
源代码在线查看: stackmapframe.java

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关键词: java 移植 虚拟机
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				/*				 *	StackMapFrame.java	1.4	01/03/30				 *				 * Copyright (c) 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.				 *				 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Sun				 * Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information").  You shall not				 * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in				 * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into				 * with Sun.				 *				 * SUN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE				 * SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE				 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR				 * PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SUN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES				 * SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING				 * THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES.				 * Use is subject to license terms.				 */								package components;				import java.io.DataOutput;				import java.io.DataInput;				import java.io.IOException;				import util.DataFormatException;				import vm.Const;								public class StackMapFrame { 				    // A single frame in the stack map table								    public static final int ITEM_Bogus = 0;				    public static final int ITEM_Integer = 1;				    public static final int ITEM_Float = 2;				    public static final int ITEM_Double = 3;				    public static final int ITEM_Long = 4;				    public static final int ITEM_Null = 5;				    public static final int ITEM_InitObject = 6;				    public static final int ITEM_Object = 7;				    public static final int ITEM_NewObject = 8;								    int offset;				    ConstantObject locals[];				    ConstantObject stack[];								    // Read in a frame from the specified data input stream.				    StackMapFrame(DataInput in, ConstantObject globals[]) 					             throws IOException { 					   this.offset = in.readShort();		    					   this.locals = readOneTable(in, globals);					   this.stack = readOneTable(in, globals);				    }								    private ConstantObject[] 				    readOneTable(DataInput in, ConstantObject globals[]) 						  throws IOException { 					int length = in.readShort();					ConstantObject result[] = new ConstantObject[length];					for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { 					    int tag = in.readByte();					    switch(tag) { 					    case ITEM_Bogus:					    case ITEM_Integer: case ITEM_Float:					    case ITEM_Double:  case ITEM_Long:					    case ITEM_Null:    case ITEM_InitObject:						// Small non-negative values represent the corresponding						// type.						result[i] = new SingleValueConstant(tag);						break;									    case ITEM_Object:						result[i] = globals[in.readShort()];						break;									    case ITEM_NewObject:						// This is a hack, but it's not really worth creating a new						// type to represent this.  Negative numbers represent new						// objects.						result[i] = new SingleValueConstant(~in.readShort());						break;									    default:						System.out.println("Unknown tag");					    }					}					return result;				    }								    public int writeData(DataOutput out) throws IOException {					out.writeShort(offset);					// Return the number of bytes that we've written					return 2 + writeData(out, locals) + writeData(out, stack);				    }								    public int writeData(DataOutput out, ConstantObject[] table) 					   throws IOException 				    { 					int count = 0;					out.writeShort(table.length);					count += 2;					for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { 					    if (table[i] instanceof SingleValueConstant) { 						int value = ((SingleValueConstant)table[i]).value;						if (value < 0) { 						    out.writeByte(ITEM_NewObject);						    out.writeShort(~value);						    count += 3;						} else { 						    out.writeShort(value);	    						    count += 2;						}					    } else if (table[i] instanceof ClassConstant) { 						out.writeByte(ITEM_Object);						out.writeShort(((ClassConstant)table[i]).name.index);						count += 3;					    }					}					return count;				    }								    public void				    externalize( ConstantPool p ){					// do nothing				    }								    public void countConstantReferences(boolean isRelocatable) { 					if (isRelocatable) { 					    // Is this the right thing??					    for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) { 						locals[i].incReference();					    }					    for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { 						stack[i].incReference();					    }					}				    }				    				    // Return a bitmap indicating which values on the stack are pointers				    public boolean[] getStackBitmap() { 					return getBitmap(stack);				    }								    public int getStackSize() { 				        ConstantObject table[] = stack;				        int extra = 0;					for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { 					    if (table[i] instanceof SingleValueConstant) { 						int value = ((SingleValueConstant)table[i]).value;						if (value == ITEM_Long || value == ITEM_Double) { 						    extra++;						}					    }					} 					return table.length + extra;				    }								    // Return a bitmap indicating which values on the locals are pointers				    public boolean[] getLocalsBitmap() {					return getBitmap(locals);				    }								    private boolean[] getBitmap(ConstantObject table[]) { 					int extra = 0;					// Count the actual number of values, since doubles and longs take up 					// two slots					for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { 					    if (table[i] instanceof SingleValueConstant) { 						int value = ((SingleValueConstant)table[i]).value;						if (value == ITEM_Long || value == ITEM_Double) { 						    extra++;						}					    }					} 					boolean result[] = new boolean[table.length + extra];					extra = 0;					// Fill in the table					for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { 					    if (table[i] instanceof SingleValueConstant) { 						int value = ((SingleValueConstant)table[i]).value;						if (value == ITEM_Long || value == ITEM_Double) { 						    extra++;						} else if (value < 0 || value == ITEM_InitObject) { 						    result[i + extra] = true;						}					    } else if (table[i] instanceof ClassConstant) { 						result[i + extra] = true;					    } else { 						throw new RuntimeException("Unknown table type");					    }					}					return result;				    }								    public int getOffset() { 					return offset;				    }				}							
