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				Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator
				ARQ Methods ARQ mechanisms detect and correct errors that occur in the 
				transmission of frames. The aim of ARQ is to turn an unreliable conceptual 
				point-to-point data link into a reliable one. Three standard ARQ methods are 
				  Stop-and-wait ARQ 
				  Go-back-N ARQ 
				  Selective reject ARQ Consider a full-duplex (can be half-duplex 
				for stop-and-wait method) point-to-point link. Machine A is sending a sequence 
				of data frames to machine B. In general, the utilization of the link improves if 
				the propagation time of a frame is relatively small in comparison with the 
				transmission time of a frame. Let 				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/a.gif" 
				align=bottom> denote the ratio 
								alt="a = \frac{\text{propagation time}}{\text{transmission time}}" 
				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/a_def.gif"> 
				The following assumptions are made in order to derive the utilization of the 
				  Processing time at each machine is ignored. 
				  The transmit times of the ackknowledgments are ignored. 
				  A data frame is sent in error with probability 				  src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/p_.gif" 
				  align=bottom>, otherwise it is received correctly at machine B. 
				  Frames sent in error are detected as erronuous frames at machine B. 
				  Positive and negative acknowledgments are never in error. 
				Stop-and-wait ARQMachine A sends a data frame and waits for ACK before 
				sending the next frame. If it receives a NACK, machine A retransmits the frame. 
				The utilization is 				href="http://www.ee.hacettepe.edu.tr/~aktas/arq_simulator/#1">[1] 
								src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/u_stop_and_wait.gif"> 
				Go-back-N ARQMachine A can send 				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/n_.gif" 
				align=bottom> consequtive data frames without receiving an ACK. If it receives a 
				NACK, machine A retransmits the frame in error, and all the frames that follow 
				it. Note that for 				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/n_-1.gif" 
				align=bottom>, this method boils down to stop-and-wait ARQ. Assuming that there 
				are no errors in the retransmitted frames other than the frame initially in 
				error, the utilization is 				href="http://www.ee.hacettepe.edu.tr/~aktas/arq_simulator/#1">[1] 
								alt="U_{go-back-N} = 
\frac{1-P}{1+2aP}, & \text{if } N\geq 1+2a \\
& \\
\frac{N(1-P)}{(1+2a)(1-P+NP)}, & \text{if } N < 1+2a\\
				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/u_go_back_n.gif"> 
				Selective Reject ARQMachine A can send 				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/n_.gif" 
				align=bottom> consequtive data frames without receiving an ACK. If it receives a 
				NACK, machine A retransmits only the frame in error Note that for 				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/n_-1.gif" 
				align=bottom>, this method boils down to stop-and-wait ARQ. The utilization is 
								alt="U_{selective-reject} = 
1-P, & \text{if } N\geq 1+2a \\
& \\
\frac{N(1-P)}{1+2a}, & \text{if } N < 1+2a \\
				src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/u_selective_reject.gif"> 
				ARQ SimulatorClick 				href="http://www.ee.hacettepe.edu.tr/~aktas/arq_simulator/simulator/arq_simulator.html" 
				target=_blank>here for an animated simulation of the ARQ methods implemented 
				in JRE. (written by 				href="mailto:akifburak@gmail.com?subject=Comments on the ARQ simulator">Akif 
				Burak Tosun, Mehmet Fatih Isik, Mustafa Alagoz, Sinan Keskin, Ahmet Bugday, 
				Tuba Demir) 
				JRE 1.5 (Java Runtime Environment) :: 				href="http://jdl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=10433" 
				target=_blank>Get JRE from here. 
				JRE supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, etc.) 
				:: 				href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1e1550cb-5e5d-48f5-b02b-20b602228de6&DisplayLang=en" 
				target=_blank>Get IE from here. :: 				href="http://mozilla.com/firefox/all.html#tr" target=_blank>Get Firefox from 
				Note: If you do not see the simulation even if JRE 1.5 is installed: 
				        - check that JRE is enabled in 
				your web browser (ActiveX)         - 
				check that JRE is enabled through Control Panel (Windows) 
				    W. Stallings, Data And Computer Communications, Seventh 
				      Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 
								src="Utilization of ARQ methods and an animated ARQ simulator.files/address.gif" 
				-- end hhmts  
