编译原理与实践 Compiler construction principles and practice ,Kenneth c.louden 的书,一本很好的学习编译原理的书,里面包含的全书所有

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				Errata for Compiler Construction - Second and Third Printings
				Errata for Compiler Construction - Principles and 
				Practiceby Kenneth C. Louden
				Second and Third Printings
				Last modified Friday, 22-Jul-2005 21:47:39 PDT
				In addition to the 				href="http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/louden/cmptext/cmperr3.shtml">Errata 
				for the 4th and Higher Printings, the following errors:
				Page 4
				Paragraph 2, line 6: "Unix system studied in Chapter 5." should appear 
				as "Unix system. Yacc is studied in Chapter 5." 
				Page 10
				Figure in the middle of page: The syntax tree root node has the wrong 
				label. It should be "assign-expression", not "assign-statement". 
				Page 11
				Figure at the top of page: The syntax tree root node has the wrong 
				label. It should be "assign-expression", not "assign-statement". 
				Page 20
				Paragraph 1, lines 1-2: "--where the compiler of language B runs on a 
				different machine, which results in a cross compiler for A" should appear as 
				"where the compiler of language B generates code for (and runs on) a different 
				machine, resulting in a cross compiler for A" 
				Page 77
				12th line from the bottom: "bookkeeping tokens 				face="Courier New">EOF" should appear as "bookkeeping tokens 				face="Courier New">ENDFILE" 
				Page 106
				Example 3.7: In the second line (the grammar rule for 
				stmt-sequence), the semicolon should be Courier bold:
