subversion-1.4.3-1.tar.gz 配置svn的源码


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				#!/usr/bin/python								# A pre-commit hook to detect case-insensitive filename clashes.				#				# What this script does:				#  - Detects new paths that 'clash' with existing, or other new, paths.				#  - Ignores existings paths that already 'clash'				#  - Exits with an error code, and a diagnostic on stderr, if 'clashes'				#    are detected.				#				# How it does it:				#  - Get a list of changed paths.				#  - From that list extract the new paths that represent adds or replaces.				#  - For each new path:				#    - Split the path into a directory and a name.				#    - Get the names of all the entries in the version of the directory				#      within the txn.				#    - Compare the canonical new name with each canonical entry name.				#    - If the canonical names match and the pristine names do not match				#      then we have a 'clash'.				#				# Notes:				#  - All the paths from the Subversion filesystem bindings are encoded				#    in UTF-8 and the separator is '/' on all OS's.				#  - The canonical form determines what constitutes a 'clash', at present				#    a simple 'lower case' is used.  That's probably not identical to the				#    behaviour of Windows or OSX, but it might be good enough.				#  - Hooks get invoked with an empty environment so this script explicitly				#    sets a locale; make sure it is a sensible value.				#  - If used with Apache the 'clash' diagnostic must be ASCII irrespective				#    of the locale, see the 'Force' comment near the end of the script for				#    one way to achieve this.								import sys, locale				sys.path.append('/usr/local/subversion/lib/svn-python')				from svn import repos, fs				locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_GB')								def canonicalize(path):				  return path.decode('utf-8').lower().encode('utf-8')								def get_new_paths(txn_root):				  new_paths = []				  for path, change in fs.paths_changed(txn_root).iteritems():				    if (change.change_kind == fs.path_change_add				        or change.change_kind == fs.path_change_replace):				      new_paths.append(path)				  return new_paths								def split_path(path):				  slash = path.rindex('/')				  if (slash == 0):				    return '/', path[1:]				  return path[:slash], path[slash+1:]								def join_path(dir, name):				  if (dir == '/'):				    return '/' + name				  return dir + '/' + name								def ensure_names(path, names, txn_root):				  if (not names.has_key(path)):				     names[path] = []				     for name, dirent in fs.dir_entries(txn_root, path).iteritems():				       names[path].append([canonicalize(name), name])								names = {}   # map of: key - path, value - list of two element lists of names				clashes = {} # map of: key - path, value - map of: key - path, value - dummy								native = locale.getlocale()[1]				if not native: native = 'ascii'				repos_handle =[1].decode(native).encode('utf-8'))				fs_handle = repos.fs(repos_handle)				txn_handle = fs.open_txn(fs_handle, sys.argv[2].decode(native).encode('utf-8'))				txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn_handle)								new_paths = get_new_paths(txn_root)				for path in new_paths:				  dir, name = split_path(path)				  canonical = canonicalize(name)				  ensure_names(dir, names, txn_root)				  for name_pair in names[dir]:				    if (name_pair[0] == canonical and name_pair[1] != name):				      canonical_path = join_path(dir, canonical)				      if (not clashes.has_key(canonical_path)):				        clashes[canonical_path] = {}				      clashes[canonical_path][join_path(dir, name)] = True				      clashes[canonical_path][join_path(dir, name_pair[1])] = True								if (clashes):				  # native = 'ascii' # Force ASCII output for Apache				  for canonical_path in clashes.iterkeys():				    sys.stderr.write(u'Clash:'.encode(native))				    for path in clashes[canonical_path].iterkeys():				      sys.stderr.write(u' \''.encode(native) +				                       str(path).decode('utf-8').encode(native, 'replace') +				                       u'\''.encode(native))				    sys.stderr.write(u'\n'.encode(native))				  sys.exit(1)							
