this the oscommerce 3.0 aplha 4

源代码在线查看: upload.php

软件大小: 3325 K
上传用户: zwendong
关键词: oscommerce aplha this the
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


								/*				  $Id: upload.php 1498 2007-03-29 14:04:50Z hpdl $								  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions								  Copyright (c) 2006 osCommerce								  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify				  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (1991)				  as published by the Free Software Foundation.				*/								  class upload {				    var $file, $filename, $destination, $permissions, $extensions, $tmp_filename, $message_location;								    function upload($file = '', $destination = '', $permissions = '777', $extensions = '') {				      $this->set_file($file);				      $this->set_destination($destination);				      $this->set_permissions($permissions);				      $this->set_extensions($extensions);								      $this->set_output_messages('direct');				    }								    function exists() {				      $file = array();								      if ( is_array($this->file) ) {				        $file = $this->file;				      } elseif ( isset($_FILES[$this->file]) ) {				        $file = array('name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['name'],				                      'type' => $_FILES[$this->file]['type'],				                      'size' => $_FILES[$this->file]['size'],				                      'tmp_name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']);				      }								      if ( isset($file['tmp_name']) && !empty($file['tmp_name']) && ($file['tmp_name'] != 'none') && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) ) {				        return true;				      }								      return false;				    }								    function parse() {				      global $osC_Language, $osC_MessageStack;								      $file = array();								      if ( is_array($this->file) ) {				        $file = $this->file;				      } elseif ( isset($_FILES[$this->file]) ) {				        $file = array('name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['name'],				                      'type' => $_FILES[$this->file]['type'],				                      'size' => $_FILES[$this->file]['size'],				                      'tmp_name' => $_FILES[$this->file]['tmp_name']);				      }								      if ( isset($file['tmp_name']) && !empty($file['tmp_name']) && ($file['tmp_name'] != 'none') && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) ) {				        if (sizeof($this->extensions) > 0) {				          if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.')+1)), $this->extensions)) {				            if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				              $osC_MessageStack->add('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_file_type_prohibited'), 'error');				            } else {				              $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_file_type_prohibited'), 'error');				            }								            return false;				          }				        }								        $this->set_file($file);				        $this->set_filename($file['name']);				        $this->set_tmp_filename($file['tmp_name']);								        if (!empty($this->destination)) {				          return $this->check_destination();				        } else {				          return true;				        }				      } else {				        if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				          $osC_MessageStack->add('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_warning_upload_no_file'), 'warning');				        } else {				          $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_warning_upload_no_file'), 'warning');				        }								        return false;				      }				    }								    function save() {				      global $osC_Language, $osC_MessageStack;								      if (substr($this->destination, -1) != '/') $this->destination .= '/';								      if (move_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'], $this->destination . $this->filename)) {				        chmod($this->destination . $this->filename, $this->permissions);								        if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				          $osC_MessageStack->add('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_success_upload_file_saved'), 'success');				        } else {				          $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_success_upload_file_saved'), 'success');				        }								        return true;				      } else {				        if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				          $osC_MessageStack->add('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_file_not_saved'), 'error');				        } else {				          $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', $osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_file_not_saved'), 'error');				        }								        return false;				      }				    }								    function set_file($file) {				      $this->file = $file;				    }								    function set_destination($destination) {				      $this->destination = $destination;				    }								    function set_permissions($permissions) {				      $this->permissions = octdec($permissions);				    }								    function set_filename($filename) {				      $this->filename = $filename;				    }								    function set_tmp_filename($filename) {				      $this->tmp_filename = $filename;				    }								    function set_extensions($extensions) {				      if (!empty($extensions)) {				        if (is_array($extensions)) {				          $this->extensions = $extensions;				        } else {				          $this->extensions = array($extensions);				        }				      } else {				        $this->extensions = array();				      }				    }								    function check_destination() {				      global $osC_Language, $osC_MessageStack;								      if (!is_writeable($this->destination)) {				        if (is_dir($this->destination)) {				          if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				            $osC_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf($osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_destination_not_writable'), $this->destination), 'error');				          } else {				            $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', sprintf($osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_destination_not_writable'), $this->destination), 'error');				          }				        } else {				          if ($this->message_location == 'direct') {				            $osC_MessageStack->add('header', sprintf($osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_destination_non_existant'), $this->destination), 'error');				          } else {				            $osC_MessageStack->add_session('header', sprintf($osC_Language->get('ms_error_upload_destination_non_existant'), $this->destination), 'error');				          }				        }								        return false;				      } else {				        return true;				      }				    }								    function set_output_messages($location) {				      switch ($location) {				        case 'session':				          $this->message_location = 'session';				          break;				        case 'direct':				        default:				          $this->message_location = 'direct';				          break;				      }				    }				  }				?>							
