如何在 Delphi 应用程序中, 去关闭外部已开启的应用程序? (2000年7月28日)
本站更新 分类: 作者:srw 推荐: 阅读次数:840
下面给出一段在 Delphi 中关闭“计算器”程序为例:
HWndCalculator : HWnd;
// find the exist calculator window
HWndCalculator := Winprocs.FindWindow(nil, '计算器');
// close the exist Calculator }
if HWndCalculator 0 then
SendMessage(HWndCalculator, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
在此特意再摘录一段 Win32 SDK 中的说明文字:
Typically, an application sends the WM_CLOSE message before
destroying awindow, giving the window the opportunity to
prompt the user for confirmation before the window is destroyed.
A window that includes a System menu automatically receives the
WM_CLOSE message when the user chooses the Close command from
the menu. If the user confirms that the window should be destroyed,
the application calls DestroyWindow. [END]