
源代码在线查看: imessage.h

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				 *  I M E S S A G E . H
				 *  External definitions for MAPI's IMessage-on-IStorage facility
				 *  Copyright 1986-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
				#ifndef _IMESSAGE_H_
				#define _IMESSAGE_H_
				#ifdef __cplusplus
				extern "C"
				typedef struct _MSGSESS     FAR * LPMSGSESS;
				/*  Typedef of optional callback routine to be called on last release of
				 *  top-level messages opened with OpenIMsgOnIStg
				    ULONG       ulCallerData, 
				    LPMESSAGE   lpMessage );
				/* DLL Entry Points (found in mapiu.dll) */
				/* OpenIMsgSession
				 * CloseIMsgSession
				 * These entry points allow the caller to "wrap" the creation of messages
				 * inside a session, so that when the session is closed, all messages
				 * created within that session are closed as well. Use of IMSG sessions
				 * is optional. If OpenIMsgOnIStg is called with a NULL for the lpmsgsess
				 * parameter, the message is created independent of any session, and has
				 * no way to be shutdown. If the caller forgets to release the message, or
				 * to release open tables within the message, the memory will be leaked until
				 * the external application terminates.
				STDAPI_(SCODE) OpenIMsgSession(
				    LPMALLOC        lpMalloc,           /* -> Co malloc object          */
				    ULONG           ulFlags,            /* reserved. Must be zero.      */
				    LPMSGSESS FAR   *lppMsgSess );      /* 				
				STDAPI_(void) CloseIMsgSession(
				    LPMSGSESS       lpMsgSess );        /* -> message session object    */
				/*  OpenIMsgOnIStg - Main entry point
				 *  NOTE 1:  The IStg must be opened with STGM_TRANSACTED if STGM_READWRITE
				 *  is specified.  Since messages don't support a write only mode, IMessage
				 *  doesn't allow a storage object opened in write only mode. If the storage
				 *  is opened STGM_READ, then STGM_TRANSACTED is NOT required.
				 *  NOTE 2:  The lpMapiSup parameter is optional.  If supplied then IMessage 
				 *  will support the MAPI_DIALOG and ATTACH_DIALOG flags (by calling 
				 *  support method: DoMCDialog) on CopyTo and DeleteAttach methods.  
				 *  If lpMapiSup is not supplied (i.e. passed 0) then dialog flags will be
				 *  ignored.  If supplied then ModifyRecipients will attempt to convert 
				 *  short term entryids to long term entryids (by calling support method 
				 *  OpenAddressBook and calls on the returned object).  If not supplied 
				 *  then short term entryid's will be stored without conversion.
				 *  NOTE 3:  The lpfMsgCallRelease parameter is optional.  If supplied then
				 *  IMessage will call the routine when the last release on (the toplevel only)
				 *  message is called.  It is intended to allow the callee to free the IStorage
				 *  that contains the message.  IMessage will not use the IStorage object after
				 *  making this call.
				 *  NOTE 4:  Behavior of multiple opens of sub-objects (Attachments, Streams, 
				 *  Storages, Messages, etc.) within a message is deliberately undefined in 
				 *  MAPI.  This implementation allows them, but will do it by AddRef'ing the 
				 *  existing open and returning it to the caller of OpenAttachment or 
				 *  OpenProperty.  This means that whatever access mode the first open on a 
				 *  specific Attachment or Property had is what all others will get regardless 
				 *  of what the subsequent opens asked for.  
				 *  NOTE 5:  There is currently one flag defined for use with the ulFlags
				 *  parameter. The IMSG_NO_ISTG_COMMIT flag controls whether the commit
				 *  method of IStorage is called when the client calls SaveChanges on the
				 *  IMessage object. Some clients of IMessage may wish to commit the IStorage
				 *  themselves after writing additional data to the storage (beyond what
				 *  IMessage itself writes). To aid in this, the IMessage implementation
				 *  guarantees to name all sub-storages starting with "__". Therefore,
				 *  if the client keeps its names out of that namespace, there will be no
				 *  accidental collisions.
				 *  WARNING:    
				 *  This implementation of IMessage will support OpenProperty w/MAPI_CREATE
				 *  where the source interface is IID_IStorage if the property id is 
				 *  'PR_ATTACH_DATA'.  Once this has been done, the caller has an IStorage 
				 *  interface on this property.  This is ok and should allow for
				 *  easier implementation of OLE 2.0 Server functionality.  However, if you 
				 *  pass in the new IStorage ptr (to the attachment data) through the 
				 *  OpenIMsgOnIStg entry point and then proceed to release things in the 
				 *  wrong order we will make no attempt to behave in a predictable fashion.
				 *  Keep in mind that the correct method for placing a message into an 
				 *  attachment is to call OpenProperty where the source interface is
				 *  IID_IMessage.  The IStorage interface is supported to allow an easy way
				 *  to stick a WWord doc. into an attachment w/o converting to/from IStream.
				STDAPI_(SCODE) OpenIMsgOnIStg( 
				    LPMSGSESS       lpMsgSess,          /* -> message session obj (optional) */
				    LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocateBuffer,  /* -> AllocateBuffer memory routine  */
				    LPALLOCATEMORE  lpAllocateMore,     /* -> AllocateMore memory routine    */
				    LPFREEBUFFER    lpFreeBuffer,       /* -> FreeBuffer memory routine      */
				    LPMALLOC        lpMalloc,           /* -> Co malloc object               */
				    LPVOID          lpMapiSup,          /* -> MAPI Support Obj (optional)    */
				    LPSTORAGE       lpStg,              /* -> open IStorage containing msg   */
				    MSGCALLRELEASE FAR *lpfMsgCallRelease,  /* -> release callback rtn (opt) */
				    ULONG           ulCallerData,       /* caller data returned in callback  */
				    ULONG           ulFlags,            /* -> flags (controls istg commit)   */
				    LPMESSAGE       FAR *lppMsg );      /* 				
				#define IMSG_NO_ISTG_COMMIT     ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
				/* NOTE: Property Attributes are specific to this IMessage on IStorage      */
				/* implementation and are not a part of standard MAPI 1.0 property methods  */
				/* Property Attributes */
				#define PROPATTR_MANDATORY      ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
				#define PROPATTR_READABLE       ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
				#define PROPATTR_WRITEABLE      ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
				#define PROPATTR_NOT_PRESENT    ((ULONG) 0x00000008)
				/* Attribute Array */
				typedef struct _SPropAttrArray
				    ULONG   cValues;                            
				    ULONG   aPropAttr[MAPI_DIM];
				} SPropAttrArray, FAR * LPSPropAttrArray;
				#define CbNewSPropAttrArray(_cattr) \
				    (offsetof(SPropAttrArray,aPropAttr) + (_cattr)*sizeof(ULONG))
				#define CbSPropAttrArray(_lparray) \
				    (offsetof(SPropAttrArray,aPropAttr) + \
				#define SizedSPropAttrArray(_cattr, _name) \
				struct _SPropAttrArray_ ## _name \
				{ \
				    ULONG   cValues; \
				    ULONG   aPropAttr[_cattr]; \
				} _name
				/*  GetAttribIMsgOnIStg - To get attributes on properties
				 *  This call is provided because there is no method of IMAPIPropSet to allow
				 *  getting attributes.
				STDAPI GetAttribIMsgOnIStg(
				    LPVOID                  lpObject,
				    LPSPropTagArray         lpPropTagArray,
				    LPSPropAttrArray FAR    *lppPropAttrArray );
				/*  SetAttribIMsgOnIStg - To set attributes on properties
				 *  This call is provided because there is no method of IMAPIPropSet to allow
				 *  setting of attributes.
				STDAPI SetAttribIMsgOnIStg(
				    LPVOID                  lpObject,
				    LPSPropTagArray         lpPropTags,
				    LPSPropAttrArray        lpPropAttrs,
				    LPSPropProblemArray FAR *lppPropProblems );
				/*  MapStorageSCode - To map an IStorage hResult to a MAPI sCode value
				 *  This call is provided for the internal use of PDK components that base
				 *  their message implementations on IMessage.  Since these components must 
				 *  open the storage themselves, there is a common need to map OLE 2.0 
				 *  Storage error returns to MAPI sCodes.
				 *  WARNING:    There is no guarantee that this entry point will exist in 
				 *  shipped versions of mapiu.dll.
				STDAPI_(SCODE) MapStorageSCode( SCODE StgSCode );
				#ifdef __cplusplus
				#endif  /* _IMESSAGE_H_ */
