/* declare namespace */ (function(){ var namespaces = [ "System","BdElement", "BdBrowser", "BdEvent", "BdUtil", "BdAjax","BdString"]; for(var i = 0, j = namespaces.length; i < j; i ++){ if(window[namespaces[i]] != 'object') window[namespaces[i]] = {}; } })(); /* attach methods */ (function(){ /* BdBrowser scope */ var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isStrict = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat", isOpera = ua.indexOf("opera") > -1, isSafari = (/webkit|khtml/).test(ua), isSafari3 = isSafari && ua.indexOf('webkit/5') != -1, isIE = !isOpera && ua.indexOf("msie") > -1, isIE7 = !isOpera && ua.indexOf("msie 7") > -1, isGecko = !isSafari && ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1, isBorderBox = isIE && !isStrict, isWindows = (ua.indexOf("windows") != -1 || ua.indexOf("win32") != -1), isMac = (ua.indexOf("macintosh") != -1 || ua.indexOf("mac os x") != -1), isAir = (ua.indexOf("adobeair") != -1), isLinux = (ua.indexOf("linux") != -1), isSecure = window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0; // remove css image flicker if(isIE && !isIE7){ try{ document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); }catch(e){} } var browsers = { isOpera : isOpera, isSafari : isSafari, isSafari3 : isSafari3, isSafari2 : isSafari && !isSafari3, isIE : isIE, isIE6 : isIE && !isIE7, isIE7 : isIE7, isGecko : isGecko, isBorderBox : isBorderBox, isLinux : isLinux, isWindows : isWindows, isMac : isMac, isAir : isAir }; for(var p in browsers){ BdBrowser[p] = browsers[p]; } /* BdElement scope */ window.Bd$ = BdElement.check = function(id){ return typeof id == 'string' ? document.getElementById(id) : id; } BdElement.removeNode = isIE ? function(){ var d; return function(node){ if(node && node.tagName != 'BODY'){ d = d || document.createElement('DIV'); d.appendChild(node); d.innerHTML = ''; } } }() : function(node){ if(node && node.parentNode && node.tagName != 'BODY'){ node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } /* BdEvent scope */ BdEvent.addEvent = function(el, fn, handler){ if(isIE){ el.attachEvent("on" + fn, handler); }else{ el.addEventListener(fn, handler, false); } } BdEvent.removeEvent = function(el, fn, handler){ if(isIE){ el.detachEvent("on" + fn, handler); }else{ el.removeEventListener(fn, handler, false); } } BdEvent.addDOMLoadEvent = (function(){ // create event function stack var load_events = [], load_timer, script, done, exec, old_onload, init = function () { done = true; // kill the timer clearInterval(load_timer); // execute each function in the stack in the order they were added while (exec = load_events.shift()) setTimeout(exec, 10); if (script) script.onreadystatechange = ''; }; return function (func) { // if the init function was already ran, just run this function now and stop if (done) return func(); if (!load_events[0]) { // for Mozilla/Opera9 if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false); // for Internet Explorer /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_win32) document.write(""); script = document.getElementById("__ie_onload"); script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete") init(); // call the onload handler }; /*@end @*/ // for Safari if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniff load_timer = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) init(); // call the onload handler }, 10); } // for other browsers set the window.onload, but also execute the old window.onload old_onload = window.onload; window.onload = function() { init(); if (old_onload) old_onload(); }; } load_events.push(func); } })(); /* BdUtil scope */ BdUtil.insertWBR = (function(){ var textAreaCache = null; function getContainer(){ var textarea = document.getElementById('insertWBR_container'); if(!textarea){ textarea = document.createElement('TEXTAREA'); textarea.id = 'insertWBR_container'; textarea.style.display = 'none'; document.body.insertBefore(textarea, document.body.firstChild); } return (textAreaCache = textarea) } return function(text, step){ var textarea = textAreaCache || getContainer(); if(!textarea) return text; textarea.innerHTML = text.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,">"); var string = textarea.value; var step = (step || 5), reg = new RegExp("(\\S{" + step + "})", "gi"); var result = string.replace(/(]+>)/gi,"$1").replace(/(>|^)([^ if(c.length < step) return a; return b + c.replace(reg, "$1") + d; }).replace(/&([^;]*)()([^;]*);/g,'&$1$3;'); return result; } })(); BdUtil.hi_tracker = (function(){ function E(s){ return encodeURIComponent(s) } function tracker(mn, a){ return function(){ var t = new Date().getTime(), href = a.href; if(isIE){ var regex = /href\s*=\s*("|')?([^\s]*)\1/gi; if(regex.test(a.outerHTML)) href = RegExp.$2; } new Image().src = "http://hi.baidu.com/sys/statlog/1.gif?m=" + E(mn) + "&v=" + E(href) + "&t="+t; } } return function(mod_id_or_el, mod_name){ var bl = (typeof mod_id_or_el == 'string'), el = bl ? document.getElementById(mod_id_or_el) : mod_id_or_el, mn = mod_name || (bl ? mod_id_or_el : el.tagName), as = el.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'A' ? [el] : el.getElementsByTagName('A'); if(!as || as.length for(var i = 0, j = as.length; i < j; i ++){ var a = as[i]; isIE ? a.attachEvent("onclick", tracker(mn, a)) : a.addEventListener("click", tracker(mn, a), false); } } })(); /* BdAjax scope */ BdAjax.getXHR = function(){ var xhr = null; try{ return (xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()); }catch(e){} for(var i = 0, a = ['MSXML3','MSXML2','Microsoft']; i < a.length; i ++){ try{ xhr = new ActiveXObject(a[i]+'.XMLHTTP'); break; }catch(e){} } return xhr; } BdAjax.request = function(url, json){ var xhr = this.getXHR(); if(!xhr){ throw new Error("cant't initialize xhr instance."); } var options={}; options.method = (json.method || 'get').toLowerCase(); options.asyn = true; options.onSuccess = json.onSuccess || function(){}; options.onFailure = json.onFailure || function(){ new Image().src = "/sys/statlog/1.gif?m=ajax-request&v=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&t=" + new Date().getTime();}; options.postData = json.postData || null; xhr.open(options.method, url, options.asyn); if("post" == options.method.toLowerCase()){ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 0 || xhr.status == 200){ options.onSuccess(xhr); }else{ options.onFailure(xhr); } } } xhr.send(options.postData); } BdAjax.loadJS=(function() { var head ; return function(jsUrl){ head = head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var s=document.createElement("script"); s.type="text/javascript"; s.src=jsUrl; head.appendChild(s); } })(); BdString.trim=function(str) { return str.replace(/(^[\s\t\xa0\u3000]+)|([\u3000\xa0\s\t]+$)/g, ""); } BdString.byteLength = function(str){ return str.replace(/[^\x00-\xFF]/g, "ly").length; } BdString.subByte = function(s, n){ if(this.byteLength(s) return s; for(var i=Math.floor((n=n-2)/2),l=s.length; i if(this.byteLength(s.substr(0,i))>=n) return s.substr(0,i) +"\u2026"; return s; } })(); (function(){ var now=new Date(); now.setTime(now.getTime()-1000*60*60*24*365); /*clear the cookie["BDTIP"] of BAIDU.COM*/ document.cookie="BDTIP=0;expires="+now.toGMTString()+";path=/;domain=baidu.com"; })();