java 作图的程序

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								 				Graph Examples																Examples																				   Example 1				   A simple example of a static plot. The data is created by				       the applet and plotted using the Graph2D, DataSet and Axis classes.				   Example 1a				   As a number of people have asked me for an example of this, here				       is example 1, redone on 2 graphs side by side in the same applet.				   Example 1b				   A simple example of a plot using the VectorSet class to plot vectors.				   Example 2				   An example of using Threads and the Graphing Class library to				       produce a StripChart.				   Example 2a				   An example of using Threads, double buffering and the				       Graphing Class library to				       produce a flicker free StripChart.				   Example 3				   An example of plotting data loaded from a URL				       and allowing the user to rescale the plot, and retrieve the data.				   Example 4				   An example of the TextLine class, superscripts and subsripts.				   Example 4a				   An example of the RTextLine class an extension of the TextLine class				       that allows text to be rotated in multiples of 90 degrees.				   Example 5				   An example of the use of the BuildGraph class. The plot is built				       from a script file.				   Example 5a				   Another example of the use of the BuildGraph class.				   Example 5b				   Another example of the use of the BuildGraph class.				   Example 6				   An example of the use of the Contour class.				   Example 7				   An example of using the ParseFunction class. Plot a parsed function				       of one variable.				   Example 8				   An example of using the ParseFunction class. Plot contours				       of a parsed function				       of two variables.																								Jump To:				Graph Home				My Page								IGPP								Physics and Space Technology								LLNL																				Last modified: Tue Sep 24 15:29:19 EST 1996								 							
