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				/*				 * $RCSfile:,v $				 *				 * Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.				 *				 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without				 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions				 * are met:				 *				 * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright				 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.				 *				 * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright				 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in				 *   the documentation and/or other materials provided with the				 *   distribution.				 *				 * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of				 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived				 * from this software without specific prior written permission.				 *				 * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any				 * kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND				 * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY,				 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY				 * EXCLUDED. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL				 * NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF				 * USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS				 * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR				 * ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL,				 * CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND				 * REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR				 * INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE				 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.				 *				 * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or				 * intended for use in the design, construction, operation or				 * maintenance of any nuclear facility.				 *				 * $Revision: 1.4 $				 * $Date: 2007/02/09 17:20:20 $				 * $State: Exp $				 */								// ----------------------------------------------------------------------				//				// The reference to Fast Industrial Strength Triangulation (FIST) code				// in this release by Sun Microsystems is related to Sun's rewrite of				// an early version of FIST. FIST was originally created by Martin				// Held and Joseph Mitchell at Stony Brook University and is				// incorporated by Sun under an agreement with The Research Foundation				// of SUNY (RFSUNY). The current version of FIST is available for				// commercial use under a license agreement with RFSUNY on behalf of				// the authors and Stony Brook University.  Please contact the Office				// of Technology Licensing at Stony Brook, phone 631-632-9009, for				// licensing information.				//				// ----------------------------------------------------------------------								package com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry;								import javax.vecmath.*;				import*;				import java.util.*;								class Project  {								    /**				     * This function projects the vertices of the polygons referenced by				     * loops[i1,..,i2-1] to an approximating plane.				     */				    static void projectFace(Triangulator triRef, int loopMin, int loopMax) {					Vector3f	 normal, nr;					int i, j;					double d;									normal = new Vector3f();					nr = new Vector3f();									// determine the normal of the plane onto which the points get projected					determineNormal(triRef, triRef.loops[loopMin], normal);					j = loopMin + 1;					if (j < loopMax) {					    for (i = j;  i < loopMax;  ++i) {						determineNormal(triRef, triRef.loops[i], nr);						if (Basic.dotProduct(normal, nr) < 0.0) {						    Basic.invertVector(nr);						}						Basic.vectorAdd(normal, nr, normal);					    }					    d = Basic.lengthL2(normal);					    if (, Triangulator.ZERO)) {						Basic.divScalar(d, normal);					    }					    else {						// System.out.println("*** ProjectFace: zero-length normal vector!? ***\n");						normal.x = normal.y = 0.0f;						normal.z = 1.0f;					    }					}									// project the points onto this plane. the projected points are stored in					// the array `points[0,..,numPoints]'									// System.out.println("loopMin " + loopMin + " loopMax " + loopMax);					projectPoints(triRef, loopMin, loopMax, normal);								    }												    /**				     * This function computes the average of all normals defined by triples of				     * successive vertices of the polygon. we'll see whether this is a good				     * heuristic for finding a suitable plane normal...				     */				    static void determineNormal(Triangulator triRef, int ind, Vector3f normal) {					Vector3f nr, pq, pr;					int ind0, ind1, ind2;					int i0, i1, i2;					double d;									ind1 = ind;					i1 = triRef.fetchData(ind1);					ind0 = triRef.fetchPrevData(ind1);					i0 = triRef.fetchData(ind0);					ind2 = triRef.fetchNextData(ind1);					i2 = triRef.fetchData(ind2);					pq = new Vector3f();					Basic.vectorSub((Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i0], (Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i1], (Vector3f) pq);					pr = new Vector3f();					Basic.vectorSub((Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i2], (Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i1], (Vector3f) pr);					nr = new Vector3f();					Basic.vectorProduct(pq, pr, nr);					d = Basic.lengthL2(nr);					if (, Triangulator.ZERO)) {					    Basic.divScalar(d, nr);					    normal.set(nr);					}					else {					    normal.x = normal.y = normal.z = 0.0f;					}									pq.set(pr);					ind1 = ind2;					ind2 = triRef.fetchNextData(ind1);					i2 = triRef.fetchData(ind2);					while (ind1 != ind) {					    Basic.vectorSub((Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i2], (Tuple3f) triRef.vertices[i1], pr);					    Basic.vectorProduct(pq, pr, nr);					    d = Basic.lengthL2(nr);					    if (, Triangulator.ZERO))  {						Basic.divScalar(d, nr);						if (Basic.dotProduct(normal, nr) < 0.0) {						    Basic.invertVector(nr);						}						Basic.vectorAdd(normal, nr, normal);					    }					    pq.set(pr);					    ind1 = ind2;					    ind2 = triRef.fetchNextData(ind1);					    i2 = triRef.fetchData(ind2);					}									d = Basic.lengthL2(normal);					if (, Triangulator.ZERO)) {					    Basic.divScalar(d, normal);					}					else {					    //System.out.println("*** DetermineNormal: zero-length normal vector!? ***\n");					    normal.x = normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = 1.0f;									}				    }												    /**				     * This function maps the vertices of the polygon referenced by `ind' to the				     * plane  n3.x * x + n3.y * y + n3.z * z = 0. every mapped vertex  (x,y,z)				     * is then expressed in terms of  (x',y',z'),  where  z'=0.  this is				     * achieved by transforming the original vertices into a coordinate system				     * whose z-axis coincides with  n3,  and whose two other coordinate axes  n1				     * and  n2  are orthonormal on  n3. note that n3 is supposed to be of unit				     * length!				     */				    static void projectPoints(Triangulator triRef, int i1, int i2, Vector3f n3) {					Matrix4f matrix = new Matrix4f();					Point3f vtx = new Point3f();					Vector3f n1, n2;					double d;					int ind, ind1;					int i, j1;													n1 = new Vector3f();					n2 = new Vector3f();									// choose  n1  and  n2  appropriately					if ((Math.abs(n3.x) > 0.1)  || (Math.abs(n3.y) > 0.1)) {					    n1.x = -n3.y;					    n1.y =  n3.x;					    n1.z =  0.0f;					}					else {					    n1.x =  n3.z;					    n1.z = -n3.x;					    n1.y =  0.0f;					}					d = Basic.lengthL2(n1);					Basic.divScalar(d, n1);					Basic.vectorProduct(n1, n3, n2);					d = Basic.lengthL2(n2);					Basic.divScalar(d, n2);									// initialize the transformation matrix					matrix.m00 = n1.x;					matrix.m01 = n1.y;					matrix.m02 = n1.z;					matrix.m03 = 0.0f;       // translation of the coordinate system					matrix.m10 = n2.x;					matrix.m11 = n2.y;					matrix.m12 = n2.z;					matrix.m13 = 0.0f;       // translation of the coordinate system					matrix.m20 = n3.x;					matrix.m21 = n3.y;					matrix.m22 = n3.z;					matrix.m23 = 0.0f;       // translation of the coordinate system					matrix.m30 = 0.0f;					matrix.m31 = 0.0f;					matrix.m32 = 0.0f;					matrix.m33 = 1.0f;									// transform the vertices and store the transformed vertices in the array					// `points'					triRef.initPnts(20);					for (i = i1;  i < i2;  ++i) {					    ind = triRef.loops[i];					    ind1 = ind;					    j1 = triRef.fetchData(ind1);					    matrix.transform((Point3f)triRef.vertices[j1], vtx);					    j1 = triRef.storePoint(vtx.x, vtx.y);					    triRef.updateIndex(ind1, j1);					    ind1 = triRef.fetchNextData(ind1);					    j1 = triRef.fetchData(ind1);					    while (ind1 != ind) {						matrix.transform(triRef.vertices[j1], vtx);						j1 = triRef.storePoint(vtx.x, vtx.y);						triRef.updateIndex(ind1, j1);						ind1 = triRef.fetchNextData(ind1);						j1 = triRef.fetchData(ind1);					    }					}				    }								}							
