Protel DXP2004增强工具

源代码在线查看: font (2).~bas

软件大小: 694 K
上传用户: lyl_420819
关键词: Protel 2004 DXP
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Sub Main
				    Call  ResetParameters
				    RunApplication "D:\\Program Files\\Altium\\pcbhz\\font.exe"
				    Begin Dialog DialogName1 120, 60, 150, 70, "Chinese String"
				        TEXT 48, 10, 128, 12, "宏势公司提示:"
				        TEXT 24, 30, 118,22, "输入下面对话框后,再点击OK"
				                OKBUTTON 52, 54, 50, 12
				    End Dialog
				    Dim Dlg1 As DialogName1
				    Dialog Dlg1
				Dim Angle As Integer
				Dim Pstx As Integer
				Dim Psty As Integer
				Dim Path As String
				'Open "c:\temp.lgs\data.lgs" For Input As #1        ' Open file.
				Angle = Input(3, #1)' Get ten characters.
				'Open "file.lgs" For Input As #2
				'Line Input #2, TextLine
				'Pstx  = Input(5, #1)
				'Psty  = Input(5, #1)
				'Close #1                        ' Close file.
				' Call ResetParameters                                                    ' Run the PCB
				' Call AddStringParameter ("Format", "Protel PCB 2.8 ASCII File (*.pcb)") ' Export process
				' Call AddStringParameter ("Filename", Doc$)                              ' using the current
				' Call RunProcess ("PCB:Export")                                          ' file
				'Call AddStringParameter ("Format", "All files (*.*)")
				Call AddStringParameter ("FileName","c:\temp.lgs\hanzi.lib")
				'Call RunProcess ("Client:OpenDocument")
				'Call RunProcess ("Binder:LinkToObject")
				' Close #2
				'Call RunProcess ("Pcb:AddRemoveLibraryInPCBEditor")
				Call AddIntegerParameter("Rotation", Angle )
				Call AddStringParameter  ("Footprint", "place-han_zi_z" )
				Call AddStringParameter  ("Designator.Text", " "  )
				Call AddStringParameter  ("Comment.Text",  "hz  " )
				Call RunProcess         ("Pcb:Placecomponent"        )
				End Sub			
