
源代码在线查看: sw-uart-asm.s

软件大小: 192 K
上传用户: houlong111
关键词: AVR USB CDC 单片机
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				/* Name: sw-uart.S				 * Project: AVR USB driver for CDC interface on USB1.1				 * Author: Osamu Tamura				 * Creation Date: 2006-05-12				 * Tabsize: 4				 * Copyright: (c) 2006 by Recursion Co., Ltd.				 * License: Proprietary, free under certain conditions. See Documentation.				 */								/*				General Description:				    This module implements the assembler part of the USB-CDC driver.								Note: This module violates the rule that interrupts must not be disabled for				longer than a couple of instructions (see usbdrv.h). Running UART interrupt				handlers with sei as the first instruction is not possible because it would				recurse immediately (the cause of the interrupt has not been removed). If				we collect the data and then call sei(), we win little. We therefore decide				to violate the rule. The effect on USB operation is, that packages may be				lost. This is equivalent to a package being dropped due to a CRC error. The				host will therefore retry the transfer after a timeout. It is therefore very				likely that no effect is seen at the application layer.				*/				
				#include "iarcompat.h"				#ifndef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__				    /* configs for io.h */				#   define __SFR_OFFSET 0				#   define _VECTOR(N)   __vector_ ## N   /* io.h does not define this for asm */				#   include  /* for CPU I/O register definitions and vectors */				#endif  /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__ */				#include "usbdrv.h" /* for common defs */				#include "uart.h"				
								#if !UART_CFG_HAVE_USART
								/* register names */				#define x1      r16				#define x2      r17								/* Some assembler dependent definitions and declarations: */								#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__								#   define nop2     rjmp    $+2 /* jump to next instruction */				#   define XL       r26				#   define XH       r27				#   define YL       r28				#   define YH       r29				#   define ZL       r30				#   define ZH       r31				#   define lo8(x)   LOW(x)				#   define hi8(x)   ((x)>>8)    /* not HIGH to allow XLINK to make a proper range check */								    public  bit_reverse
				#   ifndef IVT_BASE_ADDRESS				#       define IVT_BASE_ADDRESS 0				#   endif								    ASEG				    ORG     PCINT0_vect + IVT_BASE_ADDRESS				    rjmp    SIG_PIN_CHANGE				    ORG     TIM1_COMPA_vect + IVT_BASE_ADDRESS				    rjmp    SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A				    ORG     USI_OVF_vect + IVT_BASE_ADDRESS				    rjmp    SIG_USI_OVERFLOW				    RSEG    CODE								#else /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__ */								    .text				
				    .global SIG_PIN_CHANGE				    .type   SIG_PIN_CHANGE, @function				    .global SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A				    .type   SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A, @function				    .global SIG_USI_OVERFLOW				    .type   SIG_USI_OVERFLOW, @function				
				    .global bit_reverse
								#endif /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__ */								
				; ######################## RS-232C functions ########################				
				    sbis    UART_PIN, UART_CFG_RXD         ;1/2
				    sbic    UART_PIN, UART_CFG_RXD         ;1/2
				    reti                    ;4 
				    out     GPIOR0, x1      ;1
				    in      x1, DT1A        ;1  1st bit sampling delay
				    out     TCNT1, x1       ;1
				    ldi     x1, 9           ;1  set rx_bitcounter = 9
				    out     OCR1C, x1       ;1
				    ldi     x1, 7           ;1  start timer
				    out     TCCR1, x1       ;1
				    ldi     x1, (1				    out     USB_INTR_ENABLE, x1  ;1   stop pin change interrupt
				    in      x1, GPIOR0      ;1
				    reti                    ;4   {14,14}
				SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A:				    out     GPIOR0, x1      ;1
				    in      x1, SREG        ;1				    out     GPIOR1, x1      ;1
				    in      x1, OCR1C       ;1  rx_bitcounter--
				    dec     x1              ;1
				    out     OCR1C, x1       ;1
				    breq    tm1_stopbit     ;1/2
				    in      x1, OCR1B       ;1
				    lsr     x1              ;1  data shift
				    sbis    UART_PIN, UART_CFG_RXD         ;1/2
				    sbic    UART_PIN, UART_CFG_RXD         ;1/2
				    ori     x1, 0x80        ;1
				    out     OCR1B, x1       ;1
				    out     GPIOR2, x2      ;1
				    in      x1, TCNT1       ;1
				    in      x2, OCR1A       ;1
				    sub     x1, x2          ;1
				    out     TCNT1, x1       ;1
				    in      x2, GPIOR2      ;1
				    in      x1, GPIOR1      ;1
				    out     SREG, x1        ;1				    in      x1, GPIOR0      ;1
				    reti                    ;4
				    out     TCCR1, x1       ;1  stop timer1
				    out     DT1B, x1        ;1  rx_data ready flag
				    in      x1, OCR1B       ;1
				    out     EEDR, x1        ;1  rx_data
				    ldi     x1, (1				    out     GIFR, x1        ;1
				    ldi     x1, (1				    out     USB_INTR_ENABLE, x1  ;1   enable pin change interrupt
				    in      x1, GPIOR1      ;1
				    out     SREG, x1        ;1				    in      x1, GPIOR0      ;1
				    reti                    ;4   {23,25}
				    out     GPIOR0, x1     	;1
					sbic	EEARL, 0		;1/2
					rjmp	usi_stopbit    	;2
					ldi		x1, 0x4b		;1
					out		USISR, x1		;1
					out		EEARL, x1		;1
					in		x1, OCR0B		;1
					out		USIDR, x1		;1  transfer upper 4 bits
				    in      x1, GPIOR0     	;1
				    reti                   	;4
					ldi		x1, (1					out		USISR, x1		;1
				    ldi     x1, 0           ;1
					out		TCCR0B, x1		;1  stop timer0
				    in      x1, GPIOR0		;1
				    reti					;4   {13,13}
				;   extern uchar    bit_reverse( uchar x );
				#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__				#define inb      r16				#define outb     r17				#else
				#define inb      r24				#define outb     r25				#endif
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    rol     inb
				    ror     outb
				    mov     inb, outb
				#endif		/* UART_CFG_HAVE_USART	*/
