.func printf wprintf _uprintf
.funcw wprintf
int printf( const char *format, ... );
.ixfunc2 '&StrIo' &func
.if &'length(&wfunc.) ne 0 .do begin
int wprintf( const wchar_t *format, ... );
.ixfunc2 '&StrIo' &wfunc
.ixfunc2 '&Wide' &wfunc
.do end
.if &'length(&ufunc.) ne 0 .do begin
int _uprintf( const wchar_t *format, ... );
.ixfunc2 '&StrIo' &ufunc
.do end
.desc begin
The &func function writes output to the file designated by
.kw stdout
under control of the argument
.arg format.
.arg format
string is described below.
.if &'length(&wfunc.) ne 0 .do begin
The &wfunc function is identical to &func except that it accepts a
wide-character string argument for
.arg format.
.do end
.if &'length(&ufunc.) ne 0 .do begin
The &ufunc Unicode function is identical to &func except that it
accepts a Unicode string argument for
.arg format
and produces Unicode character output.
.do end
.desc end
.return begin
The &func function returns the number of characters written, or a
negative value if an output error occurred.
.if &'length(&wfunc.) ne 0 .do begin
The &wfunc function returns the number of wide characters written, or
a negative value if an output error occurred.
.do end
.im errnoref
.return end
.see begin
.im seeprtf printf
.see end
.exmp begin
void main( void )
char *weekday, *month;
.exmp break
weekday = "Saturday";
month = "April";
printf( "%s, %s %d, %d\n",
weekday, month, 18, 1987 );
printf( "f1 = %8.4f f2 = %10.2E x = %#08x i = %d\n",
23.45, 3141.5926, 0x1db, -1 );
.exmp output
Saturday, April 18, 1987
f1 = 23.4500 f2 = 3.14E+003 x = 0x0001db i = -1
.exmp end
.im printfs