VxWork在S3C2410上的移植, VxWork在S3C2410上的移植

源代码在线查看: prjconfig.c

软件大小: 1432 K
上传用户: dongchenxi2
关键词: S3C2410 VxWork 移植
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/* prjConfig.c - dynamicaly generated configuration file */																								/* includes */								#include "vxWorks.h"				#include "config.h"				#include "bsdSockLib.h"				#include "bufLib.h"				#include "cacheLib.h"				#include "cbioLib.h"				#include "configNet.h"				#include "cplusLib.h"				#include "dcacheCbio.h"				#include "dosFsLib.h"				#include "drv/timer/timerDev.h"				#include "drv/wdb/wdbEndPktDrv.h"				#include "drv/wdb/wdbVioDrv.h"				#include "end.h"				#include "envLib.h"				#include "eventLib.h"				#include "excLib.h"				#include "fioLib.h"				#include "ftpLib.h"				#include "hashLib.h"				#include "hostLib.h"				#include "intLib.h"				#include "ioLib.h"				#include "iosLib.h"				#include "ipProto.h"				#include "logLib.h"				#include "lstLib.h"				#include "math.h"				#include "memLib.h"				#include "msgQLib.h"				#include "muxLib.h"				#include "muxTkLib.h"				#include "net/mbuf.h"				#include "netBufLib.h"				#include "netDrv.h"				#include "netLib.h"				#include "netinet/if_ether.h"				#include "pipeDrv.h"				#include "private/ftpLibP.h"				#include "private/funcBindP.h"				#include "private/kernelLibP.h"				#include "private/taskLibP.h"				#include "private/vmLibP.h"				#include "private/workQLibP.h"				#include "qPriBMapLib.h"				#include "ramDrv.h"				#include "rebootLib.h"				#include "remLib.h"				#include "selectLib.h"				#include "semLib.h"				#include "sigLib.h"				#include "sioLib.h"				#include "stdio.h"				#include "string.h"				#include "symLib.h"				#include "sys/socket.h"				#include "sysLib.h"				#include "taskHookLib.h"				#include "taskLib.h"				#include "taskVarLib.h"				#include "tffs/backgrnd.h"				#include "tffs/dosformt.h"				#include "tffs/fatlite.h"				#include "tffs/flbase.h"				#include "tffs/flbuffer.h"				#include "tffs/flcustom.h"				#include "tffs/flflash.h"				#include "tffs/flsocket.h"				#include "tffs/flsysfun.h"				#include "tffs/flsystem.h"				#include "tffs/fltl.h"				#include "tffs/pcic.h"				#include "tffs/reedsol.h"				#include "tffs/stdcomp.h"				#include "tffs/tffsDrv.h"				#include "tickLib.h"				#include "timexLib.h"				#include "ttyLib.h"				#include "usrConfig.h"				#include "version.h"				#include "vxLib.h"				#include "wdLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdb.h"				#include "wdb/wdbBpLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbCommIfLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbLibP.h"				#include "wdb/wdbMbufLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbRpcLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbSvcLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbUdpLib.h"				#include "wdb/wdbVioLib.h"												/* imports */								IMPORT char etext [];                 				IMPORT char end [];                    				IMPORT char edata [];                  												/* BSP_STUBS */								#include "sysTffs.c"																#include "sysComms.c"				#include "intrinsics.c"				#include "net/usrBootLine.c"				#include "net/usrBsdSocket.c"				#include "net/usrEndLib.c"				#include "net/usrFtp.c"				#include "net/usrNetBoot.c"				#include "net/usrNetBootUtil.c"				#include "net/usrNetConfigIf.c"				#include "net/usrNetEndBoot.c"				#include "net/usrNetIcmp.c"				#include "net/usrNetIpLib.c"				#include "net/usrNetLib.c"				#include "net/usrNetLoopbackStart.c"				#include "net/usrNetMuxCfg.c"				#include "net/usrNetRemoteCfg.c"				#include "net/usrTcp.c"				#include "net/usrUdp.c"				#include "sysClkInit.c"				#include "usrBreakpoint.c"				#include "usrCache.c"				#include "usrKernel.c"				#include "usrSerial.c"				#include "usrStartup.c"				#include "usrTffs.c"				#include "usrWdbBanner.c"				#include "usrWdbBp.c"				#include "usrWdbCore.c"				#include "usrWdbSys.c"				#include "usrWdbTask.c"				#include "wdbEnd.c"												/******************************************************************************				*				*/								void usrInit (int startType)				    {						 				    sysStart (startType);              				    cacheLibInit (USER_I_CACHE_MODE, USER_D_CACHE_MODE); 				    excVecInit ();                      				    sysHwInit ();                      				    usrCacheEnable ();                 				    usrKernelInit ();                  				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetProtoInit - Initialize the network protocol stacks				*/								void usrNetProtoInit (void)				    {				    usrBsdSockLibInit();               				    hostTblInit();                      				    usrIpLibInit();                   				    udpLibInit (&udpCfgParams);        				    tcpLibInit (&tcpCfgParams);         				    icmpLibInit (&icmpCfgParams);      				    igmpLibInit();                     				    netLibInit();                      				                                       				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetworkAddrInit - Initialize the network address for a device				*/								void usrNetworkAddrInit (void)				    {				    usrDhcpcLeaseClean ();              				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetworkDevStart - Attach a network device and start the loopback driver				*/								void usrNetworkDevStart (void)				    {				    usrNetEndDevStart (pDevName, uNum); 				    usrNetLoopbackStart ();             				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetworkBoot - Setup a network device using the boot parameters				*/								void usrNetworkBoot (void)				    {				    usrNetBoot ();                      				    usrNetworkAddrInit ();             				    usrNetmaskGet ();                  				    usrNetDevNameGet ();                				    usrNetworkDevStart ();              				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetworkAddrCheck - Get an IP address if needed and setup the boot device				*/								void usrNetworkAddrCheck (void)				    {				    usrNetConfig (pDevName, uNum, pTgtName, pAddrString); 				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetRemoteInit - 				*/								void usrNetRemoteInit (void)				    {				    usrNetHostSetup ();                 				    usrNetRemoteCreate ();           				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetAppInit - 				*/								void usrNetAppInit (void)				    {				    ftpdInit ((FUNCPTR)NULL, 0);        				    usrFtpInit();                       				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrNetworkInit - Initialize the network subsystem				*/								void usrNetworkInit (void)				    {				    usrNetLibInit ();                  				    usrNetProtoInit ();                				    usrMuxLibInit ();                  				    usrEndLibInit();                 				                                       				    usrNetworkBoot ();                 				    usrNetworkAddrCheck ();             				    usrNetRemoteInit ();               				    usrNetAppInit ();                 				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrWdbInit - the WDB target agent				*/								void usrWdbInit (void)				    {				    wdbConfig ();                       				    wdbMemLibInit ();                   				    wdbSysModeInit ();                  				    wdbTaskModeInit ();                 				    wdbEventLibInit ();                				    wdbEvtptLibInit ();                 				    wdbDirectCallLibInit ();            				    wdbCtxLibInit ();                   				    wdbRegsLibInit ();                  				    wdbGopherLibInit ();               				    wdbCtxExitLibInit ();              				    wdbExcLibInit ();                   				    wdbFuncCallLibInit ();              				    wdbVioLibInit ();                   				    wdbVioDrv ("/vio");              				    usrWdbBp ();                       				    wdbTaskBpLibInit ();                				    wdbCtxStartLibInit ();             				    wdbUserEvtLibInit ();              				    usrWdbBanner ();                    				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrShowInit - enable object show routines				*/								void usrShowInit (void)				    {				    msgQShowInit ();                    				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrToolsInit - software development tools				*/								void usrToolsInit (void)				    {				    timexInit ();                       				    usrWdbInit ();                     				    usrShowInit ();                    				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrKernelCoreInit - core kernel facilities				*/								void usrKernelCoreInit (void)				    {				    eventLibInit ();                   				    semBLibInit ();                    				    semMLibInit ();                    				    semCLibInit ();                    				    msgQLibInit ();                    				    wdLibInit ();                    				    taskHookInit ();                    				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrKernelExtraInit - extended kernel facilities				*/								void usrKernelExtraInit (void)				    {				    hashLibInit ();                    				    symLibInit ();                      				    envLibInit (ENV_VAR_USE_HOOKS);     				    sigInit ();                        				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrIosCoreInit - core I/O system				*/								void usrIosCoreInit (void)				    {				    mathSoftInit ();                    				    usrBootLineParse (BOOT_LINE_ADRS);  /* parse some boot device configuration info  */				    iosInit (NUM_DRIVERS, NUM_FILES, "/null"); /* IO system */				    ttyDrv ();                          				    usrSerialInit ();                  				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrDosFsInit - DOS File System components				*/								void usrDosFsInit (void)				    {				    cbioLibInit();                      				    dosFsLibInit(0);                   				    dosFsFatInit();                    				    dosVDirLibInit();                   				    dosDirOldLibInit();                 				    dosChkLibInit();                    				    dosFsFmtLibInit();       				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrIosExtraInit - extended I/O system				*/								void usrIosExtraInit (void)				    {				    excShowInit ();                    				    excInit ();                        				    logInit (consoleFd, MAX_LOG_MSGS); 				    pipeDrv ();                        				    stdioInit ();                      				    fioLibInit ();                      				    floatInit ();                      				    dosFsInit (NUM_DOSFS_FILES);        				    ramDrv ();                        				    usrDosFsInit ();                   				    tffsDrv ();                      				    }																/******************************************************************************				*				* usrRoot - entry point for post-kernel initialization				*/								void usrRoot (char *pMemPoolStart, unsigned memPoolSize)				    {				    usrKernelCoreInit ();               				    memInit (pMemPoolStart, memPoolSize); 				    memPartLibInit (pMemPoolStart, memPoolSize);				    sysClkInit ();                    				    selectInit (NUM_FILES);           				    usrIosCoreInit ();                  				    usrKernelExtraInit ();            				    usrIosExtraInit ();                				    usrNetworkInit ();                  				    selTaskDeleteHookAdd ();           				    usrToolsInit ();                   				    cplusCtorsLink ();                  				    usrAppInit ();                      				    }											
