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: Class  SndHandle







Class  SndHandle


All Implemented Interfaces: InterfaceLib, PrimitivesLib, QuickTimeLib, SharedLibrary, com.apple.jdirect.SharedLibrary, SoundLib

public final class SndHandleextends QTHandleimplements QuickTimeLib, SoundLib

Fields inherited from interface quicktime.jdirect.QuickTimeLib

JDirect_MacOSX, libraryInstance, name


Fields inherited from interface quicktime.jdirect.SoundLib

JDirect_MacOSX, libraryInstance


Constructor Summary


          Construct an empty handle that must be initialized by the setupHeader call.

SndHandle(int size,
          boolean clear)

          Construct an empty handle that must be initialized by the setupHeader call.

SndHandle(int numChannels,
          float sampleRate,
          int sampleSize,
          int compressionType)

          Construct a sound resource for containing sampled sound that can be used to record and play sound.

SndHandle(int numChannels,
          float sampleRate,
          int sampleSize,
          int compressionType,
          int baseNote)

          Construct a sound resource for containing sampled sound that can be used to record and play sound.


Method Summary

appendSoundBuffer(int bufferSize)

          Appends the specified number of bytes to the SoundHandle after
 the header.

appendSoundData(QTPointerRef buffer)

          Appends the sound buffer to the end of this handle.


          Return a Pointer to the sound data that is contained within the SndHandle.


          The number of bytes from the beginning of the sound resource specified by the sndHdl parameter to the sound header that is contained within.


          You use this function to retrieve information about a SndHandle.

setSoundData(QTPointerRef buffer)

          Sets the internal buffer Pointer of this sound header to the incomding buffer.

setupHeader(int numChannels,
            float sampleRate,
            int sampleSize,
            int compressionType,
            int numBytes)

          You can use the SetupSndHeader function to construct a sound resource containing sampled sound that can be passed to the SndPlay function.

setupHeader(int numChannels,
            float sampleRate,
            int sampleSize,
            int compressionType,
            int baseNote,
            int numBytes)

          You can use the SetupSndHeader function to construct a sound resource containing sampled sound that can be passed to the SndPlay function.


Methods inherited from class quicktime.util.QTHandle

clone, concatenate, fromEncodedImage, fromGraphicsExporterInput, fromGraphicsExporterOutput, fromGraphicsExporterText, fromGraphicsImporterAlias, fromGraphicsImporterData, fromImageDescription, fromSoundDescription, fromTimeCoderCurrent, fromTimeCoderSource, fromTimeCoderTime, fromTrack, reserveMemory, setSize


Methods inherited from class quicktime.util.QTHandleRef

copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyFromArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, fromCompressionDialogState, fromSCSequence, getBytes, getSize, inMemory, isLocked, lock, lockHigh, moveHigh, toQTPointer, toQTPointer, toString, unlock


Methods inherited from class quicktime.QTObject

disposeQTObject, equals, ID


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public SndHandle()
          throws QTException

Construct an empty handle that must be initialized by the setupHeader call.


public SndHandle(int size,
                 boolean clear)
          throws QTException

Construct an empty handle that must be initialized by the setupHeader call.
Parameters:size - how many bytes to allocateclear - if true the handle's memory is cleared to zeroes.


public SndHandle(int numChannels,
                 float sampleRate,
                 int sampleSize,
                 int compressionType)
          throws QTException

Construct a sound resource for containing sampled sound that can be used to record and play sound.
 You must append the actual sample data to the created SndHandle before it can be used to
 record or play.
Parameters:numChannels - the number of channels for the soundsampleRate - the rate at which the sound was recordedsampleSize - The sample size for the original sound (that is, bits per sample).compressionType - The compression type for the sound ('NONE', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', or other third-party types).


public SndHandle(int numChannels,
                 float sampleRate,
                 int sampleSize,
                 int compressionType,
                 int baseNote)
          throws QTException

Construct a sound resource for containing sampled sound that can be used to record and play sound.
 You must append the actual sample data to the created SndHandle before it can be used to
 record or play.
Parameters:numChannels - the number of channels for the soundsampleRate - the rate at which the sound was recordedsampleSize - The sample size for the original sound (that is, bits per sample).compressionType - The compression type for the sound ('NONE', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', or other third-party types).baseNote - The base note for the sound, expressed as a MIDI note value.

Method Detail


public int setupHeader(int numChannels,
                       float sampleRate,
                       int sampleSize,
                       int compressionType,
                       int numBytes)
                throws SoundException

You can use the SetupSndHeader function to construct a sound resource containing sampled sound that can be passed to the SndPlay function.

Parameters:numChannels - the number of channels for the soundsampleRate - the rate at which the sound was recordedsampleSize - The sample size for the original sound (that is, bits per sample).compressionType - The compression type for the sound ('NONE', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', or other third-party types).numBytes - The number of bytes of audio data that are to be stored in the handle. (This value is not necessarily the same as the number of samples in the sound.)Returns:the size (in bytes) of the 'snd ' resource header that is created


public int setupHeader(int numChannels,
                       float sampleRate,
                       int sampleSize,
                       int compressionType,
                       int baseNote,
                       int numBytes)
                throws SoundException

You can use the SetupSndHeader function to construct a sound resource containing sampled sound that can be passed to the SndPlay function.

Parameters:numChannels - the number of channels for the soundsampleRate - the rate at which the sound was recordedsampleSize - The sample size for the original sound (that is, bits per sample).compressionType - The compression type for the sound ('NONE', 'MAC3', 'MAC6', or other third-party types).baseNote - The base note for the sound, expressed as a MIDI note value.numBytes - The number of bytes of audio data that are to be stored in the handle. (This value is not necessarily the same as the number of samples in the sound.)Returns:the size (in bytes) of the 'snd ' resource header that is created


public final int getSoundHeaderOffset()
                               throws SoundException

The number of bytes from the beginning of the sound resource specified by the sndHdl parameter to the sound header that is contained within.

Returns:the offset to the sound header


public QTPointerRef getSoundData()
                          throws QTException

Return a Pointer to the sound data that is contained within the SndHandle.
 The SndHandle will be locked by this call and should remain locked for the
 life of the returned data object.

Returns:a QTPointer to the Sound data


public void appendSoundData(QTPointerRef buffer)
                     throws QTException

Appends the sound buffer to the end of this handle. This is required
 before the SndHandle can be used for recording or playing sound.
 If a pre-existing buffer has been appended this will be removed and
 replace with the incoming buffer. This will copy the incoming buffer.

Parameters:buffer - the buffer that contains the actual sound data.


public void appendSoundBuffer(int bufferSize)
                       throws QTException

Appends the specified number of bytes to the SoundHandle after
 the header. The call resizes the SndHandle to the sound header offset + buffer size.

Parameters:bufferSize - the number of bytes to append for the sound buffer


public void setSoundData(QTPointerRef buffer)
                  throws QTException

Sets the internal buffer Pointer of this sound header to the incomding buffer.
 This does NOT copy memory and is therefore the most efficient means of storing the data.

Parameters:buffer - the buffer that contains the actual sound data.


public final SndInfo parseSndHeader()
                             throws SoundException

You use this function to retrieve information about a SndHandle.

Returns:a SndInfo object






