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: Class  MatrixAction







Class  MatrixAction


All Implemented Interfaces: Targetable, Ticklish

Direct Known Subclasses: BounceAction

public class MatrixActionextends PeriodicActionimplements Targetable

This class provides the means for a basic Matrix actions. Each time
 the tickle method is called, it will retrieve the matrix from the target and
 invoke the transformMatrix method, which the subclass must implement. The subclass
 defines the transformMatrix method to apply a transformation to the matrix of the
 target of the action.
 The MatrixAction will also notify the subclass of any changes of rate direction
 and if the subclass is interested in constraint testing will notify the subclass
 which side(s) a targets matrix has collided with after the transformation has
 been applied. These two states are notified with the rateDirectionChanged and
 boundsReached methods respectively.
 Though the Space is generally specified it is only used in the bounds testing.

Field Summary

protected  boolean

          Set this boolean to true or false to perform bounds testing of the
 target within the bounds of its enclosing Space.

protected static int

          These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with.

protected static int

          These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with.

protected static int

          These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with.

protected static int

          These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with.

protected  Transformable

          The target of the matrix transformations

protected  TransformMatrix

          This is the class that will do the transformations on the target's matrix


Fields inherited from class quicktime.app.actions.PeriodicAction

actor, reschedule


Fields inherited from interface quicktime.app.time.Ticklish



Constructor Summary

MatrixAction(int scale,
             int period,
             QTDisplaySpace space,
             Transformable t,
             TransformMatrix transformMatrixAction)

          Create a MatrixAction that will act upon a Matrix.

MatrixAction(int scale,
             int period,
             QTDrawable space,
             Transformable t)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4


Method Summary

protected  void
boundsReached(int whichSide)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4

protected  boolean

          Subclasses should return true if after an action is triggered (the doAction
 method is called) the action has reached one of its specified constraint conditions
 and the actionable object should be triggered.

protected  void
doAction(float er,
         int t)

          When called it performs three primary tasks:
 (1) Checks to see if rate direction has changed - if so calls the rateDirectionChanged method
 (2) Calls the transformMatrix method which the subclass defines
 (3) If doConstraintBoundsTesting is true does bounds testing of the target within
 the enclosing space and notifies of any collisions of the target with the space's sides.

equals(java.lang.Object obj)

          Returns true if the incoming object is a Matrix action with the same target.


          Deprecated. since QTJava 4


          Deprecated. since QTJava 4

protected  void
rateDirectionChanged(boolean forwards)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4

setSpace(QTDrawable space)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4

setTarget(java.lang.Object target)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4

protected  void
setTargetMatrix(Matrix transformedMatrix)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4


          Return a string representation of this class.

protected  void
transformMatrix(Matrix theMatrix)

          Deprecated. since QTJava 4


Methods inherited from class quicktime.app.actions.PeriodicAction

getActionable, getPeriod, getScale, getTriggerCondition, setActionable, setPeriod, setScale, setTriggerCondition, tickle, timeChanged


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface quicktime.app.time.Ticklish

tickle, timeChanged


Field Detail


protected static final int kLeftSide

These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with. Horizontal and Vertical
 sides are provided as a means for testing for both left and right,
 up and down respectively.


protected static final int kRightSide

These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with. Horizontal and Vertical
 sides are provided as a means for testing for both left and right,
 up and down respectively.


protected static final int kTopSide

These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with. Horizontal and Vertical
 sides are provided as a means for testing for both left and right,
 up and down respectively.


protected static final int kBottomSide

These constants are used in the boundsReached call to indicate to the
 subclass which edge the target has collided with. Horizontal and Vertical
 sides are provided as a means for testing for both left and right,
 up and down respectively.


protected Transformable target

The target of the matrix transformations


protected TransformMatrix transMatrix

This is the class that will do the transformations on the target's matrix


protected boolean doConstraintBoundsTesting

Set this boolean to true or false to perform bounds testing of the
 target within the bounds of its enclosing Space. Default is false.
 If true the enclosing Space must be specified.

Constructor Detail


protected MatrixAction(int scale,
                       int period,
                       QTDrawable space,
                       Transformable t)
                throws QTException

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

Create a PeriodicAction that will act upon a Matrix.
Parameters:scale - the amount with which a second is divided into at a rate of oneperiod - the number of scale ticks that elapse between invocations of the action.space - the QTDrawable object that is the enclosing space of the Transformable target.t - a transformable object that will have its display matrix altered by the deltaMatrixSee Also: TransformMatrix


public MatrixAction(int scale,
                    int period,
                    QTDisplaySpace space,
                    Transformable t,
                    TransformMatrix transformMatrixAction)
             throws QTException

Create a MatrixAction that will act upon a Matrix. It delegates the
 matrix transformation to the TransformMatrix object that is supplied in the constructor.
Parameters:scale - the amount with which a second is divided into at a rate of oneperiod - the number of scale ticks that elapse between invocations of the action.space - the QTDrawable object that is the enclosing space of the Transformable target.t - a transformable object that will have its display matrix altered by the deltaMatrixtransformMatrixAction - the transformation that will be applied to the target's matrix every time this action is invoked.

Method Detail


public void setTarget(java.lang.Object target)

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

Sets the target of the action. The target must be some kind of Transformable object.
Specified by: setTarget in interface Targetable

Parameters:target - a Transformable objectSee Also: TransformMatrix


public java.lang.Object getTarget()

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

Returns the current target of the action.
Specified by: getTarget in interface Targetable

Returns:the current targetSee Also: TransformMatrix


public QTDrawable getSpace()

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

The space which is the space that the transformable
 object is a member of.

Returns:the enclosing space.See Also: TransformMatrix


public void setSpace(QTDrawable space)

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

Set the space which is the space that the transformable
 target is a member of.

Parameters:space - the enclosing space.See Also: TransformMatrix


protected void doAction(float er,
                        int t)
                 throws QTException

When called it performs three primary tasks:
 (1) Checks to see if rate direction has changed - if so calls the rateDirectionChanged method
 (2) Calls the transformMatrix method which the subclass defines
 (3) If doConstraintBoundsTesting is true does bounds testing of the target within
 the enclosing space and notifies of any collisions of the target with the space's sides.
 Once these tasks are performed the target's matrix is set to the transformed matrix
 through calling the setTargetMatrix with the transformed matrix.
Overrides:doAction in class PeriodicAction

Parameters:er - the rate at which the action was invoked.t - the time at which the action was invoked.


protected void rateDirectionChanged(boolean forwards)
                             throws QTException

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

The Matrix action notifies subclasses when the rate at which an action is tickled changes
 from positive to negative or vice versa.

See Also: TransformMatrix


protected void transformMatrix(Matrix theMatrix)
                        throws QTException

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

The Matrix action calls the transformMatrix method with a Matrix that the subclass
 should transform according to the particular transformation of the subclass.

Parameters:theMatrix - the matrix to transform.See Also: TransformMatrix


protected void boundsReached(int whichSide)

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

If the Matrix action is doing constraint bounds testing and a bounding
 condition is reached the Matrix action calls this method with one of four
 flags to indicate which side of the enclosing space the target collided with.

Parameters:whichSide - a flag that indicates which sideSee Also: TransformMatrix


protected void setTargetMatrix(Matrix transformedMatrix)
                        throws QTException

Deprecated. since QTJava 4

This method is invoked by the doAction method once the matrix has been
 transformed. The default behaviour of this method is to just call the target's
 setMatrix method with the transformed matrix.

Parameters:transformedMatrix - the new matrix for the targetSee Also: TransformMatrix


protected boolean constraintReached()

Subclasses should return true if after an action is triggered (the doAction
 method is called) the action has reached one of its specified constraint conditions
 and the actionable object should be triggered. How this is defined is determined
 totally by the subclass. This method will only be called by the tickle method
 if the Action has an Actionable actor.
Overrides:constraintReached in class PeriodicAction

Returns:true if the actionable object (if set) should be triggered


public java.lang.String toString()

Return a string representation of this class.
Overrides:toString in class PeriodicAction

Following copied from class: quicktime.app.actions.PeriodicAction

Returns:a String


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)

Returns true if the incoming object is a Matrix action with the same target.
Overrides:equals in class PeriodicAction

Parameters:obj - the object to testReturns:true if equal, false if not






