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				The network layer
								href="Network layer - packets_file/style.css" rel=stylesheet>
				Network layer - packets
				References:J. Postel, RFC 791 INTERNET PROTOCOL J. Postel, RFC 793 
				TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL				clear=all>Networking is structured in a layered architectures (the OSI model) in 
				which the upper level relies on the lower level to send/receive data. 
				  The bottom level is the physical leyer, with network boards, switches, 
				  cables, or radiowave, or whetever else; 
				  Immediately above it is the data-link layer. This puts the datagrams in 
				  packets and transmits them via the network interface. It adds start and end 
				  flags and bit error checking (CRC or parity). 
				  Above it is the network layer. This layer is responsible for routing the 
				  packets so that they can reach their destination. It may split the segment in 
				  fragments. It sends/receives datagrams. 
				  Next there is the transport leyer. This layer breaks the data in 
				  small-size chunks (segments) that can be send to the network. It also 
				  reassembles incoming packets into a stream. It provides also error checking. 
				  Above is the session leyer. This layer manages the logical control: source 
				  and destination, startup and shutdown of a session. 
				  Above is the presentation layer. This layer translates data from the 
				  network in a format usable by the application, and viceversa from application 
				  format into network format. Below this point bytes are a stream of octets. 
				  At the top there is the application layer, which interacts with the user 
				  and with other programs. 
				 				clear=all>The network implementation does not strictly follow this model. TCP 
				provides initialization of a connection (three way handshake), finilazation 
				(FIN-ACK), and control. TCP is session aware (logical ports). IP provides 
				fragmentation of long segments, and machine to machine routing with the IP 
				address system. Finally ethernet encapsulates packets with their physical (MAC) 
				Marco Corvi - 2003 
								language=JavaScript>var PUpage="76001084"; var PUprop="geocities"; 
								src="Network layer - packets_file/pu5geo.js">
								src="Network layer - packets_file/ygIELib9.js">
				var yviContents='';yviR='us';yfiEA(0);
								src="Network layer - packets_file/geov2.js">
								src="Network layer - packets_file/visit.gif" width=1 border=0> 				height=1 alt=1 src="Network layer - packets_file/serv.gif" width=1> 
