zapatec suite 最新版 20070204,非常棒的ajax widgets 工具包

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				// $Id: zptabs-wizard.js 7343 2007-06-04 17:05:28Z vkulov $				/**				 * @fileoverview Tabs + Forms Wizard extension. Extends Tabs class (zptabs.js)				 * adding Forms functionality to create wizards.				 *				 * 				 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Zapatec, Inc.				 *				 * 1700 MLK Way, Berkeley, California,				 * 94709, U.S.A.				 * All rights reserved.				 * 				 */								/**				 * Tabs + Forms Wizard.				 *				 * 				 * Defines following additional config options:				 *				 * action: [string] "action" attribute value of hidden form.				 *				 * submitTabId: [string] Id of tab which shows sumbit result.				 *				 * method: [string, optional] 'GET' or 'POST'.				 *				 * contentType: [string, optional] Content type when using POST method.				 *				 * formThemePath: [string, optional] Relative or absolute URL to the form				 * themes directory (see Zapatec.From for details).				 *				 * formTheme: [string, optional] Theme name that will be used to display				 * the form (see Zapatec.From for details).				 *				 * formStatusImgPos: [string, optional] (see Zapatec.From for details).				 *				 * showErrors: [string, optional] (see Zapatec.From for details).				 *				 * onError: [function, optional] Callback function to call on error.				 * Receives following object as argument:				 * {				 *   tabId: [string] tab id				 *   serverSide: [boolean] true if this is server response or false if				 *    validation result,				 *   generalError: [string] Human readable error description,				 *   fieldErrors: [				 *     {				 *       field: [object] field element object,				 *       errorMessage: [string] Human readable error description				 *     },				 *     ...				 *   ]				 * }				 * See Zapatec.From submitErrorFunc config option for details.				 *				 * onValid: [function, optional] Callback function reference to call				 * after validation is passed. Receives following object as argument:				 * {				 *   tabId: [string] tab id				 * }				 * See Zapatec.From submitValidFunc config option for details.				 *				 * onSuccess: [function, optional] Callback function to call after form				 * was submitted and "success" response received from server. Receives object				 * passed from server as argument.				 * See Zapatec.From asyncSubmitFunc config option for details.				 * 				 *				 * @constructor				 * @param {object} objArgs [object] User configuration				 */				Zapatec.TabsWizard = function(objArgs) {					// Call constructor of superclass, objArgs);				};								/**				 * Unique static id of the widget class. Gives ability for Zapatec#inherit to				 * determine and store path to this file correctly when it is included using				 * Zapatec#include. When this file is included using Zapatec#include or path				 * to this file is gotten using Zapatec#getPath, this value must be specified				 * as script id.				 * @private				 */ = 'Zapatec.TabsWizard';								// Inherit Tabs				Zapatec.inherit(Zapatec.TabsWizard, Zapatec.Tabs);								/**				 * Initializes object.				 *				 * @param {object} objArgs User configuration				 */				Zapatec.TabsWizard.prototype.init = function(objArgs) {					// Define config options					this.config.action = '';					this.config.submitTabId = '';					this.config.method = '';					this.config.contentType = '';					this.config.formThemePath = '';					this.config.formTheme = '';					this.config.formStatusImgPos = '';					this.config.showErrors = '';					this.config.onError = null;					this.config.onValid = null;					this.config.onSuccess = null;									// Reference to this					var objWizard = this;									// Patch onInit handler					var funcOnInit = objArgs.onInit;					objArgs.onInit = function() {						// Create hidden form						var objHiddenForm = Zapatec.Utils.createElement('form'); = 'none';						objHiddenForm.setAttribute('action', objWizard.config.action);						objHiddenForm.setAttribute('method', objWizard.config.method);						objHiddenForm.setAttribute('enctype', objWizard.config.contentType);						objWizard.config.tabs.appendChild(objHiddenForm);										// Initialize hidden form						new Zapatec.Form({							form: objHiddenForm,							theme: objWizard.config.formTheme,						// Error handler							submitErrorFunc: function(objArgs) {								if (typeof objWizard.config.onError != 'function') {									return;								}								// If field error descriptions passed								if (objArgs.fieldErrors && objArgs.fieldErrors.length) {									for (var iTab = 0; iTab < objWizard.tabsArray.length; iTab++) {										// Get tab										var objTab = objWizard.tabsArray[iTab];										if (!objTab.form) {											continue;										}										// Extract errors belonging to this tab										var arrFieldErrors = [];										var objFields = objTab.formSource.elements;										for (var iField = 0; iField < objFields.length; iField++) {											// Get source field element											var objField = objFields[iField];											if (!Zapatec.Form.Utils.isInputField(objField)) {												continue;											}											// Get field name											var strName = objField.getAttribute('name');											if (!strName.length) {												continue;											}											// Find error respective to this field											for (var iFerr = 0; iFerr < objArgs.fieldErrors.length; iFerr++) {												if (objArgs.fieldErrors[iFerr] == strName) {													arrFieldErrors.push(objArgs.fieldErrors[iFerr]);													break;												}											}										}										// Go to this tab if there are errors										if (arrFieldErrors.length) {											objWizard.changeTab(;											break;										}									}								}								else {									// Go to first tab by default									objWizard.changeTab(objWizard.tabsArray[0].id);								}								// Call original function								objArgs.tabId = objWizard.tabsArray[objWizard.currentIndex].id;								objWizard.config.onError(objArgs);							},						// Success handler							asyncSubmitFunc: objWizard.config.onSuccess						});										// Patch onBeforeTabChange handler						var funcOnBeforeTabChange = objWizard.config.onBeforeTabChange;						objWizard.config.onBeforeTabChange = function(objArgs) {							// Get new tab index							var iNewTabIndex = -1;							for (var iTab = 0; iTab < objWizard.tabsArray.length; iTab++) {								if (objWizard.tabsArray[iTab].id == objArgs.newTabId) {									iNewTabIndex = iTab;									break;								}							}							// Validate if trying to go forward							if (iNewTabIndex > objWizard.currentIndex) {								// Get old tab								var objOldTab = objWizard.tabs[objArgs.oldTabId];								// Validate form								if (objOldTab && objOldTab.form && !objOldTab.form.submit()) {									return false;								}							}							// If submit tab clicked							if (objArgs.newTabId == objWizard.config.submitTabId) {								// Validate all forms								for (var iTab = 0; iTab < objWizard.tabsArray.length; iTab++) {									var objTab = objWizard.tabsArray[iTab];									if ( == objArgs.newTabId) {										// Skip this tab										continue;									}									if (!objTab.parsed) {										// Tab content is not parsed yet										objWizard.changeTab(;										return false;									}									if (objTab.formSource) {										// Tab contains form										if (!objTab.form || !objTab.form.submit()) {											// Form is not initialized yet or not valid											objWizard.changeTab(;											return false;										}									}								}							}							// Call original function							if (typeof funcOnBeforeTabChange == 'function') {								return funcOnBeforeTabChange(objArgs);							}							return true;						};										// Patch onTabChange handler						var funcOnTabChange = objWizard.config.onTabChange;						objWizard.config.onTabChange = function(objArgs) {							// Get new tab id							var strNewTabId = objArgs.newTabId;							// Get new tab							var objNewTab = objWizard.tabs[strNewTabId];							if (!objNewTab) {								return;							}							// Parse source to get form							if (!objNewTab.parsed) {								var objSource = objNewTab.container.getContentElement();								// Get form								var objForm = Zapatec.Utils.getFirstChild(objSource, 'form');								// Form must have 'zpForm' in class attribute								if (objForm && objForm.className.indexOf('zpForm') < 0) {									// Try other forms									while (objForm = Zapatec.Utils.getNextSibling(objSource, 'form')) {										if (objForm.className.indexOf('zpForm') >= 0) {											break;										}									}								}								if (objForm) {									// Extend Tab class with formSource property									objNewTab.formSource = objForm;								}								// Extend Tab class with parsed property								objNewTab.parsed = true;							}							// Initialize source form if not initialized yet							if (!objNewTab.form && objNewTab.formSource) {								// Extend Tab class with form property								objNewTab.form = new Zapatec.Form({									form: objNewTab.formSource,									themePath: objWizard.config.formThemePath,									theme: objWizard.config.formTheme,									statusImgPos: objWizard.config.formStatusImgPos,									showErrors: objWizard.config.showErrors,									submitErrorFunc: function(objArgs) {										objArgs.tabId = strNewTabId;										if (typeof objWizard.config.onError == 'function') {											objWizard.config.onError(objArgs);											// Check if there are invalid fields											if (objArgs.fieldErrors && objArgs.fieldErrors.length) {												// Focus on first invalid field												objNewTab.focusOn = objArgs.fieldErrors[0].field;											}										}									},									submitValidFunc: function() {										if (typeof objWizard.config.onValid == 'function') {											objWizard.config.onValid({												tabId: strNewTabId											});										}									}								});							}							// If submit tab clicked							if (strNewTabId == objWizard.config.submitTabId) {								// Populate hidden form								for (var iTab = 0; iTab < objWizard.tabsArray.length; iTab++) {									// Get tab									var objTab = objWizard.tabsArray[iTab];									if (!objTab.form) {										continue;									}									// Get source form									var objForm = objTab.formSource;									if (!objForm) {										continue;									}									for (var iField = 0; iField < objForm.elements.length; iField++) {										// Get source field element										var objField = objForm.elements[iField];										if (!Zapatec.Form.Utils.isInputField(objField)) {											continue;										}										// Get field name										var strName = objField.getAttribute('name');										if (strName && !strName.length) {											continue;										}										// Get hidden field element										var objHiddenField = objHiddenForm[strName];										if (!objHiddenField) {											// Create new field element											var objHiddenField = Zapatec.Utils.createElement('input');											objHiddenField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');											objHiddenField.setAttribute('name', strName);											objHiddenForm.appendChild(objHiddenField);										}										// Set value										objHiddenField.setAttribute('value', objField.value);									}								}								// Submit hidden form								objHiddenForm.onsubmit();							}							// Call original function							if (typeof funcOnTabChange == 'function') {								funcOnTabChange(objArgs);							}						};										// Call original function						if (typeof funcOnInit == 'function') {							funcOnInit(objArgs);						}					};									// Call parent init, objArgs);				};							
