基于eclipse的birt报表!!! 是个web项目!

源代码在线查看: license.sax.txt

软件大小: 27172 K
上传用户: wuqiweipp
关键词: eclipse birt web 报表
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				xml-commons/java/external/LICENSE.sax.txt $Id: LICENSE.sax.txt,v 1.1 2006/06/13 20:50:18 jeffliu Exp $
				This license came from: http://www.megginson.com/SAX/copying.html
				  However please note future versions of SAX may be covered 
				  under http://saxproject.org/?selected=pd
				This page is now out of date -- see the new SAX site at 
				http://www.saxproject.org/ for more up-to-date
				releases and other information. Please change your bookmarks.
				SAX2 is Free!
				I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for
				XML), and release all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and
				documentation contained in this distribution into the Public Domain.
				SAX comes with NO WARRANTY or guarantee of fitness for any
				David Megginson, david@megginson.com
