按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来

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关键词: cross-device graphics library support
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																				Image Surfaces																																																																																												Cairo: A Vector Graphics Library												Top				                   | 				                  Description																								Image Surfaces				Image Surfaces — Rendering to memory buffers																				Synopsis																				enum        cairo_format_t;				cairo_surface_t* cairo_image_surface_create (cairo_format_t format,				                                             int width,				                                             int height);				cairo_surface_t* cairo_image_surface_create_for_data				                                            (unsigned char *data,				                                             cairo_format_t format,				                                             int width,				                                             int height,				                                             int stride);				unsigned char* cairo_image_surface_get_data (cairo_surface_t *surface);				cairo_format_t cairo_image_surface_get_format				                                            (cairo_surface_t *surface);				int         cairo_image_surface_get_width   (cairo_surface_t *surface);				int         cairo_image_surface_get_height  (cairo_surface_t *surface);				int         cairo_image_surface_get_stride  (cairo_surface_t *surface);																Description								    Image surfaces provide the ability to render to memory buffers				    either allocated by cairo or by the calling code.  The supported				    image formats are those defined in cairo_format_t.				  												Details												enum cairo_format_t				typedef enum _cairo_format {				    CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,				    CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,				    CAIRO_FORMAT_A8,				    CAIRO_FORMAT_A1,				    CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB16_565				} cairo_format_t;												cairo_format_t is used to identify the memory format of				image data.																																				CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32				 each pixel is a 32-bit quantity, with				  alpha in the upper 8 bits, then red, then green, then blue.				  The 32-bit quantities are stored native-endian. Pre-multiplied				  alpha is used. (That is, 50% transparent red is 0x80800000,				  not 0x80ff0000.)																				CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24				 each pixel is a 32-bit quantity, with				  the upper 8 bits unused. Red, Green, and Blue are stored				  in the remaining 24 bits in that order.																				CAIRO_FORMAT_A8				 each pixel is a 8-bit quantity holding				  an alpha value.																				CAIRO_FORMAT_A1				 each pixel is a 1-bit quantity holding				  an alpha value. Pixels are packed together into 32-bit				  quantities. The ordering of the bits matches the				  endianess of the platform. On a big-endian machine, the				  first pixel is in the uppermost bit, on a little-endian				  machine the first pixel is in the least-significant bit.																				CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB16_565				 each pixel is a 16-bit quantity,				  with red in the upper 5 bits, then green in the next 6,				  then blue in the lowest 5 bits. (Since 1.2)																																				cairo_image_surface_create ()				cairo_surface_t* cairo_image_surface_create (cairo_format_t format,				                                             int width,				                                             int height);																				cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ()				cairo_surface_t* cairo_image_surface_create_for_data				                                            (unsigned char *data,				                                             cairo_format_t format,				                                             int width,				                                             int height,				                                             int stride);																				cairo_image_surface_get_data ()				unsigned char* cairo_image_surface_get_data (cairo_surface_t *surface);				Since  1.2																								cairo_image_surface_get_format ()				cairo_format_t cairo_image_surface_get_format				                                            (cairo_surface_t *surface);				Since  1.2																								cairo_image_surface_get_width ()				int         cairo_image_surface_get_width   (cairo_surface_t *surface);																				cairo_image_surface_get_height ()				int         cairo_image_surface_get_height  (cairo_surface_t *surface);																				cairo_image_surface_get_stride ()				int         cairo_image_surface_get_stride  (cairo_surface_t *surface);				Since  1.2																															
