
源代码在线查看: overview-summary-tinymce_event.class.js.html

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关键词: tinyMCE 编辑器 使用手册
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				function asd() {
						parent.document.title="TinyMCE_Event.class.js Overview";
				  				  if(window==top) {
				    document.writeln('All Classes');
				All Classes
						No overview generated for 'TinyMCE_Event.class.js'
				 * $RCSfile: overview-summary-TinyMCE_Event.class.js.html,v $
				 * $Revision: 1.13 $
				 * $Date: 2006/02/13 15:28:43 $
				 * @author Moxiecode
				 * @copyright Copyright ?2004-2006, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
				/* The contents of this file will be wrapped in a class later on */
				 * Sets the enabled/disabled state of build in events on the specific node.
				 * This function is needed since some events gets executed in WYSIWYG mode.
				 * @param {HTMLNode} node HTML node to enable/disable events on.
				 * @param {boolean} state true/false state if the events should be disabled or enabled.
				 * @private
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._setEventsEnabled = function(node, state) {
					var events = new Array('onfocus','onblur','onclick','ondblclick',
					var evs = tinyMCE.settings['event_elements'].split(',');
					for (var y=0; y<evs.length; y++){
						var elms = node.getElementsByTagName(evs[y]);
						for (var i=0; i<elms.length; i++) {
							var event = "";
							for (var x=0; x<events.length; x++) {
								if ((event = tinyMCE.getAttrib(elms[i], events[x])) != '') {
									event = tinyMCE.cleanupEventStr("" + event);
									if (!state)
										event = "return true;" + event;
										event = event.replace(/^return true;/gi, '');
									elms[i].setAttribute(events[x], event);
				 * Patch function for MSIE specific events, this one simply grabs the window.event object and
				 * passes it as a argument to the handleEvent function of the TinyMCE_Engine class.
				 * @param {string} editor_id Editor id to patch.
				 * @private
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch = function(editor_id) {
					// Remove odd, error
					if (typeof(tinyMCE) == "undefined")
						return true;
					for (var i=0; i<document.frames.length; i++) {
						try {
							if (document.frames[i].event) {
								var event = document.frames[i].event;
								if (!event.target)
									event.target = event.srcElement;
						} catch (ex) {
							// Ignore error if iframe is pointing to external URL
				 * Unload document event handler function. This function will be executed when the
				 * page is unloaded, this will automaticly move the current editor contents to the textarea element this enables
				 * the editor to restore it's state when the user presses the back button in the browser.
				 * This will execute the triggerSave function.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.unloadHandler = function() {
					tinyMCE.triggerSave(true, true);
				 * Adds the handleEvent function to the specified editor instance.
				 * @param {string} editor_id Editor control instance to add event handler to.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.addEventHandlers = function(editor_id) {
					if (tinyMCE.isMSIE) {
						var doc = document.frames[editor_id].document;
						// Event patch
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keypress", TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keyup", TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keydown", TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "mouseup", TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "click", TinyMCE_Engine.prototype._eventPatch);
					} else {
						var inst = tinyMCE.instances[editor_id];
						var doc = inst.getDoc();
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keypress", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keydown", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "keyup", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "click", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "mouseup", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "mousedown", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "focus", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "blur", tinyMCE.handleEvent);
						eval('try { doc.designMode = "On"; } catch(e) {}');
				 * Mouse move handler function, this will be executed each time
				 * the mouse is moved within a editor instance. This function stores away the current selection in MSIE
				 * this will then be used when a undo/redo level is added.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.onMouseMove = function() {
					var inst;
					if (!tinyMCE.hasMouseMoved) {
						inst = tinyMCE.selectedInstance;
						inst.undoBookmark = inst.selection.getBookmark();
						tinyMCE.hasMouseMoved = true;
				//	tinyMCE.cancelEvent(inst.getWin().event);
				//	return false;
				 * Cancels the specified event, this will disable the event from be passed to other listeners in event chain.
				 * @param {DOMEvent} e Event to cancel.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.cancelEvent = function(e) {
					if (tinyMCE.isMSIE) {
						e.returnValue = false;
						e.cancelBubble = true;
					} else
				 * Adds a event handler function to the specified object.
				 * @param {HTMLElement} o Object to add event handler to.
				 * @param {string} n Event name to listen to for example "click".
				 * @param {function} h Function handler to execute when event occurs.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.addEvent = function(o, n, h) {
					if (o.attachEvent)
						o.attachEvent("on" + n, h);
						o.addEventListener(n, h, false);
				 * Adds accessibility keydown handler to the specified select element.
				 * @param {DOMEvent} e Event that gets passed when the element is focused.
				 * @param {HTMLElement} s Select element that the keydown handler gets added to.
				 * @param {DOMWindow} w DOM window reference to add.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.addSelectAccessibility = function(e, s, w) {
					// Add event handlers 
					if (!s._isAccessible) {
						s.onkeydown = tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;
						s._isAccessible = true;
						s._win = w;
				 * Accessibility handler that gets executed when the user hits a key in a select element.
				 * This handler trams the enter/return or space key and then executes the onchange event handler.
				 * @param {DOMEvent} e DOM event object instance.
				TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.accessibleEventHandler = function(e) {
					var win = this._win;
					e = tinyMCE.isMSIE ? win.event : e;
					var elm = tinyMCE.isMSIE ? e.srcElement : e.target;
					// Piggyback onchange
					if (elm.nodeName == "SELECT" && !elm.oldonchange) {
						elm.oldonchange = elm.onchange;
						elm.onchange = null;
					// Execute onchange and remove piggyback
					if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
						elm.onchange = elm.oldonchange;
						elm.oldonchange = null;
				  				  if(window==top) {
				    document.writeln('All Classes');
				All Classes
				Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Feb 13 16:28:04 2006
