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																				  				  "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1 September 2005), see www.w3.org">								  insert				  																				  				  				  								  				    cppreference.com > 				    "index.html">C++ Sets > insert				  								  				    insert				  								  				    Syntax:				  				  				  #include <set>				  iterator insert( iterator i, const 				"../containers.html">TYPE& val );				  void insert( 				"../iterators.html">input_iterator start, 				"../iterators.html">input_iterator end );				  pair<iterator,bool> insert( const 				"../containers.html">TYPE& val );												  The function insert() either:								  				    inserts val after the element at pos (where				    pos is really just a suggestion as to where val				    should go, since sets and maps are ordered), and returns an				    iterator to that element.								    inserts a range of elements from start to				    end.								    inserts val, but only if val doesn't				    already exist. The return value is an iterator to the element				    inserted, and a boolean describing whether an insertion took				    place.				  								  				    Related topics:				  								  				    (C++ Maps) Map operators				  				  				  				  												  				  											
