function val = subsref(p,prop) % nfPredatorPrayModel/subsref % % Nonlinear Filtering Toolbox version 2.0rc1 % Copyright (c) 1995 - 2006 NFT developement Team, % Department of Cybernetics, % University of West Bohemia in Pilsen switch prop.type case '()' error('This type of referencing is not implemented!'); case '.' switch prop.subs case 'u' if == 0 val = {}; else val = {'input'}; end case 'x' if p.nx == 0 val = {}; else val = {'state'}; end case 'xi' if p.nxi == 0 val = {}; else val = {'noise'}; end otherwise val = subsref(p.nfFunction,prop); end case '{}' error('This type of referencing is not implemented!'); end % CHANGELOG