DOS 6.22 的源代码


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关键词: 6.22 DOS 源代码
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				; File: LSINT.INC
				LSINT_INC = ON			;remember that this file has been included
				;**==           Internal Interface to Lister Component                 ==**
				;LsNode is a node in a binary tree used to describe the line being listed.
				LsNode	STRUC
					LN_sib		DW 0	;offset into bdNodes to sibling node
								; (NULL if none)
					LN_type		DB 0	;identifies what type of text is associated
								; with this node (LNT_xxx defined below)
					LN_val		DB 0	;variable length content which depends
								; on the value of field LN_type
				LsNode	ENDS
				;Node types:
				LNT_CHAR_TOK EQU 0	;value is 1 or 2 ASCII characters associated with
							; this node.
				LNT_STR EQU	2	;value is a 16 bit offset followed by 16 bit count
							; which identifies where the string is in
							; the text table.
				LNT_ENSTR EQU	4	;value is a 16 bit offset followed by 16 bit count
							; which identifies where the string is in the
							; text table.  The string may have runs of characters
							; compressed.
				LNT_CSSTR EQU	6	;value is a 16 bit offset into LIST segment to a
							; str255 struct for a string constant
				LNT_LITSTR EQU  8	;same as a LNT_STR node except that the list routine
							; generates two double quotes for each occurance
				;The following nodes can 'begin' a logical token (for _CrLf line splitting)
				LNT_ONAM EQU	10	;value is a 16 bit name table offset for identifier
							; associated with this node.
				LNT_LIST EQU	12	;this node has no atomic ASCII source directly
							; associated with it, i.e. it is a hierarchy node.
				LNT_RW EQU	14	;value is a 16 bit reserved word table offset for
							; reserved word or special character associated
							; with this node.
				LNT_SPACES EQU	16	;value is 16 bit count of spaces (blanks)
				LNT_NUM EQU	18	;value identifies a numeric constant
				LNT_COL EQU	20	;value identifies a column to advance to
				LNT_CHAR EQU	22	;value is 1 or 2 ASCII characters associated with
							; this node.  Identical to LNT_CHAR_TOK, but this
							; node is guarenteed to begin a lexical token
							; (needed for _CrLf line splitting)
				LN_val_list EQU LN_val		;LNT_LIST's offset to list of child nodes
				LN_val_oNam EQU LN_val		;LNT_ONAM's arg (offset into name table for id)
				LN_val_orw EQU LN_val		;LNT_RW's arg (offset into res word table)
				LN_val_char EQU LN_val		;LNT_CHAR's arg (ASCII char)
				LN_val_cbStr EQU LN_val		;LNT_STR's arg (# bytes in string literal)
				LN_val_oStr EQU LN_val + 2	;LNT_STR's 2nd arg (offset into program text
								;   table to start of string)
				LN_val_cbEnStr EQU LN_val	;LNT_ENSTR's arg (# bytes in string literal)
				LN_val_oEnStr EQU LN_val + 2	;LNT_ENSTR's 2nd arg (offset into program text
								;   table to start of string)
				LN_val_CsStr EQU LN_val		;LNT_CSSTR's arg (16 bit offset into LIST seg
								; to a str255 struct for a string constant
				LN_val_cbSpaces EQU LN_val	;LNT_SPACES's arg (# spaces to list)
				LN_val_cbNum EQU LN_val		;size of number in bytes (2, 4, 8)
				LN_val_clNum EQU LN_val + 1	;class of number (LIT_D2...LIT_R8)
								; see for enumerations
				LN_val_otxNum EQU LN_val + 2	;16 bit text offset to number's value
				LN_val_col EQU LN_val		;16 bit column to advance to (LNT_COL)
				CBLNT_LIST EQU	5	;size of LNT_LIST node
				CBLNT_ONAM EQU	5	;size of LNT_ONAM node
				CBLNT_RW EQU	5	;size of LNT_RW node
				CBLNT_CHAR EQU	5	;size of LNT_CHAR node
							; even though this could be 4 bytes, this allows
							; us to convert a LNT_CHAR node to LNT_RW node
							; without changing pointers.
							; It also allows us to store 2 chars in one node.
				CBLNT_STR EQU	7	;size of LNT_STR node
				CBLNT_ENSTR EQU 7	;size of LNT_ENSTR node
				CBLNT_CSSTR EQU	5	;size of LNT_CSSTR node
				CBLNT_SPACES EQU 5	;size of LNT_SPACES node
				CBLNT_NUM EQU	7	;size of LNT_NUM node
				CBLNT_COL EQU 5		;size of LNT_COL node
				; Flags in lsBosFlags which get reset at every beginning-of-line
				FBOL_GotIf		EQU 01H	;non-zero if an IF opcode has been
								;seen on this line
				FBOL_Shared		EQU 02H	;non-zero if opShared has been seen
				FBOL_AsClause		EQU 04H	;non-zero if next opIdVTRf is to be
								;followed by AS  (set by LrAsType)
				; Flags in lsBosFlags which get reset at every beginning-of-stmt
				FBOS_Channel		EQU 01H ;non-zero if #n, needs to be listed
				FBOS_StmtRw		EQU 02H	;non-zero if PushStmtRwBos has been
								;called for stmt
				FBOS_PrintSemi		EQU 04H	;non-zero if next PRINT item is to be
								;preceded by ";"
				FBOS_DoIdCommas		EQU 08H ;non-zero if every opIdVTRef and
								;opAVTRef is to be preceded by a comma
				FBOS_NextIdComma	EQU 10H	;used to list commas between 2nd->nth
								;id (if FBOS_DoIdCommas is set)
				FBOS_NextStmtComma	EQU 20H	;used to list opcodes which list
								;as a reserved word the first time
								;they occur in a statement, and as
								;a comma for the 2nd-nth occurence
								;in the statement.  See LrStCase,
								;LrStDim for examples of usage.
				FBOS_CallLess		EQU 40H	;remember not to emit () around arg list
				FBOS_InputPrompt	EQU 80H	;non-zero if LrInputPrompt has already
								;listed "INPUT "
				;2nd byte of word which gets cleared at beginning of every statement
				FBOS2_1stCoord		EQU 01H	;non-zero if coord pair seen before -(x,y)
				FBOS2_DECLARE		EQU 02H	;non-zero if listing DECLARE stmt
				FBOS2_Circle1		EQU 04H	;non-zero if got Circle Start argument
				FBOS2_Circle2		EQU 08H	;non-zero if got Circle End argument
				FBOS2_NonNilExp		EQU 10H	;see PopNilExp in lsrules.asm
				FBOS2_CONST		EQU 20H ;non-zero if listing CONST id=expr stmt
				FBOS2_CONST_COMMA	EQU 40H	;non-zero if listing 2nd->nth id=expr in stmt
				FBOS2_DIM		EQU 80H ;non-zero if listing DIM/AUTO/PUBLIC etc.
				;macro to store a constant in ds:di and bump di by 2
				stosDsWord MACRO value
					mov	WORD PTR [di],value
					inc	di
					inc	di
				;macro to store a constant in ds:di and bump di by 1
				stosDsByte MACRO value
					mov	BYTE PTR [di],value
					inc	di
				;Macro to define a List-Rule entry point
				ListRule MACRO	entry
					PUBLIC	entry
				entry	label	NEAR
				sBegin LIST
				EXTRN	mpOpLister:word
					;table which maps an opcode to the address of the function which
					; lists it.
				EXTRN	mpOpLsArg:word
					;table which maps opcodes into offsets into reserved word table
				ife	LSMAIN_ASM
					EXTRN	Stage2:near
					EXTRN	Stage2Inc:near
					EXTRN	Stg1Loop:near
					EXTRN	GrowBdNodes:near
				endif	;LSMAIN_ASM
				ife	LSUTIL_ASM
					EXTRN	NewChar:near
					EXTRN	NewCsStr:near
					EXTRN	NewId:near
					EXTRN	NewLabel:near
					EXTRN	NewLabelONam:near
					EXTRN	NewModLabel:near
					EXTRN	NewNum:near
					EXTRN	NewONam:near
					EXTRN	NewRw:near
					EXTRN	NewSpaces:near
					EXTRN	NewEnStr:near
					EXTRN	NewStr:near
					EXTRN	NewCol:near
					EXTRN	NewCol1:near
					EXTRN	PopRoot:near
					EXTRN	PushCommaArgs:near
					EXTRN	PushList:near
					EXTRN	PushRevList:near
					EXTRN	PushRoot:near
					EXTRN	PushRootChar:near
					EXTRN	PushRootChars:near
					EXTRN	PushRootLParen:near
					EXTRN	PushRootRParen:near
					EXTRN	PushRootSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushRootONam:near
					EXTRN	PushRootLabel:near
					EXTRN	PushRootRw:near
					EXTRN	PushRootRwSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushRootOpRw:near
					EXTRN	PushRootOpRwSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushRootQStr:near
					EXTRN	PushTemp:near
					EXTRN	PushTempChar:near
					EXTRN	PushTempChars:near
					EXTRN	PushTempLParen:near
					EXTRN	PushTempRParen:near
					EXTRN	PushTempSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushTempRw:near
					EXTRN	PushTempRwSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushTempOpRw:near
					EXTRN	PushTempOpRwSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushTempComma:near
					EXTRN	PushTempCommaSpc:near
					EXTRN	PopPushCommaSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushRootCommaSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushTempIdComma:near
					EXTRN	PushTempOpChars:near
					EXTRN	PushRootOpChars:near
					EXTRN	PushTempOpRwOrComma:near
					EXTRN	PushTempRwOrComma:near
					EXTRN	PopRootPushTemp:near
					EXTRN	PushTempCharSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushRootCharSpc:near
					EXTRN	PushStmtRwIfBos:near
					EXTRN	CharToCharTok:near
					EXTRN	ListOffToPtr:near
					EXTRN	ListSibPtr:near
				endif	;LSUTIL_ASM
				ife	LSID_ASM
					EXTRN	PushTempONam:near
					EXTRN	PushOffId:near
					EXTRN	PushListStg1:near
					EXTRN	PushRevListStg1:near
				endif	;LSUTIL_ASM
					EXTRN	LrRwSpc:near
				endif	;LSRULES_ASM
				sEnd	LIST
				sBegin	DATA
				ife	LSMAIN_ASM
					EXTRN	bdNodes:word
					EXTRN	cLsArgs:byte
					EXTRN	fGotBol:byte
					EXTRN	fLsIncluded:byte
					EXTRN	oNodeRoot:word
					EXTRN	oNodeTemp:word
					EXTRN	opList2:word
					EXTRN	opList:word
					EXTRN	lsBolFlags:byte
					EXTRN	lsBosFlagsWord:word
					EXTRN	lsBosFlags:byte
					EXTRN	lsBosFlags2:byte
					EXTRN	otxLsCursorTmp:word
					EXTRN	colLsCursor:word
					EXTRN	ndLsCursor:word
				endif	;LSMAIN_ASM
				sEnd	DATA
