按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来

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关键词: cross-device graphics library support
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				 								                "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [								]>												Text				3				CAIRO Library																Text				Rendering text and sets of glyphs																				Synopsis																								            cairo_glyph_t;				enum        cairo_font_slant_t;				enum        cairo_font_weight_t;				void        cairo_select_font_face          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *family,				                                             cairo_font_slant_t slant,				                                             cairo_font_weight_t weight);				void        cairo_set_font_size             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             double size);				void        cairo_set_font_matrix           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);				void        cairo_get_font_matrix           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_matrix_t *matrix);				void        cairo_set_font_options          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_font_options_t *options);				void        cairo_get_font_options          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_options_t *options);				void        cairo_show_text                 (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *utf8);				void        cairo_show_glyphs               (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,				                                             int num_glyphs);				cairo_font_face_t* cairo_get_font_face      (cairo_t *cr);				void        cairo_font_extents              (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_extents_t *extents);				void        cairo_set_font_face             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_face_t *font_face);				void        cairo_set_scaled_font           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font);				void        cairo_text_extents              (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *utf8,				                                             cairo_text_extents_t *extents);				void        cairo_glyph_extents             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,				                                             int num_glyphs,				                                             cairo_text_extents_t *extents);																																																				Description																												Details								cairo_glyph_t				cairo_glyph_ttypedef struct {				  unsigned long        index;				  double               x;				  double               y;				} cairo_glyph_t;												The cairo_glyph_t structure holds information about a single glyph				when drawing or measuring text. A font is (in simple terms) a				collection of shapes used to draw text. A glyph is one of these				shapes. There can be multiple glyphs for a single character				(alternates to be used in different contexts, for example), or a				glyph can be a ligature of multiple				characters. Cairo doesn't expose any way of converting input text				into glyphs, so in order to use the Cairo interfaces that take				arrays of glyphs, you must directly access the appropriate				underlying font system.												Note that the offsets given by x and y are not cumulative. When				drawing or measuring text, each glyph is individually positioned				with respect to the overall origin																				unsigned long index;				 glyph index in the font. The exact interpretation of the				     glyph index depends on the font technology being used.																double x;				 the offset in the X direction between the origin used for				    drawing or measuring the string and the origin of this glyph.																double y;				 the offset in the Y direction between the origin used for				    drawing or measuring the string and the origin of this glyph.																				enum cairo_font_slant_t				cairo_font_slant_ttypedef enum _cairo_font_slant {				  CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,				  CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC,				  CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE				} cairo_font_slant_t;																								enum cairo_font_weight_t				cairo_font_weight_ttypedef enum _cairo_font_weight {				  CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL,				  CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD				} cairo_font_weight_t;																								cairo_select_font_face ()				cairo_select_font_facevoid        cairo_select_font_face          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *family,				                                             cairo_font_slant_t slant,				                                             cairo_font_weight_t weight);												cairo_set_font_size ()				cairo_set_font_sizevoid        cairo_set_font_size             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             double size);												cairo_set_font_matrix ()				cairo_set_font_matrixvoid        cairo_set_font_matrix           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);												cairo_get_font_matrix ()				cairo_get_font_matrixvoid        cairo_get_font_matrix           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_matrix_t *matrix);												cairo_set_font_options ()				cairo_set_font_optionsvoid        cairo_set_font_options          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_font_options_t *options);												cairo_get_font_options ()				cairo_get_font_optionsvoid        cairo_get_font_options          (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_options_t *options);												cairo_show_text ()				cairo_show_textvoid        cairo_show_text                 (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *utf8);												cairo_show_glyphs ()				cairo_show_glyphsvoid        cairo_show_glyphs               (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,				                                             int num_glyphs);												cairo_get_font_face ()				cairo_get_font_facecairo_font_face_t* cairo_get_font_face      (cairo_t *cr);												cairo_font_extents ()				cairo_font_extentsvoid        cairo_font_extents              (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_extents_t *extents);												cairo_set_font_face ()				cairo_set_font_facevoid        cairo_set_font_face             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_font_face_t *font_face);												cairo_set_scaled_font ()				cairo_set_scaled_fontvoid        cairo_set_scaled_font           (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font);				Since  1.2												cairo_text_extents ()				cairo_text_extentsvoid        cairo_text_extents              (cairo_t *cr,				                                             const char *utf8,				                                             cairo_text_extents_t *extents);												cairo_glyph_extents ()				cairo_glyph_extentsvoid        cairo_glyph_extents             (cairo_t *cr,				                                             cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,				                                             int num_glyphs,				                                             cairo_text_extents_t *extents);																																							
