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				#/* Copyright (c) 1994 Burra Gopal, Udi Manber.  All Rights Reserved. */				# Makefile for the compress library -- agrep should be linked with it in case				# it wants to search for patterns in a compressed file.								# You might have to change these depending on your machine configuration.				# AR and RANLIB are the library-archive programs. On IRIX, RANLIB is not				# required (define it to true) and AR is in /usr/ccs/bin/ar (on our machine!).				CC = gcc				AR	      = /bin/ar				RANLIB	      = /bin/ranlib								SHELL = /bin/sh								# Define HAVE_DIRENT_H to be 1 when you don't have  else define it to be 0 (in this case, one of the other 3 flags may need to be defined to be 1).				HAVE_DIRENT_H = 0				HAVE_SYS_DIR_H	= 0				HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H	= 0				HAVE_NDIR_H	= 0								# Define UTIME to be 1 if you have the utime() routine on your system. Else define it to be 0.				UTIME = 1								# Define ISO_CHAR_SET to be 1 if you want to use the international 8bit character set. Else define it to be 0.				ISO_CHAR_SET = 0								# YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE								INDEXDIR = ../index				AGREPDIR = ../agrep				LIBDIR = ../lib				BIN = ../bin				TEMPLATEDIR   = ../libtemplate								all: lib tbuild cast uncast test					cp tbuild $(BIN)/.					cp cast $(BIN)/.					cp uncast $(BIN)/.								# Include flags is not a part of CLFAGS and LINKFLAGS since path names from subdirs can be different				OPTIMIZEFLAGS	= -O				#PROFILEFLAGS	= -p				#DEBUGFLAGS	= -g -DBG_DEBUG=1 -DDEBUG=1				INCLUDEFLAGS	= -I$(INDEXDIR) -I$(AGREPDIR) -I$(TEMPLATEDIR)/include -I/usr/include/bsd/sys				DEFINEFLAGS	= -DSTRUCTURED_QUERIES=$(STRUCTURED_QUERIES) -DHAVE_DIRENT_H=$(HAVE_DIRENT_H) -DUTIME=$(UTIME) -DISO_CHAR_SET=$(ISO_CHAR_SET)				SUBDIRCFLAGS	= -c $(DEFINEFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZEFLAGS) $(PROFILEFLAGS) $(DEBUGFLAGS)				CFLAGS		= $(INCLUDEFLAGS) $(SUBDIRCFLAGS)				SUBDIRLINKFLAGS	= $(PROFILEFLAGS)				LINKFLAGS	= $(INCLUDES) $(SUBDIRLINKFLAGS)				OTHERLIBS	=								LIBOBJ = hash.o string.o misc.o quick.o cast.o uncast.o tsimpletest.o tmemlook.o tbuild.o				LIB = $(LIBDIR)/libcast.a								lib: $(LIBOBJ)					$(AR) rcv $(LIB) $(LIBOBJ)					$(RANLIB) $(LIB)								test: hash.o string.o misc.o test.o quick.o tsimpletest.o tmemlook.o cast.o uncast.o					 $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o test hash.o string.o misc.o test.o quick.o tsimpletest.o tmemlook.o cast.o uncast.o $(OTHERLIBS)								tbuild: hash.o string.o misc.o tbuild.o main_tbuild.o defs.h					 $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o tbuild hash.o string.o misc.o tbuild.o main_tbuild.o $(OTHERLIBS)								cast: main_cast.o $(LIB)					 $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o cast main_cast.o $(LIBOBJ) $(OTHERLIBS)								uncast: main_uncast.o $(LIB)					$(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o uncast main_uncast.o $(LIBOBJ) $(OTHERLIBS)								hash.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				string.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				misc.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				quick.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				cast.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				uncast.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				main_cast.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				main_uncast.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				tsimpletest.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				tmemlook.o: defs.h $(INDEXDIR)/glimpse.h				test.o : test.c								clean:					rm -f *.o $(LIB) core test cast uncast tbuild a.out							
