require_once '';
* Class for creating an Atom-Feed
* @author Michael Wimmer
* @category FLP
* @copyright Copyright 漏 2002-2006, Michael Wimmer
* @license Free for non-commercial use
* @link
* @package Atom
* @version 1.00
class AtomBuilder extends AtomBuilderBase {
const GENERATOR_NAME = 'Atom Feed';
const OUTPUT_MIMETYPE = 'application/atom+xml';
const DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_TYPE = 'text/html';
const XHTML_CONTENT_ID = 'atomentry-content';
const XHTML_CONTENT_ERROR_MSG = 'AtomBuilder-Error: This entry contains no valid XHTML-Code';
protected $encoding = 'UTF-8';
protected $language;
protected $title;
protected $subtitle;
protected $id;
protected $rights;
protected $updated;
protected $author;
protected $filename;
protected $icon;
protected $logo;
protected $links;
protected $categories;
protected $contributors;
protected $entries;
protected $versions = array('1.0.0' => '100');
protected $version_objects = array();
function __construct($title = '', $url, $id = '') {
$this->links = new AtomBuilderObjectList(0,1000);
$this->entries = new AtomBuilderObjectList(0,1000);
$this->categories = new AtomBuilderObjectList(0,1000);
$this->setUpdated(date('c', time()));
$this->setAuthor(self::GENERATOR_NAME, '', self::GENERATOR_URL);
$this->addLink($url, $title, 'alternate', self::DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_TYPE);
$this->addLink($PHP_SELF, '', 'self');
$this->filename = str_replace(' ','-', $this->getTitle()->getData()) . '.' . self::OUTPUT_FILENAME_SUFIX;
} // end constructor
public function setEncoding($string = '') {
return parent::setVar($string, 'encoding', 'string');
} // end function
public function setLanguage($iso_string = 'en') {
if (parent::isLanguage($iso_string) == TRUE) {
return parent::setVar($iso_string, 'language', 'string');
} // end if
return FALSE;
} // end function
public function setTitle($string = '', $type = 'text') {
if (parent::isFilledString($string)) {
$this->title = new AtomBuilderText($string, $type);
} // end if
} // end function
public function setSubtitle($string = '', $type = 'text') {
if (parent::isFilledString($string)) {
$this->subtitle = new AtomBuilderText($string, $type);
} // end if
} // end function
public function setRights($string = '') {
return parent::setVar($string, 'rights', 'string');
} // end function
public function setIcon($string = '') {
return parent::setVar($string, 'icon', 'string');
} // end function
public function setLogo($string = '') {
return parent::setVar($string, 'logo', 'string');
} // end function
public function setID($string = '') {
return parent::setVar($string, 'id', 'string');
} // end function
public function setUpdated($datetime = '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') {
if (parent::isvalidDate($datetime) == TRUE) {
return parent::setVar($datetime, 'updated', 'string');
} // end if
return FALSE;
} // end function
public function setAuthor($name, $email = '', $url = '') {
$author = new AtomBuilderPerson($name);
if (parent::isFilledString($email) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($url) == TRUE) {
} // end if
$this->author = $author;
} // end function
public function addLink($url = '', $title = '', $rel = '', $type = '', $hreflang = '') {
$found = FALSE;
if ($rel == 'alternate') {
// only add alternate-link if it doesn't exist yet with the same type and hreflang
foreach ($this->links as $current_link) {
if ($current_link->getRelation() == 'alternate' &&
$current_link->getLinkType() == $type &&
$current_link->getURLlang() == $hreflang) {
$found = TRUE;
} // end if
} // end foreach
} elseif ($rel == 'logo') {
foreach ($this->links as $current_link) {
if ($current_link->getRelation() == $rel) {
$found = TRUE;
} // end if
} // end foreach
} elseif ($rel == 'icon') {
foreach ($this->links as $current_link) {
if ($current_link->getRelation() == $rel) {
$found = TRUE;
} // end if
} // end foreach
} // end if
if ($found == FALSE) {
$newlink = new AtomBuilderLink($url);
if (parent::isFilledString($title) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($hreflang) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($type) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($rel) == TRUE) {
} // end if
} // end if
} // end function
public function addCategory($term = 'default', $scheme = '', $label = '') {
$newcategory = new AtomBuilderCategory($term);
if (parent::isFilledString($scheme) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($label) == TRUE) {
} // end if
} // end function
public function addContributor($name, $email = '', $url = '') {
if (parent::isFilledString($name) == TRUE) {
if (!isset($this->contributors)) {
$this->contributors = new AtomBuilderObjectList(0,1000);
} // end if
$tmp_person = new AtomBuilderPerson($name);
if (parent::isFilledString($email) == TRUE) {
} // end if
if (parent::isFilledString($url) == TRUE) {
} // end if
} // end if
} // end function
public function addEntry(AtomBuilderEntry &$entry = NULL) {
} // end function
public function newEntry($title = '', $url = '', $issued = 0, $id = '') {
return new AtomBuilderEntry($title, $url, $issued, $id);
} // end function
public function getEncoding() {
return parent::getVar('encoding');
} // end function
public function getLanguage() {
return parent::getVar('language');
} // end function
public function getTitle() {
return parent::getVar('title');
} // end function
public function getSubtitle() {
return parent::getVar('subtitle');
} // end function
public function getRights() {
return parent::getVar('rights');
} // end function
public function getID() {
return parent::getVar('id');
} // end function
public function getUpdated() {
return parent::getVar('updated');
} // end function
public function getLinks() {
return parent::getVar('links');
} // end function
public function getCategories() {
return parent::getVar('categories');
} // end function
public function getAuthor() {
return parent::getVar('author');
} // end function
public function getIcon() {
return parent::getVar('icon');
} // end function
public function getLogo() {
return parent::getVar('logo');
} // end function
public function getContributors() {
return parent::getVar('contributors');
} // end function
public function getEntries() {
return parent::getVar('entries');
} // end function
public function getFilename() {
return parent::getVar('filename');
} // end function
protected function setVersionObject($version = '1.0.0') {
if (array_key_exists($version, $this->versions)) {
$classname = 'AtomBuilder_V_' . $this->versions[$version];
$this->version_objects[$version] = new $classname($this);
} // end if
} // end function
protected function prepareAtomRequest($version = '1.0.0') {
$this->filename = self::OUTPUT_FILENAME_PREFIX . $this->versions[$version] . '---' . $this->filename;
if (strlen($this->filename) > 255) {
$this->filename = substr($this->filename, 0, 255);
} // end if
if (!isset($this->version_objects[$version])) {
} // end if
} // end function
public function getAtomOutput($version = '1.0.0') {
return $this->version_objects[$version]->getAtomOutput();
} // end function
public function saveAtom($version = '1.0.0', $path = '') {
return $this->version_objects[$version]->saveAtom($path);
} // end function
public function outputAtom($version = '1.0.0') {
header('Content-type: ' . self::OUTPUT_MIMETYPE . ';charset=' . $this->getEncoding() . " \r\n");
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . $this->getFilename());
return $this->version_objects[$version]->outputAtom();
} // end function
} // end class