpl;				import org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream;								// This Tie type is obsolete. Use the POA - based tie (key -poa).								/**				 * This class accepts remote calls to the served GIOP object and delegates them				 * to the enclosed implementing class. Being derived from the ObjectImpl,				 * it directly implements the GIOP Object.				 *				 * It is normally generated with grmic -impl				 */				public class _#nameImpl_Tie extends ObjectImpl implements Tie				{				  /**				   * All decoded remote calls are forwarded to this target.				   */				  #implName target;				  				  /**				   * The array of repository ids, supported by this GIOP Object				   */ 				  private static final String[] type_ids =				    { 				#idList				    };				      				  /**				   * Get an array of all interfaces (repository ids),				   * supported by this Object.				   *				   * @return the array of Ids.				   */				  public String[] _ids() 				  { 				    return type_ids;				  }  								  /**				   * Set the invocation target, where all received calls are finally				   * forwarded.				   *				   * @param a_target the forwarding target				   *				   * @throws ClassCastException if the target is not an instance of				   * #implName				   */ 				  public void setTarget(Remote a_target)				  { = (#implName) a_target;				  }								  /**				   * Get the invocation target, where all received calls are finally				   * forwarded.				   *				   * @return the target, an instance of				   * #implName				   */ 				  public Remote getTarget()				  {				    return target;				  }				  				  /**				   * Return the actual GIOP object that would handle this request.				   * 				   * @return this, always.				   */				  public org.omg.CORBA.Object thisObject()				  {				    return this;				  }				  				  /**				   * Deactivates this object, disconnecting it from the orb.				   */				  public void deactivate()				  {				     _orb().disconnect(this);				     _set_delegate(null);				     target = null;				  }								  /**				   * Get the {@link ORB} where this {@link Servant} is connected.				   * 				   * @return the ORB				   */				  public ORB orb()				  {				    return _orb();				  }								  /**				   * Connect this servant to the given ORB. 				   */				  public void orb(ORB orb)				  {				    orb.connect(this);				  }								/**				 * This method is invoked by ORB in response to the remote call. It redirects				 * the call to one of the methods in the target.				 * 				 * @param method the name of the method to call.				 * @param parameter_stream the input stream, from where the parameters must be				 * read. 				 * @param reply the response hander, providing methods to return the result.				 * 				 * @return the output stream, created by the response handler				 * 				 * @throws SystemException if one occurs during method invocation.				 */  				  public OutputStream _invoke(String method, 				    org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream parameter_stream,				    ResponseHandler reply)				  {				    try				      {				        InputStream in =(InputStream) parameter_stream;				          				#tie_methods          				          				       throw new BAD_OPERATION("No such method: '"+method+"'");				      }				    catch (SystemException ex)				      {				        throw ex;				      }				    catch (Throwable ex)				      {				        throw new UnknownException(ex);				      }				  }				}			
