* Test for fixing the Jira issue GROOVY-1000
* Fix an infinite loop when getting after group matching in regular expression.
* Graham Miller has given this idea.
* @author Pilho Kim
* @version $Revision: 2711 $
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class RegExpGroupMatchTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testFirst() {
assert "cheesecheese" =~ "cheese"
assert "cheesecheese" =~ /cheese/
assert "cheese" == /cheese/ /*they are both string syntaxes*/
void testSecond() {
// Lets create a regex Pattern
def pattern = ~/foo/
assert pattern instanceof Pattern
assert pattern.matcher("foo").matches()
void testThird() {
// Lets create a Matcher
def matcher = "cheesecheese" =~ /cheese/
assert matcher instanceof Matcher
def answer = matcher.replaceAll("edam")
println answer
void testFourth() {
// Lets do some replacement
def cheese = ("cheesecheese" =~ /cheese/).replaceFirst("nice")
assert cheese == "nicecheese"
void testFifth() {
// Group demo
def matcher = "\$abc." =~ "\\\$(.*)\\."
matcher.matches(); // must be invoked
assert matcher.group(1) == "abc" // is one, not zero
// assert matcher[1] == "abc" // This has worked only before jsr-03-release
println (matcher[0])
assert matcher[0] == ["\$abc.", "abc"]
assert matcher[0][1] == "abc"
void testSixth() {
// Group demo
// Avoid having to double all the backslash escaping characters.
def matcher = "\$abc." =~ /\$(.*)\./ // no need to double-escape!
assert "\\\$(.*)\\." == /\$(.*)\./
matcher.matches(); // must be invoked
assert matcher.group(1) == "abc" // is one, not zero
// assert matcher[1] == "abc" // This has worked only before jsr-03-release
println (matcher[0])
assert matcher[0] == ["\$abc.", "abc"]
assert matcher[0][1] == "abc"
// Test no group match.
void testNoGroupMatcherAndGet() {
def p = /ab[d|f]/
def m = "abcabdabeabf" =~ p
for (i in 0.. println( "m.groupCount() = " + m.groupCount())
println( " " + i + ": " + m[i] ) // m[i] is a String
// Test group matches.
void testGroupMatcherAndGet() {
def p = /(?:ab([c|d|e|f]))/
def m = "abcabdabeabf" =~ p
for (i in 0.. println( "m.groupCount() = " + m.groupCount())
println( " " + i + ": " + m[i] ) // m[i] is a String
// Test group matches.
void testAnotherGroupMatcherAndGet() {
def m = "abcabdabeabfabxyzabx" =~ /(?:ab([d|x-z]+))/
m.count.times {
println( "m.groupCount() = " + m.groupCount())
println( " " + it + ": " + m[it] ) // m[it] is a String