
源代码在线查看: draw.java

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				// $Id: Draw.java,v 1.33 2006/10/27 16:25:58 belaban Exp $												package org.jgroups.demos;												import org.jgroups.*;				import org.jgroups.debug.Debugger;				import org.jgroups.jmx.JmxConfigurator;				import org.jgroups.util.Util;								import javax.management.MBeanServer;				import javax.swing.*;				import java.awt.*;				import java.awt.event.*;				import java.util.Random;																				/**				 * Shared whiteboard, each new instance joins the same group. Each instance chooses a random color,				 * mouse moves are broadcast to all group members, which then apply them to their canvas				 * @author Bela Ban, Oct 17 2001				 */				public class Draw extends ExtendedReceiverAdapter implements ActionListener, ChannelListener {				    String                         groupname="DrawGroupDemo";				    private Channel                channel=null;				    private int                    member_size=1;				    Debugger                       debugger=null;				    final boolean                  first=true;				    final boolean                  cummulative=true;				    private JFrame                 mainFrame=null;				    private JPanel                 sub_panel=null;				    private DrawPanel              panel=null;				    private JButton                clear_button, leave_button;				    private final Random           random=new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());				    private final Font             default_font=new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,12);				    private final Color            draw_color=selectColor();				    private final Color background_color=Color.white;				    boolean                        no_channel=false;				    boolean                        jmx;												    public Draw(String props, boolean debug, boolean cummulative, boolean no_channel, boolean jmx) throws Exception {				        this.no_channel=no_channel;				        this.jmx=jmx;				        if(no_channel)				            return;								        channel=new JChannel(props);				        // channel.setOpt(Channel.BLOCK, Boolean.TRUE);				        if(debug) {				            debugger=new Debugger((JChannel)channel, cummulative);				            debugger.start();				        }				        channel.setOpt(Channel.AUTO_RECONNECT, Boolean.TRUE);				        channel.setReceiver(this);				        channel.addChannelListener(this);				    }								    public Draw(Channel channel) throws Exception {				        this.channel=channel;				        channel.setOpt(Channel.AUTO_RECONNECT, Boolean.TRUE);				        channel.setReceiver(this);				        channel.addChannelListener(this);				    }												    public String getGroupName() {				        return groupname;				    }								    public void setGroupName(String groupname) {				        if(groupname != null)				            this.groupname=groupname;				    }												   public static void main(String[] args) {				       Draw             draw=null;				       String           props=null;				       boolean          debug=false;				       boolean          cummulative=false;				       boolean          no_channel=false;				       boolean          jmx=false;				       String           group_name=null;								        for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {				            if("-help".equals(args[i])) {				                help();				                return;				            }				            if("-debug".equals(args[i])) {				                debug=true;				                continue;				            }				            if("-cummulative".equals(args[i])) {				                cummulative=true;				                continue;				            }				            if("-props".equals(args[i])) {				                props=args[++i];				                continue;				            }				            if("-no_channel".equals(args[i])) {				                no_channel=true;				                continue;				            }				            if("-jmx".equals(args[i])) {				                jmx=true;				                continue;				            }				            if("-groupname".equals(args[i])) {				                group_name=args[++i];				                continue;				            }								            help();				            return;				        }								        if(props == null) {				            props="UDP(down_thread=false;mcast_send_buf_size=640000;mcast_port=45566;discard_incompatible_packets=true;" +				                    "ucast_recv_buf_size=20000000;mcast_addr=;up_thread=false;loopback=false;" +				                    "mcast_recv_buf_size=25000000;max_bundle_size=64000;max_bundle_timeout=30;" +				                    "use_incoming_packet_handler=true;use_outgoing_packet_handler=false;" +				                    "ucast_send_buf_size=640000;tos=16;enable_bundling=true;ip_ttl=2):" +				                  "PING(timeout=2000;down_thread=false;num_initial_members=3;up_thread=false):" +				                  "MERGE2(max_interval=10000;down_thread=false;min_interval=5000;up_thread=false):" +				                  "FD(timeout=2000;max_tries=3;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):" +				                  "VERIFY_SUSPECT(timeout=1500;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):" +				                  "pbcast.NAKACK(max_xmit_size=60000;down_thread=false;use_mcast_xmit=false;gc_lag=0;" +				                    "discard_delivered_msgs=true;up_thread=false;retransmit_timeout=100,200,300,600,1200,2400,4800):" +				                  "UNICAST(timeout=300,600,1200,2400,3600;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):" +				                    "pbcast.STABLE(stability_delay=1000;desired_avg_gossip=50000;max_bytes=400000;down_thread=false;" +				                    "up_thread=false):" +				                  "VIEW_SYNC(down_thread=false;avg_send_interval=60000;up_thread=false):" +				                    "pbcast.GMS(print_local_addr=true;join_timeout=3000;down_thread=false;" +				                    "join_retry_timeout=2000;up_thread=false;shun=true):" +				                  "FC(max_credits=2000000;down_thread=false;up_thread=false;min_threshold=0.10):" +				                  "FRAG2(frag_size=60000;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):" +				                    "pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER(down_thread=false;up_thread=false)";				        }												        try {				            draw=new Draw(props, debug, cummulative, no_channel, jmx);				            if(group_name != null)				                draw.setGroupName(group_name);				            draw.go();				        }				        catch(Throwable e) {				            e.printStackTrace();				            System.exit(0);				        }				    }												    static void help() {				        System.out.println("\nDraw [-help] [-debug] [-cummulative] [-no_channel] [-props ]" +				                           " [-groupname ]");				        System.out.println("-debug: brings up a visual debugger");				        System.out.println("-no_channel: doesn't use JGroups at all, any drawing will be relected on the " +				                           "whiteboard directly");				        System.out.println("-props: argument can be an old-style protocol stack specification, or it can be " +				                           "a URL. In the latter case, the protocol specification will be read from the URL\n");				    }												    private Color selectColor() {				        int red=(Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 255);				        int green=(Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 255);				        int blue=(Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 255);				        return new Color(red, green, blue);				    }																    public void go() throws Exception {				        if(!no_channel) {				            channel.connect(groupname);				            if(jmx) {				                MBeanServer server=Util.getMBeanServer();				                if(server == null)				                    throw new Exception("No MBeanServers found;" +				                            "\nDraw needs to be run with an MBeanServer present, or inside JDK 5");				                JmxConfigurator.registerChannel((JChannel)channel, server, "jgroups", channel.getClusterName(), true);				            }				        }				        mainFrame=new JFrame();				        mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);				        panel=new DrawPanel();				        panel.setBackground(background_color);				        sub_panel=new JPanel();				        mainFrame.getContentPane().add("Center", panel);				        clear_button=new JButton("Clear");				        clear_button.setFont(default_font);				        clear_button.addActionListener(this);				        leave_button=new JButton("Leave");				        leave_button.setFont(default_font);				        leave_button.addActionListener(this);				        sub_panel.add("South", clear_button);				        sub_panel.add("South", leave_button);				        mainFrame.getContentPane().add("South", sub_panel);				        mainFrame.setBackground(background_color);				        clear_button.setForeground(Color.blue);				        leave_button.setForeground(Color.blue);				        setTitle();				        mainFrame.pack();				        mainFrame.setLocation(15, 25);				        mainFrame.setBounds(new Rectangle(250, 250));				        mainFrame.setVisible(true);				    }																				    void setTitle(String title) {				        String tmp="";				        if(no_channel) {				            mainFrame.setTitle(" Draw Demo ");				            return;				        }				        if(title != null) {				            mainFrame.setTitle(title);				        }				        else {				            if(channel.getLocalAddress() != null)				                tmp+=channel.getLocalAddress();				            tmp+=" (" + member_size + ")";				            mainFrame.setTitle(tmp);				        }				    }								    void setTitle() {				        setTitle(null);				    }																    public void receive(Message msg) {				        byte[] buf=msg.getRawBuffer();				        if(buf == null) {				            System.err.println("received null buffer from " + msg.getSrc() + ", headers: " + msg.getHeaders());				            return;				        }								        try {				            DrawCommand comm=(DrawCommand)Util.streamableFromByteBuffer(DrawCommand.class, buf, msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength());				            switch(comm.mode) {				                case DrawCommand.DRAW:				                    if(panel != null)				                        panel.drawPoint(comm);				                    break;				                case DrawCommand.CLEAR:				                    clearPanel();				                    break;				                default:				                    System.err.println("***** received invalid draw command " + comm.mode);				                    break;				            }				        }				        catch(Exception e) {				            e.printStackTrace();				        }				    }								    public void viewAccepted(View v) {				        if(v instanceof MergeView)				            System.out.println("** MergeView=" + v);				        else				            System.out.println("** View=" + v);				        member_size=v.size();				        if(mainFrame != null)				            setTitle();				    }								    public void block() {				        System.out.println("--  received BlockEvent");				    }								    public void unblock() {				        System.out.println("-- received UnblockEvent");				    }																    /* --------------- Callbacks --------------- */																    public void clearPanel() {				        if(panel != null)				            panel.clear();				    }								    public void sendClearPanelMsg() {				        int                  tmp[]=new int[1]; tmp[0]=0;				        DrawCommand          comm=new DrawCommand(DrawCommand.CLEAR);								        try {				            byte[] buf=Util.streamableToByteBuffer(comm);				            channel.send(new Message(null, null, buf));				        }				        catch(Exception ex) {				            System.err.println(ex);				        }				    }												    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {				        String     command=e.getActionCommand();				        if("Clear".equals(command)) {				            if(no_channel) {				                clearPanel();				                return;				            }				            sendClearPanelMsg();				        }				        else if("Leave".equals(command)) {				            stop();				        }				        else				            System.out.println("Unknown action");				    }												    public void stop() {				        if(!no_channel) {				            try {				                channel.close();				            }				            catch(Exception ex) {				                System.err.println(ex);				            }				        }				        mainFrame.setVisible(false);				        mainFrame.dispose();				    }												    /* ------------------------------ ChannelListener interface -------------------------- */								    public void channelConnected(Channel channel) {								    }								    public void channelDisconnected(Channel channel) {								    }								    public void channelClosed(Channel channel) {								    }								    public void channelShunned() {				        System.out.println("-- received EXIT, waiting for ChannelReconnected callback");				        setTitle(" Draw Demo - shunned ");				    }								    public void channelReconnected(Address addr) {				        setTitle();				    }												    /* --------------------------- End of ChannelListener interface ---------------------- */																    private class DrawPanel extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener {				        final Dimension        preferred_size=new Dimension(235, 170);				        Image            img=null; // for drawing pixels				        Dimension        d, imgsize=null;				        Graphics         gr=null;												        public DrawPanel() {				            createOffscreenImage();				            addMouseMotionListener(this);				            addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {				                public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {				                    if(getWidth() 				                    createOffscreenImage();				                }				            });				        }																        final void createOffscreenImage() {				            d=getSize();				            if(img == null || imgsize == null || imgsize.width != d.width || imgsize.height != d.height) {				                img=createImage(d.width, d.height);				                if(img != null)				                    gr=img.getGraphics();				                imgsize=d;				            }				        }												        /* ---------------------- MouseMotionListener interface------------------------- */								        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}								        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {				            int                 x=e.getX(), y=e.getY();				            DrawCommand         comm=new DrawCommand(DrawCommand.DRAW, x, y,				                                                     draw_color.getRed(), draw_color.getGreen(), draw_color.getBlue());								            if(no_channel) {				                drawPoint(comm);				                return;				            }								            try {				                byte[] buf=Util.streamableToByteBuffer(comm);				                channel.send(new Message(null, null, buf));				                Thread.yield(); // gives the repainter some breath				            }				            catch(Exception ex) {				                System.err.println(ex);				            }				        }								        /* ------------------- End of MouseMotionListener interface --------------------- */												        /**				         * Adds pixel to queue and calls repaint() whenever we have MAX_ITEMS pixels in the queue				         * or when MAX_TIME msecs have elapsed (whichever comes first). The advantage compared to just calling				         * repaint() after adding a pixel to the queue is that repaint() can most often draw multiple points				         * at the same time.				         */				        public void drawPoint(DrawCommand c) {				            if(c == null || gr == null) return;				            gr.setColor(new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b));				            gr.fillOval(c.x, c.y, 10, 10);				            repaint();				        }																        public void clear() {				            if(gr == null) return;				            gr.clearRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);				            repaint();				        }												        public Dimension getPreferredSize() {				            return preferred_size;				        }												        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {				            super.paintComponent(g);				            if(img != null) {				                g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);				            }				        }								    }																								}											
