# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build.properties.sample
# This is an example "build.properties" file, used to customize building
# Struts-EL for your local environment. Copy this file to "build.properties"
# in the same directory that contains the "build.xml" file, then make any
# changes you need.
# $Id: build.properties.sample 51416 2004-02-10 16:35:10Z germuska $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# struts.home is not used in build.xml; you only need to set it if you want
# to use it in other property values.
struts.home =
struts.jar = ${struts.home}/lib/struts.jar
# jstl.home is not used in build.xml; you only need to set it if you want
# to use it in other property values.
jstl.home =
jstl.jar = ${jstl.home}/lib/jstl.jar
jstl-standard.jar = ${jstl.home}/lib/standard.jar
jstl.tld.dir = ${jstl.home}/tld
servlet.jar =
jdbc20ext.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 1.0 (or later) of the Beanutils package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-beanutils.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 1.0 (or later) of the Collections package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-collections.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 1.0 (or later) of the Digester package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-digester.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 1.0 (or later) of the Logging package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-logging.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 1.0 (or later) of the POOL package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-pool.jar =
# The JAR file containing a recent version of the VALIDATOR package
# from the Jakarta Commons project.
commons-validator.jar =
# The JAR file containing version 2.06 (or later) of
# the the Jakarta ORO project.
jakarta-oro.jar =
# Properties related to Struts unit testing
# -----------------------------------------
log4j.jar =
cactus.home =
# Cactus jar for the Servlet API corresponding to the servlet.jar file
# selected above (either 2.2 or 2.3)
cactus.jar = ${cactus.home}/lib/cactus.jar
# Cactus Ant custom tasks jar
cactus.ant.jar = ${cactus.home}/lib/cactus-ant.jar
# URL used to run tests for cactus, change to non standard port
# if container is already running on that port.
cactus.contextURL = http://localhost:9090/test
aspectjrt.jar = ${cactus.home}/lib/aspectjrt.jar
# JUnit jar file
junit.jar =
# HTTPUnit jar file
httpunit.jar =
# JTidy jar file
jtidy.jar =
commons-httpclient.jar =
xalanj.jar =
# Servlet engine locations for the tests
# Note: If you don't want to run the test on a given servlet engine, just
# comment it's home property. For example, if you don't want to run the
# tests on Tomcat 4.0, comment the "tomcat.home.40" property.
tomcat.home.40 =